Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Tollund Man is the most well-known bog body in Europe. (Why did somebody want to retain those bodies forever?)

The faces of Tollund Man

Tollund Man lived. And he was buried in the 4th century BC. He is one of the most well-known bog bodies in Europe. And the thing is that there is a mystery why bog bodies were buried in swamps? The swamp naturally mummified the corpses that remain almost forever. 

Roman historian Tacitus wrote that military escapers and bandits hung. And then their bodies flood to the swamp. But swamps retain bodies. And that thing is fighting against the writing of Tacitus. 

The thing is that the Tollund Man ate porridge there were lots of seeds of weed and other garbage that supports that theory. But the meat is against the punishment. And the thing is that the body has carefully put to the grave means that people who buried him respected him. 

So did he die because of some kind of poisoning. He was about 30 years old. And in his living time, that age was about 40 years. So did he die because of poisoning or some kind of illness like cirrhosis or cancer? His body seems undernourished. And that can tell that this man couldn't eat. So was the reason for dying the anorexia? But the last meal is telling that he ate voluntarily. And that means somebody might want to save his life. 

The reason why his grave was in a bog swamp. Were that there was somebody who wanted that the remains of that body rest forever. So somebody wanted the memory of those people to remain forever. 

The thing about the bog bodies is that those ancient persons who are buried in the swamps might be somehow different or remarkable members of society. The thing is that those people who buried those persons wanted that the remainings of the person would remain forever. 

That means that they didn't want that those bodies or persons not forgotten. So in some theories, the bog bodies were the ancient version of cryonics. The ancient people hoped that those people could restore to life and then they can return to live with people. 

But then we might think of one another point of view of those bog bodies like the Tollund Man. Maybe the people who buried bog bodies those bodies would want to use them as the "radios" between the world of dead and living people. 

The thing is that those people might hope that the force that came from the internal earth would take the signals from the bog bodies and the shamans could receive those signals. So the dead people would be the mediums and shamans communicate with spirits through that body.

So could there be some scientific evidence about that thing? There is the possibility that radiation could resonate with the nervous system and act like a carrier wave that can receive. But could some shamans use that thing? Well, many things are unknown to us. 

The force would be like magma would transmit the thoughts of the spirits to the living people when that internal energy inside the earth will travel through those bodies. That internal energy would go through those bodies and then it can bring the information from the versatile world. That part of the text is written in modern form. 

The thing is that if the Tollund Man was a respected person. He lived and was buried in the 4th century BC. So he was German. He lived before the Roman golden age.  So was there a ritual in German tribes that they hung their dead people in front of living people after their death? 

That thing could confirm that the person is dead before burial. There is the possibility that the death of that man was a ritual execution. When the respected and feared warrior gets old or sick his friends executed him because the revengers might torture the leader who kept the order in society. 

There is the possibility that the people who buried him hung that person over the small lake. The idea of that ritual might be that. The rising force from the lake drove the spirit of that man to the trees and nature. And then it transmits to all people. 

Or in some other version would be that the people who buried that man. Simply wanted to hide the identity of the dead. The peaceful look on his face is telling the tale that his death itself was peaceful. 

So maybe he was some kind of warrior or leader. And his fellows wanted to hide who he was because the identity of that strange body could bring revengers on that village. 

A peaceful death means that the death could be natural. Or it might be ritual execution. When he became too weak, his best friends or trusted men made sure that he was not feeling pain. And that ritual made for keeping secrets that should not tell anybody away from ears or outsiders.


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