Sunday, November 7, 2021

An example of the creature. That is at the same time living and dead.

Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor (e.g. Geiger counter) detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality resolves into one possibility or the other. (Wikipedia/Schrödinger's cat)


This is philosophical thinking about topics: Could Schrödinger's cat exist somewhere else than just in the quantum world?

The Schrödingers cat is an example of the superposition. The case where the cat is living can transfer to qubit to the case where qubit transmits data. And the cat is dead when the data is gone. There have been made many examples of cases where people can create physical conditions of the Schrödinger's cat. In those examples, the cat is closed in the cube and if somebody touches it the cat would die. Same way qubit loses its data if somebody touches it. 

But can living creatures get the Schrödinger-position? One of those creatures that can be same time dead and alive is a vampire. If the vampire is getting radiation it would burn to ash. So we can say that the vampire of the stories is the so-called Schrödinger-creature. And that means the vampire of the stories is between dead and alive. 

So the Scrödinger creature is the creature that is between death and living. The idea for Scrödinger's creature is taken from the vampire stories.  But one of the most interesting examples about the Schrödinger-creature is the hypothetical scientist who wants to live forever. The next writing is the hypothetical creature that is like Schrödingers cat. 

For making that thing our mad scientist would destroy mitochondria and the DNA from the cells. And then the needed brain chemicals would be injected into the body of that scientist. 

Then our hypothetical person would go in the chamber where is physically and chemically stable conditions. And then that creature would get the energy for the nervous system from outside. So if that imaginational person would make that thing the lifetime would increase because cells don't need nutrients for energy production because that thing would come outside from the body.

The thing is that this kind of creature would not ever walk anywhere because that thing cannot lose a single cell. The renewing of the cells is not possible. And without genetic material and mitochondria that organism would be connected to the room forever. And one single bacteria can be devastating. Because that creature has no immune system even the one bacteria can destroy the entire body. 

So that creature would be the Schrödinger-creature. The creature would be dead to other people. That creature would be in the example of the creature that is living in the chamber unable to go out. Maybe that creature would have robots to operate for it. But otherwise, that kind of creature would live in the chamber, and we cannot be sure if that thing is dead or alive.

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