The first question about the wormhole is what it is(1)? The answer is that the wormhole would be the extreme version of quantum tunneling(2). The reason why the light will travel faster in the wormhole. Is that the number of crossing quantum fields in that tube is removed. And there is nothing that can break the particles in that channel.
Or otherwise, the real wormhole would be a stretched black hole. That means the real wormhole would be the channel that forms between superpositioned and entangled black holes. In some theories, wormholes can transfer material only in one direction. The other side of the wormhole would be the white hole(3).
If somebody tries to dive into a white hole. The incoming particles will crush that thing immediately. The white hole would be the side of wormholes where particles are coming out. The thing that supports the theory of white holes is the Hawking radiation (4).
Are wormholes forming between superpositioned and entangled black holes?
The other theory is that the source of Hawking radiation is in the particles that are whirling near the event horizon. But there is the possibility. That the source of that radiation is in the white hole inside the black hole's singularity. So the energy and information travel in that system as it would travel in the superpositioned and entangled particles. So the wormhole would form between superpositioned and entangled black holes.
So the wormhole would be two channels that are behaving like power fields in the superpositioned entangled particle. And if the traveler would choose the wrong channel.
That thing would crush travelers immediately. That means. The white hole is the outcoming channel of the material. That would be next to the black hole that is pulling material in the other channel. The thing that supports this theory is the Hawking radiation or radiation that comes out from the black hole.
There are two types of wormholes: electromagnetic wormholes that are proven things. Electromagnetic wormholes are the radiation channels through the universe. But the real gravitational wormholes are not yet proven.
The theory of the forming of a wormhole would be simple.
The increasing power of the electromagnetic bridge between two black holes could form a series of black holes. Those black holes would stretch and melt to one energy channel that connects two black holes to one entirety. That means those black holes would be superpositioned and entangled.
The theory is that the radiation forms the gravitational wormhole. The beginning of the gravitational wormhole would be the electromagnetic wormhole. When the electromagnetic wormhole forms between the black holes. Its power will increase until it will turn particles inside it into a series of black holes. That is stretching their singularities to one entirety.
First, the wormhole would be the X-ray or gamma-ray radiation. That travels from one black hole to another. Then that radiation level would turn higher. When the radiation level would turn high enough the particles in that channel are turning the black holes. And then they will pull each other and the singularities of the black holes together.
Cosmic Web
Are wormholes being behind the cosmic web?
The cosmic web is suspected of being formed because of wormholes(5). The cosmic web is the gas that crisscrossing in the universe but what is the thing that makes it form the massive string-looking structures?
Is that thing the wormhole? When the wormhole oscillates the expanding wall of the wormhole would touch the quantum fields around it. And when that wall will drop in it leaves a small low-energetic area near it. And that causes that material is starting to flow in that area.
The thing is that the wormhole is "only" stretched singularity. But can humans someday make that effect? Theoretically is possible to create the electromagnetic wormhole by using a hollow extremely high-energetic laser ray. That thing means.
That the X- or gamma-ray laser would first shoot extremely thin laser rays through the space. Then that laser ray would start to expand, and if the conditions are good, that thing would remove the quantum field in that area. That kind of thing can be made someday possible to make wormholes through the universe.
The wormholes can be stable says scientists(6). The thing is that the theory of the wormholes is beginning that they are black holes that are linked together. That means the wormhole would be stretched black hole pair. But could that channel be stable?
The answer is that if the energy level of the walls of the wormhole is high enough that thing will repel other quantum fields. The whirling wormhole would be so high-energetic that it would push other quantum fields away from it. So otherwise saying. The negative energy that comes from the walls of a whirling black hole would cause that the wormhole is stable.
Negative energy means energy that travels outside from the high energetic areas. So if the wormholes would be stable they must be the most highly energetic areas in the space.
The idea is that there is a couple of layers of electromagnetic wormholes around the gravitational channel. And the gravitational channel would be the highest energetic layer in the cosmic cable. The most in of the layers are the gravitational channel and particles that are traveling it.
Would bring energy to that channel. So the only way that energy can travel is outside the gravitational wormhole. And because energy can travel only from the high-energetic areas to the lower energetic areas. That thing makes the wormholes stable.
The energy to that bridge is called a wormhole. Or Einstein-Rose bridge comes from the particles that are traveling in it. The theory says that another side of the wormhole is always a white hole. And the material can travel in only one direction in the wormhole as I just wrote.
That means the wormholes are pair of channels that are transporting information between the black holes. But are they real? Maybe that thing will be uncovered quite soon when the James Webb telescope starts its missions.
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