Thursday, November 25, 2021

Riemann hypothesis (Zeta-function or Riemann's Conjecture) is solved. And that causes the biggest vulnerability problem in the history of the Internet.

Riemann hypothesis (Zeta-function or Riemann's Conjecture) is solved. And that causes the biggest vulnerability problem in the history of the Internet. 

The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first nontrivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022 and¨, ±25.011. (Wikipedia, Riemann hypothesis)

Riemann's Zeta-function has non-trivial a zero-point if the value is 1/2. That means there is a sequence in that formula. And that sequence is the greatest vulnerability on the internet. The Riemann's Conjecture is solved in 2016 but the person would not get the prize of million dollars for solving the Millenium problem because there was something wrong with proof of that problem. 

If we are thinking that one of the most important mathematical formulas, the Riemann's Zeta function or Conjunction has zero points. That thing means that entire RSA encrypting must be made again. The fact is that nobody believed that over the 160 years old mathematical formula could produce prime numbers forever. 

In Riemann's conjecture are the non-trivial zero points in the points The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first nontrivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022, and ±25.011.

And the time of the quantum computers is making the old, prime number based solution where Riemann's conjecture is used for generating the prime numbers old-fashion. In the RSA encryption, the system will multiplicate the ASCII codes by using the prime number. And Riemann's conjecture is used as the generator, that creates the prime numbers for that purpose. The thing is that quantum computers can break any code that is made by using a primary computer in minutes.  

And when we are thinking about the ultimate calculation power of the quantum computer it can break traditional encryption simply by using brute force. The quantum computer would just drive the Riemann's conjecture again and again. And then it just tests all the prime numbers for the encrypted material. The thing is that the quantum computer can make in minutes the series. 

That is taking thousands of years if the attacking system would be the primary computer. And that means no system is safe without depending on is there zero points in Riemann's conjecture or if there are not zero points. The fact is that binary computers are useless against quantum computers. But the Riemann's conjecture is partially solved. There might be a zero point if the value is 1/2. But if we are thinking. 

Those systems secure the data flow created billions of prime numbers by using Riemann's conjecture. The one zero point means nothing for the regular user. If there is one zero point. The system would get the order to avoid that point or values got by using the value 1/2. 

But the fact is that the zero point in Riemann's conjecture is not confirmed, by the way, that the result is mathematically accepted. But there is a strong suspicion that Riemann's conjecture has zero point in the point of value 1/2.


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