Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Could there be invisible galaxies in the universe?

The thing is that if there is a chemically similar galaxy with Milky Way far away from us. There is the possibility that the radiation of the Milky Way pushes the radiation away from the Milky Way. That thing means that if the Milky Way pushes the radiation away. That thing makes it impossible to see some objects. 

Could the dark matter be some kind of condition of the material that the electromagnetic radiation would travel across it without causing the reflection? If we are thinking of the situation that is in the image above this text. There is the possibility that some galaxies have a certain form of a halo that pushes the electromagnetic radiation traveling around that galaxy away from it. 

So that kind of case where the electromagnetic radiation would travel around the object would be similar to what makes things like stealth bombers invisible for radars. The scale of the galaxy is much bigger than some stealth bombers. But there is the possibility that some kind of quantum phenomenon can make the entire galaxies impossible to see at least from great distances. 

Some another version of this question about invisible galaxies. Is that somewhere between Earth and that galaxy is the scattering field. That denies the wave movement to travel through that area. 

The ghost material and quantum stealth

Theoretically is possible to make the material that turns to the quantum cloud and returns to its form. That means theoretically at least the non-organic creature like a screw or car can turn to a quantum cloud. And when the time is coming that quantum cloud can return to its original form. So if research makes this thing into practice. That allows turning the aircraft to the ghost that could travel through the walls. 

There is the possibility that some types of material have the ability that electromagnetic radiation would travel through it and pass the atoms. If that thing is possible to make that allows to make the invisible materials. But there is one thing that we might forget. Theoretically is possible to make the ghost by using quantum technology. 

The idea is that the distance of the particles that are forming the nucleus of the atoms is pushed to a long distance of each other. If quarks that are forming the structure would be connected with the superstrings. That thing makes it possible to turn the physical object into a quantum cloud. And if those strings are true. Decreasing the energy pumping will make those particles return to form. 


Image I:https://scitechdaily.com/exploring-the-mysterious-origins-of-extreme-cosmic-light-flashes-that-outshine-entire-galaxies/

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