Sunday, November 21, 2021

Cancer cells are real-life vampires.

Cancer cells are real-life vampires.

Image: (ScitechDaily/Cancer Cells Use “Tiny Tentacles” To Suck Mitochondria Out of Immune Cells)

Natural nanotechnology makes immune cells powerful. But the same thing gives cancer cells active defense against the immune system.  The cancer cells are fighting more actively against the immune cells than predicted. The images above this text show that the mitochondria are traveling from the T-cells to the cancer cells. So cancer cell is like energy vampire that sucks mitochondria away from the immune cells. 

Natural nanotechnology is an impressive thing. The immune cells are using natural nanotubes to fight against bacteria. But the new thing is that also cancer cells are using similar technology against immune cells. The nanotubes or tiny tentacles can pull the mitochondria out from immune cells. And that thing makes cancer cells more destructive than they should be. 

The question is why evolution has been created that kind of cell? If we think that cancer is some kind of parasite, it will destroy its host. The thing is that there must be some kind of mutation that makes the cancer cell to acting a little bit like some immune cell. So are the cancer cells able to connect genomes from the immune cells to their DNA? 

The cancer cells are using tiny tentacles to remove the mitochondria from immune cells. And that thing means that the immune cells cannot fight against cancer so effectively as they should. The tentacles or nanotubes that the cancer cells are using are telling that there is some kind of hybridization between the cancer cells and immune cells or bacteria. This kind of active version of the defense against immune cells is making cancer cells more lethal than they should be. 

And if the cancer cells are pulling mitochondria away from the immune cells. That thing means that the immune cells can also die in that thing. This causes cell death and a dangerous situation. The thing is that the new research with the cancer cells is making new observations of those mysterious cells that are killing people and animals. 

The thing is that today we know that sometimes some viruses can write their genomes to the point where the programmed self-destruction of the cells is. And that causes that the cell is turning into a cancer cell. But the active defense of those cells is new. And that thing can help to create more effective medicals against those cells. 


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