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The brains are like a quantum computer. But brains are more intelligent and more effective than any quantum computer in the world.

The human brains are the quantum computer. Or they are giving an idea for quantum computers. The thing that makes the human brain so powerful. Is that they begin the data handling process in multiple places at the same time. The neuron is a model of the qubit.

Because it can send the data to multiple axons at the same time. The neuron can select how many axons it uses in each process. The membrane inside the neuron will act as the switch. 

The role of magnesite is that it controls which point the membrane will touch the core of the neuron. But it can also need for short-term memory. When the energy production in the mitochondria is rising that thing makes the magnetite more magnetic. And that thing can benefit in the data transmitted. When the temperature of magnetite would rise they are sending the electromagnetic impulses to the axons. 

That thing is one of the theories of how memory is working. The data from the incoming axon is stored in the magnetite. And then the brain selects should the brain forget the data or should it store it. The idea of memory is to offer a library, where the brain can select the action models in certain situations. 

But the thing is that the axons are acting like a multi-state qubit. The neurotransmitters and the electric processes are giving the multi-layer capacity to the qubit. So the human brains are like the multi-layer qubit system. But the difference between human brains and the quantum computer is that the quantum computer needs many megawatts for the processes. The human brain is using 20 watts for similar processes. 

The thing is what makes this thing possible is that every neuron is like a miniature brain. The neuron can choose how many axons it uses at every action. And another thing is that when the thinking process or data travels through the pineal gland the cerebellum and other parts of the neural system select if the solution is suitable. If the solution is not suitable the data travels in the human brain and in every round the brains are calling more neurons for handling that problem.

This gives more power to the thinking process. But also, some neurons are in reserve for handling the signals that are coming from the senses. The thing that makes human brains so economical is that there are mitochondria in every neuron. And that minimizes the loss of energy. So when the neuron is resting it doesn't use its all mitochondrial capacity. But when a neuron operates, it would increase its power supply by activating more mitochondria. 

In the human mind is three types of memories. The deepest memory is the memory that controls the behavior of species. That genetic memory makes people afraid of things like spiders and snakes. They can be dangerous and that's why humans and other species must be afraid of them. 

The necessary things for surviving the species are stored in DNA. In that molecular memory transmits data over generations. And that data includes information about scary animals like poisonous snakes and spiders. That data is necessary for surviving species. Theoretically is possible to transmit also other skills over the generations by using synthetic DNA bites. 

If that thing is possible to make. It makes it a possible possibility to transfer things like programming skills from one person to another one. By using the DNA bites that are involving those skills. The other two memory types are independent and individual. 

Only DNA-based memory can affect over generations. The DNA is sending RNA for controlling the cells. And then it activates the neuron to react the way, that is typical for species. 

The other memory is the working memory. There are two parts for short-term use. And the purpose of the short-term memory is to operate as the "parking lot". That is the layer, where the brains are choosing the data that is stored in long-term memory. 

And the long-term memory where the data is stored in the chemical form. The brains store some neurotransmitters for use in the future. When some problems are solved often enough, that solution is stored in the long-term memory. 

Sometimes researchers ask. How does the nervous system select, what data is stored? And what data is not so important? Which of those data bites will be written to the DNA which makes them genetically heritable? When brains are storing some data in long-term memory they are pulling axons to that memory block. 

If the memory block is not used the brains remove the axon from that block. And that thing is releasing the reserves of the brains. In the brain are 200 billion neurons and even more axon connections. That number seems impressive. But the capacity of the brain is limited. The process where the brains are removing axons from the memory block is called "forgetting". 

Brains can store the data in two forms. They can store precise answers. Or they can store only the model of how brains created the solution. The last thing is called fuzzy logic. 

That thing makes it possible to use the same models for creating new solutions for the problems. And that means the brains can use fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic is saving the capacity of the brain. Even if the brains have 200 billion neurons that the number of neurons is limited.

And if the brains would store only precise answers that thing makes them inflexible. If the system uses fuzzy logic. It would turn more flexible and faster because it must not test all neurons whenever it searches for the answer for problems.



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