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Mystery of Nikola Tesla

  Mystery of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Image by Napoleon Sorony c. 1890

The short biography.

One of the most mysterious men in history was Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). The thing that made that man interesting was his incredible productivity. That man invented many things like some kind of UFO. That "flying saucer" could fly by using the electric arc. But was it something more than just a "heavier than air" experiment? 

The best-known inventions of that man are radio-remote control systems and induction engines. He also worked with the things like death rays and things like "pure energy". Sometimes is not mentioned that Tesla graduated from college in three years. That school was planned to pass in four years. But Tesla was genius. And he passed that school sooner than it meant to pass. 

Then Tesla went to Imperial technical college in Gratz. His professor made the recommendation letter to  Charles-Ferdinand University, but he arrived too late. And that means Tesla ever started his Greek studies. And maybe that was lucky for people. Then he moved to Paris and after that New York where he worked for Thomas Alva Edison. Nikola Tesla died in 1943 in a hotel room that  Westinghouse Company paid for him. 

"Edison Machine Works on Goerck Street, New York. Tesla found the change from cosmopolitan Europe to working at this shop, located amongst the tenements on Manhattan's lower east side, a "painful surprise"(Wikipedia, Nikola Tesla). Sometimes I wonder, did regular people even know what happened behind those walls, where some of the most fantastic inventions have been created by Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. 

There is a long list of inventions that Tesla made or where he influenced.

Things like satellites and Tesla coil were invented by Nikola Tesla. He invented X-rays at the same time as Wilhelm Röntgen. And the most interesting of his inventions was the remote control, robotics, and many other things like lasers are invented by Nikola Tesla. Or that man had a strong influence on those inventions. 

One time Tesla made the small loudspeaker that caused resonance to the building. And that resonance almost destroyed the house where that man worked. 

But Tesla also made other interesting inventions that were mentioned as "too futuristic".  The wireless electric transfer is also made by Nikola Tesla. There was also incredible things like death rays and engine that used "cosmic energy". The death rays were maybe the cathode rays that killed cells in the body of the victim. Or maybe they were the X-rays that pointed the target from multiple directions. Creating X-rays is quite an easy process. The electrons must just make to impact with the iron cathode. 

The engine that used "cosmic energy" was probably the regular electric engine that used the superconducting antenna for turning the Earth's magnetic field as electricity. The idea is that the extremely low energetic (read: low temperature) object is put in the chamber. 

And then the energy can travel only in one direction. If there is an antenna between the lowest-energy level particle and air that thing allows collecting energy from that flow. Or maybe Tesla used the extreme electronegative object to make the electron flow to the unit that transforms natural electrons to the electric flow in the circuit. So was that strange invention the zero-point energy system?

Tesla might have Asperger syndrome or oversensitive senses. But is there something? Was there something that was not mentioned in the official biography?  

The strange thing in the life of Nikola Tesla was that he claimed to hear the fly will lay on the table. And the other thing was that he wrote in his biography "My inventions" that he could sense things in the dark like the bat. 

The question is: did somebody "control Tesla"? The idea for that thing claimed was given by Sidney Gottlieb. The person who was responsible for the MKULTRA-project. 

The reason for that kind of success in the field of inventions could be that somebody used the subliminal systems or "infrasound gramophone" from keeping lessons for Tesla. Or did he have the induction loop in the skull just after the skin? There is no evidence about that thing. But as we know Tesla was somehow "different". But he was a genius. And that thing means that he is one of the most incredible persons in history. 



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