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Making inquiries is one kind of skill.

For making inquiries we need data. And the target group for inquiries. Registers which involves data of things. Like customers who have the guarantee left. The thing is what data the database is involving is the same. 

The database of the source group is involving the limit. If the forms of the inquiries are sent to a too-large group of people nobody has time to sort and handle the data. AI can be a powerful tool for that thing. The system can filter the forms away.

If the form has been open for too short a time that makes it suspicious. When we are thinking about the form that has been open for about 15 seconds and which involves 20 questions, we might ask how good and useful data that from gives? When we want to make inquiries, we must understand that only valid and qualified data is the thing that brings useful information. 

This kind of database can use in many things. And one of them is when the guarantee ends. Those persons would get an offer to expand their support. 

But in the cases like some associations, the membership registers can use for testing. How satisfied the association has been to its members. The thing is that the best way to ask that thing is to make inquiries. But the thing is that if the association wants new members. The interesting thing is why some new member is involved in the association. 

And then if the maker of the inquiry wants the forms can send to the young and old members. And the thing that gives an effect to those inquiries is that what if the forms can target the oldest and youngest members. That kind of thing makes it possible to analyze how the motive to join the association has changed. 

The thing that the maker of inquiry needs is age. If we want to investigate the attitudes of certain age people. But the parameter can be how long people have been a member of the association? The different thing is how many people will answer those inquiries. 

How to get valid and useful data from forms is another thing. In the real world, people would not even read those questions. They might look that there is a draw for people who are giving their time. And there is one 50 euros gift card and 50 candy boxes for people who are spending their time on the forms. 

A major question is how to motivate people to give their time for feeding the forms? The other thing is that many people are answering inquiries. But they are not even read those questions. And does that thing produce useful information? The data on how long the form has been open by each individual. Might speak harsh language about the interest of people to spend their time in that kind of poll. 

The form might be open for about 20 seconds. And that causes a question about how well the answerers are reading those questions ar? And how useful is the data that form brings is for people who are making those surveys?

The thing that can make things like making inquiries easier to handle is the AI-based system. The idea of this kind of intelligent phonebook is that there is a form where the user inputs data like age limits of the target groups. And another necessary thing. 

Then that system can pick the needed data from the database and then send the E-mail to the target group. The AI can boost the use of the database. And if that database is connected to other applications this thing makes it an effective tool. 

In the place of the members of the association can be the customer register.  The system can sort data by using certain parameters. And one of them is the customers who are conveying about services or products. The thing that would be interesting to know is are those people used that product or service? 

The thing is that the serial number of the product is important, but also things like did the customer use some special offer or advantage that comes from some targeted campaigns. If there are problems with the product, which is offered in some targeted marketing campaigns. 

That thing causes interesting questions. And one of them is: does the group that uses those advantages have some kind of thing that provokes other people to give bad service?  If a certain group of people always conveys there should be discussing what causes that thing. 


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