Riemann and beyond
"The real part (red) and the imaginary part (blue). Of the Riemann zeta function along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first non-trivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022, and ±25.011". (Wikipedia/Riemann hypothesis) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_hypothesis)
The thing is that Riemann's conjecture has been waiting for solving. And that thing is one of the things that are remarkable in the history of data science. We have left our data security for the "hands" of over 160 years old algorithms. And when Riemann created his famous conjecture. The thing is that he didn't have supercomputers. Or quantum computers in use.
And that means that Riemann's conjecture just waits for solving. And non-trivial errors mean that the security of the entire Internet has been dangered. But Riemann's conjecture is one of the examples of the meanless things which have turned into remarkable things in history. Riemann's conjecture was the meanless thing when it was created. But computers turned it one of the most important things in history.
The primary computers are useless if data is encrypted by using the quantum system. And the quantum systems can break the codes and security algorithms that are made by using primary computers. The thing is that the security algorithms can use so-called precise algorithms that will only slow the breaking process.
The precise or high-accurate algorithms mean that every mark or Ascii code is encrypted separately by using individual quantum prime numbers. That thing is making the code-breaking process more difficult. But quantum computers can handle that situation very effectively.
Another thing that was meanless when it was invented was quantum entanglement. Einstein's spooky effect in distance means that when the particles are connected. And they will put to oscillate with the same frequency. That means there is quantum lighting or string between particles.
One thing that is important in quantum entanglement is that for making that thing successful the particles must superposition before that thing can make. The superposition means that the oscillation of the particles will be synchronized with the same frequency.
Quantum computers require superpositioned and entangled particles. Those computers are millions of times more powerful than binary computers. And the thing is that those systems can break any code that is made by using binary computers. That means the data security of the Internet is gone until the next security algorithm is made.
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