The anyons could be the heart of the next-generation quantum computers. "Physicists are excited about anyons not only because their discovery confirms decades of theoretical work, but also for practical reasons. For example, anyons are at the heart of an effort by Microsoft to build a working quantum computer(1)".
Why anyons the two-dimension particles are interesting things? The thing is that anyons are 2D particles like pancakes. The anyon-particle can be used as the base for the new type of superconducting materials. If they connected with the Bloch wave function. The idea of superconducting is that electrons are forming pairs.
The problem with the electron pairs is that. They are always on the opposite side of the nucleus of the atoms. So the most powerful superconducting material would be Helium. But that requires removing the nucleus of the atom from inside the electron cores. And also the position of the electrons in 3D structures is not stable.
The electrons can be upside or downside of the nucleus. And that thing will cause the limits of the superconductivity. But what if electrons would put to orbit in one layer? That thing requires that the nucleus of the atom is replaced by using 2D particles. And the anyon could be suitable for that kind of purpose.
The most effective superconducting wire is the electron chain. Those electrons must be stabilizing in the right position by pressing them with the magnetic field. That thing makes it possible to create the electron structure that can fundamental the computing. In that case, the positive magnetic field along with laser rays will push electrons to the chain.
"In the lower right, a near-IR laser separates the two electrons (empty circles) from the two kinds of holes (solid circles). The charges are accelerated away from each other by the fluctuating electric field from the terahertz laser (gray wave)".
"The changing field then drags the charges toward each other, at which point they combine and emit two flashes of light. The trajectories are depicted in one dimension of space. With time flowing from the bottom right to the top left". Credit: Brian Long(2)
The diagram above introduces the Bloch wave function. That thing could also be the model of the 2D quantum processor. If the quantum processor has a 2D structure that allows stabilizing the vertical position of the qubit by using a magnetic field. The
The Bloch wave function makes it possible to create new and compact quantum computers. The anyons can be used to anchor the electrons in the core. That thing makes it possible to create a 2D quantum processor that is more powerful than any quantum system before. If the quantum system uses a 2D structure aiming the qubit to one port would be easier than in a 2D structure.
The anyon can work as the center of the thing called Bloch wave function. The Bloch wave function requires that the electrons would be in the two-dimensional layer. And then the laser ray can separate the electron pair from the structure. The 2D particles can be used as an anchor that anchors the electrons in one layer. That thing makes it possible to make new and more powerful and more compact quantum computers.
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