Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The name of the game is how to make the energy travel from the environment to the particle. (Quantum engines)


 The name of the game is how to make the energy travel from the environment to the particle. (Quantum engines)

The most important thing about the speed is that the acceleration continues. Until energy starts to travel from particles to their environment. This thing means that the extremely cold particle flies to a longer distance than warm particles. The energy will continue to travel to the bullet until it reaches energy stability. And then, the flow of energy turns away from the particle. 

This is the thing that is making the particle slow. The kinetic energy is starting to travel from the particle to its environment. And that thing is making the slowing of the particle.

So the thing is that creating the quantum annealing effect around the particle or some other object makes it possible to accelerate the speed to an extremely high level. So the thing that can make it possible to create the next generation space systems is to use the extremely low energetic particles backward. 

The low energetic particle would pull energy to itself and that will accelerate its speed. But that thing requires that the kinetic energy must replace by using some other acceleration method. And it's impossible to make this kind of thing real in nature. 

But if there is someday possible to make the zero energetic particles that would not have kinetic energy. And which can move backward that thing could make it possible to create the faster-than-light rocket. That kind of engine is against natural laws. The zero-energetic particle cannot kick the rocket forward. 

The energy vampire is the thing that is making it possible to create the zero-energetic particles that are making the "faster-than-speed-of-light" exhaust gas possible. The idea is that the ion engine will kick those particles to the speed that is so close to the speed of light as possible. Then the temperature of those particles will decrease as low as possible. That should make them travel at extremely high speed.

But that thing is very hard to make. The system should kick those particles with very fast speed and same time pull the other energy away from the body of the spacecraft. That thing would cause that energy around the body would travel to the core of the craft. 

The thing that slows the particles is the same thing that denies crossing the speed of light. That thing is the crossing quantum field. Those crossing quantum fields are making the particles impossible to cross the cosmic speed limit. 

But there has been made the idea that the energy of the spacecraft body would put to zero-point or zero level and the gas or ions around it can same time anneal. That thing is meant to make the quantum field pass the craft. 

There is made many attempts to create faster than the speed of light spacecraft. The most promising of them are the hypothetical Kugelblitz- and WARP drives. Hypothetical "Kugelbitz" is the black hole-based system. Or actually, it's the group of the hypothetical black hole- or ion-based systems. Are planned to accelerate the speed of exhaust gas. And make faster-than-light travel possible. 

Maybe those systems cannot ever make that thing. But if they can accelerate the craft to speed that is a couple of percent of the speed of light those systems can open the road to the entire solar system. And even if the stars are too far those systems can be more powerful tools than any rocket. That has been created before. 

In the most futuristic versions of the engine, the nozzle is formed the black hole. And the exhaust gas of rockets will accelerate by using that system. The most conventional models in the rocket engine will position the Wigner or time crystal. If the protons are shot to time crystal that thing can accelerate their speed. 

Or some extremely electronegative particles would inject at the front of the exhaust gas. If the positive ions will launch at the front of the negative ions. 

That thing can increase the speed of the negative ions. Also, those crossing ion flows can use to form the fusion reaction behind the craft.  And that thing is making it possible to accelerate the ionized exhaust gas of the rocket engine to extremely high speed. 





The radio-based quantum WLAN allows ultra-secure communication through the wall.


 The radio-based quantum WLAN allows ultra-secure communication through the wall. 

The radio-frequency-based quantum network makes it possible to create a long-distance communication line between quantum computers. 

Ultra-secure communication between quantum computers is one of the most important things in computing. The fact is that the nano-size quantum antennas provide make an extremely powerful radio wave-based communication which is extremely hard to break. This means long-range communication between quantum computers can be secure by using antennas that can create unique wavelengths. The thing is that the power of quantum systems is extreme. 

And they can break almost any code that is made by traditional algorithms. The ability to use the unique wavelengths that cannot produce anywhere else makes the communication secure. And the other thing is that the unique, "non-natural" wavelengths are making it possible to create the error-free communication line between quantum computers. This thing makes it possible to create quantum data networks for radio-weave-based communication. 

The multi-band radio uses multiple wavelengths at the same time. Can make it possible to create radio-wave-based qubits. That can transmit data with ultra-fast and ultra-secure mode. The thing that makes the quantum networks secure is that if the data is traveling in the form of a qubit the data's entirety is hard to collect. In the radio-wave-based qubits, the system shares data entirety between different wavelengths. The quantum network sends data forward using all frequencies at the same moment. 

And the ability to use multiple bandwidths at the same time means that eavesdropping on this kind of network is very hard. Even if the eavesdropper would find out one of the frequencies that the quantum network uses that hostile operator cannot collect the data to entirety. And, of course, the eavesdropper must have the ability to follow all frequencies of the quantum network.

In the radio-wave-based quantum network, each frequency of the radio transmissions is a certain layer or the state of the qubit. So when qubit sends the data. Each of its states would have a match with the radio frequency. 

Each layer or state of the qubit is loaded to a certain radiofrequency. The thing that makes radio-based quantum networks interesting is that they can communicate through the walls. This kind of system can use with binary computers. But the best benefit can get is the communication between quantum computers. The communication between quantum computers. Must be secured and error-free. 

The thing that makes this type of communication difficult. Is that the quantum systems are extremely sensitive to the errors that are caused by radio waves and cosmic radiation. The energy impact to qubit is disturbing its energy load and that thing causes that delivering data from a certain level of qubits is impossible. 

For that operation, the quantum computer requires the beginning level of the energy load. Without that knowledge, the system cannot calculate the other states or layers of the qubit. So that means the qubit must protect against outcoming effects. 




Monday, November 29, 2021

There is a first time seen neutrinos in the LHC.


 There is a first time seen neutrinos in the LHC.

LHC (Large Hadron Collider) particle accelerator in CERN has first time detected neutrinos. Neutrinos are mysterious "almost like photon" particles. The thing that makes this observation special is that those neutrinos seem to be produced in LHC. 

And that thing is one of the most interesting things in history. This observation tells that production of synthetic neutrinos is possible. The large and powerful particle accelerators are used to accelerate particles to extremely high speed, and an attempt is to make them collide with neutrinos. 

The idea of those tests is to close the neutrino inside the particles like hadrons. If hadrons or shaper saying, baryon (proton) can close neutrino in its structure. That can make it possible to capture neutrinos between quarks. 

The thing that makes neutrinos special, is that the neutrino can travel through the planet without any kinds of interactions. That makes neutrinos special, and the fact is neutrino would be an extremely good tool for long-range quantum communication. But that thing requires the ability to produce synthetic neutrinos. The thing is that making this kind of process requires so powerful energy loads that they are not economic. 

But maybe in the future, the small-size fusion and thorium reactors. Are making it possible to equip all quantum computers with nuclear reactors. 

But that thing requires that the neutrino can be produced, trapped, and turn into a qubit. The problem is that neutrinos are located only in nature, and the possibility to make "synthetic" neutrinos is one of the most fascinating possibilities in history. 


Image: https://scitechdaily.com/for-the-first-time-ever-physicists-detect-signs-of-neutrinos-at-large-hadron-collider/

The interaction between hadrons

The next part of the text is connected with neutrinos because it handles the hadron interactions. The phi meson is interacting with the baryon proton. And that thing will open the new road to particle physics. The hadrons are particle groups that are acting like one particle. 

And that interaction between baryonic hadron and mesonic hadron. Is opening the road to understanding how the atoms and material are forming. What is the interaction that drives quarks to those formations that are called protons and neutrons?

The baryonic hadrons protons. And neutrons are forming most of the atoms. And the question is how quarks are forming those particles. One of the most fascinating questions in the universe is can also mesons form stable structures like protons and neutrons are forming. The thing is that this should be possible with all hadrons. But only stable formations atoms are formed of protons and neutrons. 






What kind of creature would the vampire be?


 What kind of creature would the vampire be? 

The cancer cells can suck mitochondria out of the immune cells. And that ability makes them real-life vampires. If those cells can connect mitochondria to themselves they are sucking the life force out of patients like vampires does in fictionary stories.  

Biotechnology can use to create vampire macrophages or super macrophages. Those super immune cells would have a genetic transplant that allows them to transfer the mitochondria from bacteria to themselves. 

That thing could happen by using the same genomes that make the cancer cells steal mitochondria from the immune cells. And then, if the immune cells can connect those mitochondria to themselves they would turn stronger when they are sucking the "power of life" from the bacteria. 

And those cells are making me think that "luckily vampires are only functionally characters". But then we can think that could genetic engineering and biotechnology make vampires possible?

The cancer cells that are "stealing mitochondria" from the immune cells are giving a tip on what kind of creature the fictionary vampires could be. The fast renewing tissues make them very resistant to gunshots. And the thing is that the vampires would be afraid the daylight means that maybe they are created by using extremely fast splitting cancer cells that are hybridized with neurons. 

Hybridization with neurons allows those fictional characters to change their forms from bats to wolves and humans. That means the vampires would just make hairs or nanotubes for stealing the mitochondria from the real humans. And that thing makes them invisible because without mitochondria the humans cannot resist them. 

So where the vampire needs blood? And why the vampire needs only the blood of a virgin? The reason would be that nobody misses unmarried women very soon. And the other thing is that the women are weaker. 

The idea for that short text about the form of vampires is given in the article from the SciTech daily. There the cancer cells are stealing mitochondria from the immune cells. 

If our cells would all hybridize with neurons we would have the abilities that no other creatures have. The thing is that the vampires are one version of the xenomorphs creatures that can change their form when they want. 



How was the COVID-19 Omikron variant formed?


 How was the COVID-19 Omikron variant formed?

The reason why the new COVID-19 variant formed was maybe the HIV patient in Africa. The reason why the COVID-19 Omikron variant is formed in Africa. Is that there must be the lowest vaccination level in the world. 

The fact is that some African nations even don't know how many citizens they have. And another thing is that how many people are visited, in COVID-19 tests in Africa? When we are talking about the COVID-19 infections we are talking about the confirmed infections. 

On this point, I must say that HIV infections are also possible in Europe and especially in the society of narcotics users and outcasted people. That means the COVID-19 can mutate also in Europe or Russia. 

And the thing is that the COVID-19 is not the only dangerous virus in the world. Also, other viruses can cause deadly infections. The mutation or ability to connect the new genomes to the DNA or RNA of the virus can transform any virus to dangerous. 

How to determine the term "confirmed infections?". In those cases, the confirmation should be made by using European standards. And those tests should be made by trained medical staff. So is those things reality in Africa? The thing is that the COVID-19 is creating new variants all the time. But the COVID-19 is not the only coronavirus that exists. The omikron variant can be formed from the other viruses. And the thing is that the genomes of the viruses are transforming all the time. While they are infecting some species or cell lines. 

The problem is that the things like HIV and other kinds of lost immune cells can cause that the vaccines are unable to work. If infected persons would not have immune cells the vaccines are unable to work. The loss of immune cells can cause by HIV. Or some medicines are making the immune system unable to work. The thing is that if some woman or man is hiding the HIV infection. 

That thing can cause the fast mutation of the virus. The problem with the countries in Africa is that there is no social security. And that causes that some prostitutes might hide their infection because that causes nobody will feed them. But also European tourists can get HIV or COVID-19 or both of them from Africa. And that thing means that the mutation can happen also in Europe. So the HIV patient is enough that the virus can infect the person. 

That means the COVID-19 is unpredictable. Many things are affecting the pandemics. And one of them is that if people are hiding that they are HIV-positive, that can cause the situation that the COVID-19 would infect the person. And that kind of infection can cause the mutation of the virus. This kind of infection can form new variants of viruses. And anyway, those variants can form also in Europe. Or anywhere on our planet.



Can Cumbre Vieja-volcano at La Palma island cause the megatsunami?


 Can Cumbre Vieja-volcano at La Palma island cause the megatsunami?

The eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano has lasted a long time. And the most apocalyptic vision this kind of eruption can cause the tsunami what destroys infrastructure at the costs of Spain, Portugal, and northern Africa. And can that happen? 

The answer is that nobody knows. The reason why somebody believes that thing. Is that the eruption of the island of Thera (Santorini) caused a tsunami that destroyed Minoan culture a long time ago. Also, the tsunami of the Krakatoa eruption caused massive destruction at both times when that volcano has erupted. 

The answer to that question that can Cumbre Vieja volcano causes similar destruction is that many things are different in the La Palma island than in Thera and Krakatoa. The thing that causes tsunamis in the eruptions of the volcano is the situation when the lava chamber is empty. 

So tsunami is forming after the eruption in the case that chamber of the volcano is empty. When there is no pressure that thing causes the collapse of the lava chamber. Then the water will flow to the lava chamber. And then it will explode when water touches the heated stone. That explosion will cause the pressure effect that will make water molecules act like billiard balls. 

The volcanic tsunami forms when the island explodes and water flows in the lava chamber. So the tsunami forms actually, after the eruption when the pressure of the empty lava chamber cannot resist the pressure of water. 

The energy will travel from a molecule to another until it faces the coastline. And then the tsunami rises. While traveling in the deep sea the tsunami is hard to notice. The island of La Palma is far away from the coastline but the problem is that there is no friction between the bottom and the pressure wave. And if the coast is very abrupt the tsunami will rise very soon. The thing that determines the height of the tsunami is how deep the pressure wave starts its journey. 

If the island collapses near the bottom of the ocean that causes that more water will take a part in the energy transfer and tsunami forming. In the cases, that the collapse happens near the surface there is less water taking apart in tsunamis and the wave will be weaker. The thing that makes the Krakatoa and Thera so devastating was that the eruption was over. At the moment when the collapse of the island happened. 

The thing is that the symmetry of collapse of the island has also effect to the tsunami. If the island collapses straight down the tsunami should not be so powerful as in a non-symmetrical collapse. Surveillance cameras can show that if the island collapses. And if that happens there is a short time to give warning. But there are no surveillance cameras on all volcanic islands. 

And most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes. The fact is that we cannot predict tsunamis. But there is the possibility to use radars and another thing to search the oceans. For warning people about this kind of catastrophe. The radar satellite can search the condensation of the water molecules. But the fact is that tsunamis are hard to predict. 






Researchers can read the jellyfish's mind.


 Researchers can read the jellyfish's mind.

For making new. And more effective BCI chips (Brain-Computer Interfaces). Researchers should know precisely how the neurons are working. In the human brain is 200 billion neurons which is making observation of the actions of single neurons difficult. That's why the research must begin by using species whose neural systems are simpler than humans. And one of them is jellyfish. 

The deep knowledge of the actions of neurons helps to connect certain changes in EEG curves to certain actions in the body. The BCI can make the revolution in nanotechnology and robot control. But when we are thinking about the possibility to model the simple neural structures. Researchers can create new and more independent nanomachines. There are three types of BCI systems that are under development. 

1) The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is connected with human brains. And that thing is the thing that is used to control prosthetics. But the same systems can also control robots or give commands to computers. In some systems, the user of the BCI is moving the virtual character on the screen. 

The same system can use to move prostheses can use to move the virtual characters.  And then, the movements are transferred to a physical robot. The BMI (Brain-Machine Interface) is acting through the computers. And it can be the next-generation tool for robots which mission is to operate in extreme conditions. 

2) The microchips that are communicating with cloned neurons. In that case, the half-organic and half-silicon-based microchip can solve problems and control the things like nanomachines very independently. 

This kind of microchip is the neuron cell culture that is connected to the normal microchips. The use of living neurons makes it possible that the small-size system can be very independent. Because the living neurons are giving those systems very high power computing capacity. 

3) The microchips that are used to control animals. The CBI (Computer-Brain Interface) is the opposite acting system. To the BCI where brains are controlling computers.  The CBI system can use to control the behavior of the animals like birds, fishes, and bugs. 

The bugs can carry the sensors to the targets. The microchips are used to make biorobots. And if those microchips are connected to animals they are turned to intelligent. So what would you do with the wolf that has human intelligence? And the implanted microchips can make things like intelligent army ants real. That kind of thing is called ABW (Advanced Biological Weapons) 

But those systems can make things that are beyond the worst nightmares. The CBI or opposite acting BCI microchips can use to control things like ants. And if the microchip is installed on the army ant. That means those systems can use to make those ants act as the eliminators. They can slip into houses and then use to attack people or destroy things like gas masks. Those microchips can turn every bug in the world into a weapon. 




The nanoparticles that can destroy harmful organisms can be the next step in medical research.

 The nanoparticles that can destroy harmful organisms can be the next step in medical research. 

The beginning of the research of the nanoparticles was when researchers asked: "why smoked meat and fish last better than without smoking". The answer was that the small carbon bites in make killed harmful bacteria. Then the researchers thought that if those small carbon bites could connect with nutrients or some enzymes. That makes the harmful organisms eat those carbon bites. 

The thing is that this kind of nanotechnology can be effective also against viruses. Nanomachines can destroy infected cells before they are producing viruses. But the problem is how to detect the cells that are carrying viruses. 

The weak point of the virus is that it should find the cell before it can make the descendants. And if those infected cells are detected they can be destroýred. If there are some kind of anomalies in their use of nutrients. The nanomachine would just connect to those nutrients and then it can slip into the cells that wanted to remove. The viruses like chickenpox and herpes are hiding in the cells after the infection.

And later they can cause painful sequelae like shingles. And if those cells or the virus genomes from those cells can be removed that thing denies the sequelae that might be more painful than the disease itself ever could be. Nanomachines are revolutionary things that can make many things possible. The next-generation vaccines can simply connect the genomes of the viruses to the stem cells that are making the cells that can fight against certain organisms. 

Or they can program the brain cells or other immune activator cells to activate the immune system by using synthetic antigens. That synthetic antigen is a virtual virus that activates the immune system. The idea is that the nanomachine can let the neuron sniff the antigen. And that thing activates the immune system. The thing is that neurons can wake up sleeping immune resistance. 

And that ability can benefit the next generation vaccination. The thing is that nanotechnology is also the perfect weapon. The nanomachines can turn the human body into liquid by breaking the internal structures of the cells. Making weapons is much easier than making medicines. In medical research, nanomachines must control the way that they are destroying only selected cells. 


Sunday, November 28, 2021

A new study shows the boundary between time moving forward. And backward may blur in quantum mechanics.


 A new study shows the boundary between time moving forward. And backward may blur in quantum mechanics. 

Quantum systems can evolve two different arrows to future and past. 

If the size of rotating particles is very small they can hover in the quantum field that doesn't touch them there is nothing that slows the rotation speed of particles. The thing that slows the particles are the quantum fields that are pumping energy out from the particle. 

Whenever a particle touches a quantum field it will lose energy to that quantum field. So that effect is called quantum friction.

And when the speed of light is closing the particle would travel through quantum fields more often and that effect is pumping kinetic energy away from the particle and denies crossing the speed of light. 

If it's possible to make some system can remove that quantum field. That thing allows the crossing of the speed of light. And that means the quantum friction is removed. This thing can be real in quantum-level systems. 

The quantum system can affect same time to the future and past. The thing that can make this possible is the rotation of the superpositioned particles. The extremely fast rotating particles can cause a situation that the outer core of those particles is traveling faster than a photon. The reason why this thing is possible is only in the quantum world. Is that the centripetal force is destroying other structures. 

The idea is similar to hypothetical spacecraft where a massive wheel is pushing the craft to speed that is faster than the speed of light. The hypothesis goes like this. The spacecraft will accelerate to the speed that is so close to the speed of light as possible. And then the wheel would rotate forward. The problem is with the centripetal force. 

This is possible to make by using quantum-size systems. But the scale of that system is atomic or subatomic. Of course, spacecraft can cover by using fast-spinning particles that can rotate with the speed of light. There is the possibility that this kind of quantum system can someday bring information from the future to the past. 

Time is a more complex thing than we even expected. There has been the knowledge that quantum entanglement can affect the past to the future. So the quantum entanglement can theoretically bring information from the future to the past. The reason for that thing is there is some part of the quantum entanglement. That is moving faster than the speed of light is in the normal universe. 

The thing that makes this strange phenomenon possible is that the superpositioned and entangled particles are spinning. If the spin of the center of those particles is rising to the speed of light. 

The core of them is moving faster. And then that means the other side of quantum entanglement is traveling in time. The reason why this can happen in the quantum world is that. There is nothing in a quantum field that can slow the rotation of the superpositioned and entangled particles. 

Also, if the superstring is rotating the quantum fields cannot slow that extremely thin energy string or quantum lightning. 

The quantum entanglement is forming between two superpositioned particles. And there is a tiny fiber or string between those particles. The reason for that is that the string that connects those superpositioned and entangled particles travels between the electron cores of atoms. And no quantum field is slowing the movement of that string. 

Except when the electron travels at the point. Where the quantum field of the electron. Or electron core touches the quantum string. 

That connects those superpositioned and entangled particles. That thing means that the string is sending the flash of energy. The quantum string is the quantum lightning that connects those particles. 



Image 1)https://scitechdaily.com/time-reversal-phenomenon-in-the-quantum-realm-not-even-time-flows-as-you-might-expect/


Saturday, November 27, 2021

The new multi-use microchips can vanish when they finish their job. And they can revolutionize medicine and other things.


The new multi-use microchips can vanish when they finish their job. And they can revolutionize medicine and other things. 

The film above this text introduces the new type of implanted microchip that can melt and vanish after it's done its job. The implanted microchip is only the core that contains multiple functions. And the new type of microchips vanishes after they are done their job. 

The carrier organism is a good tool to position the microchips to the right position. The microchips are injected into things like worms or other parasites that go to certain organs. And then, the programmed cell death or scientifically saying apoptosis will terminate those carrier parasites. 

And those carriers-organisms can transfer to people bodies by using injection. Those carrier organisms can also carry things like osteocytes to broken bones.

Nanotechnology makes those things a very multi-use system. Those microchips can equip with ultra-small ultrasound or even an X-ray system, and they can transmit data on how things like broken bones are healed. Those microchips can implant around the broken bone, and then they can connect to the GSM telephone. 

When the BlueTooth of the mobile telephone gives the wake-up signal for processors, they would activate their X- or ultrasound system. Those microchips will send the ultrasound or X-ray burst through the point to the opposite microchips. 

And the image to the doctor's office would be transmitted by using the Internet. Maybe tomorrow, the X-ray system of tomorrow is the group of robots that are coming to the skin, and then make the all-body X-ray scanning at the place where the medical staff found the patient.  Those microchips can also sniff the blood gases locate people. And make many other things. 

But those microchips can act in dangerous scenarios. And misuse of that kind of system is extremely dangerous. When we are thinking possibility that the entire skull of the person is covered by microchips those systems can send the electric shock to the brain core. 

That kind of system is planned to use to help Alzheimer patients in their last years. The microchips are installed on the nerve tracks and then transmit the data to microchips. Those are on the skull of people. In that case, the memory blocks of those microchips would replace the memory of the person. So the same system can also use to help fix brain injuries. 

But the thing is that this kind of system can also make it possible that the same system can control the person or turn the person into a robot. Also, those systems can use to make false memories. There has made researches. There those microchips are transferred to the right position by using genetically engineered bacteria or amoeba. 

The microchip is connected to the amoeba, and then it travels to the brain. The amoeba is injected with the genome that activates the apoptosis of that organism. So that thing will make it possible to make those microchips travel in the precise right place. 

Things like liver going parasites can carry the microchips in the liver. And those microchips are easy to inject into the body if they are carried to the right point by using carrier organisms. Like I wrote at the beginning of this text. 


Friday, November 26, 2021

The vulture bees have extra teeth in their jaws and poisonous guts.


 The vulture bees have extra teeth in their jaws and poisonous guts.

The vulture bees are living mainly in South America. Those bees are eating rotten meat and then make honey of that thing. That is the reason why those bees are called "vulture bees".

Most vulture bees are harmless, but there is one thing that there is something hidden in jungles that is not so harmless. The thing that makes scientists believe that there might be some kind of dangerous species is that some of those bees are bitten people causing painful sores. 

Also, there is the possibility that some vulture bees can have botulinum bacteria in their teeth after they are eaten rotten meat. Or something like that as the food that thing can cause that the botulinum bacteria is transferring in the human body causing poisoning. There is no evidence about the vulture bees that are hunting other animals. But as we know there are things like migratory ants (also: Army ants and Bivouac ants) that can make even humans disappear in minutes. 

In normal cases, we think ants are harmless but migratory ants are the exception. And the migratory ants are suspected to be behind some missing person cases. There are also species in the world of bugs that are hunting only at night. So even if we don't have met the vulture bees that are hunting other animals. 

We must say that in jungles and nature is many dangerous things. Things like climate chancing are also affecting species and there is the possibility that if the species will not get enough food its behavior changes. 

And when we are thinking about other necrophages. We are facing the behavior where those animals are eating mainly carcasses. But if there is not enough food they are turning predators. Also, when the species are coming to the new environment they can eat something that turns them deadly. 

One of the examples is the killer bees. Killer bees are normal bees that were brought from Africa to America.  Normally, bees are quite harmless. But when they are eating the nectar of one flower they are turning into killers. Probably that nectar makes them believe that all of them are queens. So there is the possibility that the same thing happens when some South-American species are moving to Europe as container passengers. There is a couple of "nice animal videos" of vulture bees when they are destroying carcasses. 





Riemann and beyond

Riemann and beyond

"The real part (red) and the imaginary part (blue). Of the Riemann zeta function along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first non-trivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022, and ±25.011". (Wikipedia/Riemann hypothesis) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_hypothesis)

The thing is that Riemann's conjecture has been waiting for solving. And that thing is one of the things that are remarkable in the history of data science. We have left our data security for the "hands" of over 160 years old algorithms. And when Riemann created his famous conjecture. The thing is that he didn't have supercomputers. Or quantum computers in use. 

And that means that Riemann's conjecture just waits for solving. And non-trivial errors mean that the security of the entire Internet has been dangered. But Riemann's conjecture is one of the examples of the meanless things which have turned into remarkable things in history. Riemann's conjecture was the meanless thing when it was created. But computers turned it one of the most important things in history. 

The primary computers are useless if data is encrypted by using the quantum system. And the quantum systems can break the codes and security algorithms that are made by using primary computers. The thing is that the security algorithms can use so-called precise algorithms that will only slow the breaking process. 

The precise or high-accurate algorithms mean that every mark or Ascii code is encrypted separately by using individual quantum prime numbers. That thing is making the code-breaking process more difficult. But quantum computers can handle that situation very effectively. 

Another thing that was meanless when it was invented was quantum entanglement. Einstein's spooky effect in distance means that when the particles are connected. And they will put to oscillate with the same frequency. That means there is quantum lighting or string between particles. 

One thing that is important in quantum entanglement is that for making that thing successful the particles must superposition before that thing can make. The superposition means that the oscillation of the particles will be synchronized with the same frequency. 

Quantum computers require superpositioned and entangled particles. Those computers are millions of times more powerful than binary computers. And the thing is that those systems can break any code that is made by using binary computers. That means the data security of the Internet is gone until the next security algorithm is made. 



Thursday, November 25, 2021

The space station on the Moon is a vital pathfinder for the Mars colonies.


 The space station on the Moon is a vital pathfinder for the Mars colonies. 

A moon station is a good place for testing the technical systems. And other models that are needed on Mars. Things like oxygen level, the food supply.  And especially the social models like what type of persons will send to Mars are also important things. If the oxygen level of the station or spacecraft is too high, that causes the risk of fire. 

And the thing on the Moon. Is that if in that station something goes wrong, the crew can return home quite soon. If something goes wrong on Red Planet coming back to Earth would take a far longer time than people expect. And the worst thing that can happen is that something will go wrong in social relationships. 

In the cases that there are social problems or conflicts between people on the Mars trip. That thing can risk the lives of the entire crew. So there are lots of things to do before the real Mars mission. Things like social problems are the things that are the most difficult things to solve. As I have written before. Human nature is one of the most important wild cards that can danger the mission. 

When the crew travels between Mars and Earth or astronauts wait for the launching window for returning. There are lots of things that can go wrong. And the thing is that if there happens something, the crew can just wait for the moment that the spacecraft can reach planet Earth. So on the Mars trip, there is no mission abort. 

Or the entire crew can set to long-term anesthesia. And the robots can handle the mission. So the control crew will order the system to involve nitrous oxide in the air of the station or craft. And then the robots would put the chemical that is needed for long-term anesthesia to the astronauts. And then the automatic systems can fly the crew back to Earth. 

Or somebody will get an injury where the neurosurgeon or other highly-trained specialists is needed. For that kind of situation, the researchers must make models of how to make things like surgical operations on Mars. The radio signal will travel between 5-20 minutes from the Earth to Red Planet. And that means there must be some other way to make the surgical operations on that planet. If some astronaut will get head injuries. 

There are made AI and virtual reality-based models. Where the robots will make the 3D holographic image of the patient's organs and body. The surgeon will make the virtual operation. And then that data will send to the robots that are making the surgeon. In the more fascinating models, the data that is needed for the neurological surgery will send straight to the brains of astronauts by using the induction loop. 

Image: https://scitechdaily.com/theres-enough-oxygen-in-the-lunar-regolith-to-support-billions-of-people-living-on-the-moon/


Riemann hypothesis (Zeta-function or Riemann's Conjecture) is solved. And that causes the biggest vulnerability problem in the history of the Internet.

Riemann hypothesis (Zeta-function or Riemann's Conjecture) is solved. And that causes the biggest vulnerability problem in the history of the Internet. 

The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first nontrivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022 and¨, ±25.011. (Wikipedia, Riemann hypothesis)

Riemann's Zeta-function has non-trivial a zero-point if the value is 1/2. That means there is a sequence in that formula. And that sequence is the greatest vulnerability on the internet. The Riemann's Conjecture is solved in 2016 but the person would not get the prize of million dollars for solving the Millenium problem because there was something wrong with proof of that problem. 

If we are thinking that one of the most important mathematical formulas, the Riemann's Zeta function or Conjunction has zero points. That thing means that entire RSA encrypting must be made again. The fact is that nobody believed that over the 160 years old mathematical formula could produce prime numbers forever. 

In Riemann's conjecture are the non-trivial zero points in the points The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first nontrivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022, and ±25.011.

And the time of the quantum computers is making the old, prime number based solution where Riemann's conjecture is used for generating the prime numbers old-fashion. In the RSA encryption, the system will multiplicate the ASCII codes by using the prime number. And Riemann's conjecture is used as the generator, that creates the prime numbers for that purpose. The thing is that quantum computers can break any code that is made by using a primary computer in minutes.  

And when we are thinking about the ultimate calculation power of the quantum computer it can break traditional encryption simply by using brute force. The quantum computer would just drive the Riemann's conjecture again and again. And then it just tests all the prime numbers for the encrypted material. The thing is that the quantum computer can make in minutes the series. 

That is taking thousands of years if the attacking system would be the primary computer. And that means no system is safe without depending on is there zero points in Riemann's conjecture or if there are not zero points. The fact is that binary computers are useless against quantum computers. But the Riemann's conjecture is partially solved. There might be a zero point if the value is 1/2. But if we are thinking. 

Those systems secure the data flow created billions of prime numbers by using Riemann's conjecture. The one zero point means nothing for the regular user. If there is one zero point. The system would get the order to avoid that point or values got by using the value 1/2. 

But the fact is that the zero point in Riemann's conjecture is not confirmed, by the way, that the result is mathematically accepted. But there is a strong suspicion that Riemann's conjecture has zero point in the point of value 1/2. 






The ability to manipulate skyrmions and other big advantages can scale up quantum computers.


 The ability to manipulate skyrmions and other big advantages can scale up quantum computers.

Researchers manipulate a single skyrmion at room temperature. 

The ability to manipulate a single skyrmion at room temperature is one of the biggest advantages of nanotechnology. That thing can use to machine nanomachines. But skyrmions have more abilities. The skyrmion can use to transport information and delete qubits when they are used. 

And that thing makes those things useful to act as a quantum eraser. Also, skyrmion can form around the qubit. And that is making it possible to transfer the qubits through the air inside the laser rays. That thing makes it possible to long-range wireless quantum data transportation. 

The qubit can, of course, can be doubled and send through the air by using radio waves. In that system, the first qubit will release its data to a radio transmitter. That system uses a multi-band radio. In that system for every layer or state of the qubit is it's own radiofrequency. 

And that means the qubit can send from another place to other by using radio waves. And the receiving system would load that data to the qubit. But that system is slow if we want to compare it with the system that transfers data in the form of qubits like electrons. 

But there is one of the more interesting abilities what the large-scale skyrmion can use.  And that thing is the power field. Or protective energy field. If the extremely large skyrmion can form around the wire that is in the middle of the aircraft, that thing can break the physical ammunition or even laser rays. This thing is making it possible to turn the protective fields from the sci-fi movies true. That thing is possible if researchers can make enough large-scale skyrmion.


The cryogenic chip is another big advantage in scale-up quantum computers. 

The ultimate power of quantum computers is a well-known thing. The quantum systems are at least a million times more powerful than conventional binary computers. And that is the problem with quantum computers. 

If we want to use quantum computers on large-scale computing and control robots and solve more and more complicated formulas. We should create more quantum computers. The problem with quantum computers is finding the errors from the calculations. 

In binary computing, the error-chek is simple. When the system checks the answer, it uses another data handling unit. But the problem with quantum computers is that only other quantum computers can check those formulas. The formula that takes about an hour to drive in quantum computers can take even thousands of years if it wanted to solve by using binary computers. 

But for making new and more powerful quantum computers. There are needed more complicated and also smaller microchips for handling quantum systems. And that means the skyrmions could use to machine those chips. The new quantum microchips can operate by using the low temperature and pressure combination. 

The new quantum materials and processors could benefit the atom superposition in the metal plates. Also, those systems can use time crystals to store data. And that thing is making it possible to make the caching during the data handling process. That means the qubits would duplicate and store or send to the other data line. 

If the error-detection would not see errors in those calculations the stored qubits can be destroyed. But if the small-size thermos solution can be made the time crystals can also use to store data in the quantum USB where it can send to another quantum computer. 






Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The biggest of the wild card effects is the human factor.


 The biggest of the wild card effects is the human factor.

The human factor is the thing that makes predictions very difficult. 

The thing is that we can predict how the large gas masses behave in the universe. We can make algorithms that predict if there is some kind of exoplanet or civilization near some star. But we cannot predict how the human race and our society are behaving. The thing called: "the human factor" is one of the biggest of the so-called "wild card effects". 

The wild card means the surprising and non-predictable thing that has a large-scale influence on the environment. And the power of human nature is visible in the cases like COVID-19 vaccination programs. It is predicted that authorities can remove limitations caused by pandemics when the level of vaccinated people reaches 80%.  But the percentual number of the vaccinated people would rise hardly over 80%. 

And that thing is one of the examples of the human factor. All people would not take vaccines even if against the sense. These kinds of human factors are causing problems for making predictions for the future. When people are against something, they just want to follow their road even if that thing is against their benefit. 

Social media is one of the most impressive examples of wild cards. 

The cases that the human factor would terminate all predictions are examples of why computers cannot predict the future. When the AI is making the prediction it will collect all data about the cases, and then it will see are the similar signals visible in nature. But when we are thinking about technology advantages and development process that thing is out of control. 

There is one wild card that is totally out of control and that is social media. That thing is hard to control. And then another and even larger size thing is the internet. Nobody controls what people are doing at their part-time. And the information of the programming is easy to find from the net. So every person in the world can begin their artificial intelligence project. 

There is nobody who leads the R&D processes that are basing the open-source. Those kinds of things are self-controlling. And that thing means that no leader can stop those processes. When a developer makes something the response of the product is in the developer's seat. 

The same developers that can make the algorithm that can search data from the internet can also make spy programs and computer viruses. And that is the problem. But those programs can also use for searching drug dealers and slave traders. So are the surveillance programs so bad? Or is in those programs something good? 

Even if own projects by using the computers that belong to a company are prohibited everybody can buy their computer for that kind of thing. And the recommendation is that for own business is used own computers. 

The wild data causes turbulence in the environment. And the turbulence can cause. That even the strongest signals are covering. This thing makes traditional leadership very hard. The movement from the upper-controlled process will turn to a self-controlled process. And this thing makes the next challenge for society. 




What do I mean about outcasted people? (Previous text continues.)

What do I mean about outcasted people? 

(Previous text continues.)

The working environment or working infrastructure is a combination of technology, attitudes, and psychological infrastructure. When some people are saying the problem with people like cleaners. Is that they are not staying in their workplaces. We can ask is the problem with those people the bad salary? And other people's attitude for their work? The psychological infrastructure means things like small talk and discussions between the workers. 

I finished the last text by using the words: "Do we want a large number of outcast people?" in purpose. The thing is that if we are working in an environment what is not offer stable social relations and in the working areas that are not respected, that thing causes outcasting. Even if we would be social and want to talk with people, we must realize that making a trusted relationship takes time. 

If the person is working all the time alone. Or all the time in an environment where is nobody who works in similar work. That means that person would not feel like being in the group. And that causes outcasting. The things like anomalies in working time cause feeling that the person is an outsider. And if nobody ever says a good word that causes the anger and feeling that the person is nothing. 

When people all the time hear the negative things and only things what they hear are negative. That thing causes outcasting. Of course, we can remove migrant workers any time when we want. But that thing causes that we should delegate those works to native workers. And then we are facing the same problems. A person who is not satisfied to live is not a very good worker. 

Sooner or later the person will get the last drop. And of course, we can say that the employers can kick those people off. But then we are facing again one thing that lawmakers should think about, and that is when an employee leaves the company. The work that the divorced employee did must transfer to another worker. 

That thing is where the company gets new workers? Of course, the law says that employees must take the work if it is offered. But what if there are no applicants at that time? Or what if the applicant doesn't speak any language that the directors and superiors are speaking? How to advise the jobs for those people? And if the country is hostile for migrant workers those jobs must transfer to native workers. 

The problem with the works that are not respected. Is that they can cause problems for the later career. The thing is that people are afraid that they are facing people to who they are being not nice. If I would mistreat somebody, I would not want to see that person in front of me or at least as my superior. 

There are always people who are to dispel evil in their subordinates. And people who are facing the anger of those people are almost every time cleaners or some other people who are not working so high paid jobs. So this might be one of the reasons why the road from the hamburger restaurant to enterprise manager is sometimes long and rocky. 


When humans are falling, robots are rising.


 When humans are falling, robots are rising.

The robot makers are saying that robots will take jobs from some people. And of course, that thing causes worries. But otherwise, we should think about what kind of jobs robots are taking from us? Are they jobs that are wanted or respected? 

Or would you do those jobs? The thing is that robots are a complicated thing in the environment and business infrastructure. And the fact is that robots are effective operators that can grow productivity to the highest possible levels.

Robots can operate without breaks, and they don't need salaries. And if the company uses only robots for a working process. That means it can make products with the lowest possible price. 

Because robots are not needed salaries or practice they can operate near the delivery area. And the thing is that the robot can make so many stages in work. That is stored in its memory. And those modules can be changed when the company wants. 

So that kind of company can minimize the salary and transport costs. That means it can make products with lower prices and that is a good weapon in competition. And even if the products that robots made, are not sold. The company can turn to make a new product right away. Or if there is a cut in production those robots can take into use immediately when the order is taken. The robots would not make strikes. And the only thing that is against them is that they are taking jobs from people. 

 But the problem is, what the people whose jobs the robots are taking would do? 

The problem is that those people would just get their salary in the form of social aid. But the low salaries in the sectors. Where robots are planned to use are causing that the people who are working in those works are unhappy. In this text, I write about normal working robots, which mission is to replace human workers in boring and low-paid jobs. The advancing robotics needs infrastructure that supports them. 

The infrastructure is, of course, the recharge points and wheel-change service. But the environment is also the thing that is between our ears. Things like attitudes are the things that are also belonging to infrastructure. The attitudes are the things that are making people select the politicians. And politicians are making the laws that are controlling the development of the systems. 

When Elon Musk wants to make more robots and use them for work, that is reserved for migrant workers the idea behind that thought is that there is a couple of things that people should understand. The thing is that when we are building more and more apartment buildings we need more and more cleaners. So where we can take those people? Do the native citizens willing to apply for those jobs? 

Or what kind of people is willing to apply for those jobs anyway? If the natives would not want to do them, there is possible to bring foreign workers to make those works. And when the contract is gone the migrant workers are going home. Then we might ask one very big question: what kind of people come from a foreign country to clean some apartment buildings? 

Or would you tell your children that their place in society is to work as a cleaner because we don't want robots or migrant workers?

Maybe some people must take that kind of job. But what is the price of the force? Do we want employees who are a couple of months in work and then they are gone? When a new applicant is hired, there it takes time to introduce and learn the jobs. And then after four months, the next worker is coming in. Is the work well-done if it is made by some person who has social problems? Or would the people who live in the house feel safe if their cleaners are full of tattoos?

Is the person happy if that worker knows that after a couple of months will wait for the new work application? There is the possibility that in those places was not even promised nothing more than 2-3 months.  But is this the thing that we want? Do we want there a large group of outcast people? 


Can other universes form of dark matter?


 Can other universes form of dark matter? 

The image above: The Hubble image of the Hourglass Nebula. Was the Big Bang look like this?

What makes material visible? The answer is reflection. But also the expansion of the universe causes an effect that wave movement and photons would start to transfer out of material faster. The energy would travel from the higher energetic areas to the area where is a lower energy level. 

The material is visible only if photons are traveling away from it. If the material is lower energetic than its environment. That is causing a situation that energy travels in the material. And that turns material to shadow. 

And that causes that the energy level of the material turns lower and the material is turn to wave movement. When the universe expands, the quantum fields inside it turn weaker. 

And if we could make material where quarks and other particles are a different size than the visible material that thing would be invisible to us. The reason for that is the reflection from that material would have a different wavelength than visible material. 

The idea of the multiverse or parallel universe is not dead. The origin of the theory is in the supernova explosions. There the material is released to the poles of the star. And because mainly the radiation is leaving from black holes from its poles. There is the possibility that the Big Bang erupted material like an hourglass. 

So that thing has caused a theory that during the Big Bang formed two universes. The material and antimatter universes. Then there is the possibility that those universes collapsed causing the antimatter-matter annihilation. That formed the universe. 

But we are not sure about that thing. The idea is that the great annihilation reaction happened between subatomic particles. And at that point. The hadron-baryon particles, like protons and neutrons, were not formed yet. But there is also the possibility that this so-called antimatter universe would be stable. 

Is the invisible material possible? The fact is dark matter is one of the examples of an invisible material that interacts only by gravitation. The thing is that if we want to observe another universe. There is one term that the universe must fill. And that is the size of particles that are forming that other universe. Must be the same size what they are in our universe. 

If the particles that form another universe are a different size than particles in our universe are. They would send reflections on what we cannot observe. Which means another universe would be invisible to us. That means the hypothetical other universes could be invisible to us. 

In the same way, if we would were the creatures that live in that another universe. We would not see this universe. There would be an empty bubble in the place of our universe if we would be aliens in that another universe. 

If we think that somewhere in our universe would form another universe. The particles in that universe would be a different size than particles in our universe. And that thing means that the young universe would be invisible to us. We would see only the empty area in the place where that universe would be. 

But then we can think about the expansion of the universe. When the universe was born, it was very small. And everything in it was smaller. The particles that were in the young universe were smaller than the particles of the universe, where we are living. 

And there is the possibility that we would not observe the particles of the young universe at all. The reason for that was the young universe's particles' quantum fields were smaller than the material that forms the universe today. 

The thing that makes the material visible is the reflection. When energy hits the particles' quantum field it turns over-energetic. And getting the energy balance between the particle and outer universe is simple. The particle sends the photon and that thing stabilizes the energy level. 

When the universe is expanding the energy level inside it will get lower. And that thing will pull the photons out of material. 

But when the universe expands that thing would make the quantum fields inside it lower energetic. When the universe expands, the particles release their energy as photons and wave movement. And that is the reason why there are no absolute zero kelvin degrees anywhere else than in laboratories. 

Pressing the minimum energy level of material with high pressure is possible to make the 50% invisible structures. The reason why the material can be visible is that the quantum field around it will turn weaker. And that thing pulls the photons out from the material. 

But what if the weakening of the quantum field around the particles caused because of the expansion of the universe would deny or compensate by pumping energy to the particles. The energy should be at the same level that the expansion of the universe will remove around it. And that thing can make it possible to make the 100% invisible material that is impossible to see. 








Image: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/hubble-finds-an-hourglass-nebula-around-a-dying-star


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