The name of the game is how to make the energy travel from the environment to the particle. (Quantum engines)
The most important thing about the speed is that the acceleration continues. Until energy starts to travel from particles to their environment. This thing means that the extremely cold particle flies to a longer distance than warm particles. The energy will continue to travel to the bullet until it reaches energy stability. And then, the flow of energy turns away from the particle.
This is the thing that is making the particle slow. The kinetic energy is starting to travel from the particle to its environment. And that thing is making the slowing of the particle.
So the thing is that creating the quantum annealing effect around the particle or some other object makes it possible to accelerate the speed to an extremely high level. So the thing that can make it possible to create the next generation space systems is to use the extremely low energetic particles backward.
The low energetic particle would pull energy to itself and that will accelerate its speed. But that thing requires that the kinetic energy must replace by using some other acceleration method. And it's impossible to make this kind of thing real in nature.
But if there is someday possible to make the zero energetic particles that would not have kinetic energy. And which can move backward that thing could make it possible to create the faster-than-light rocket. That kind of engine is against natural laws. The zero-energetic particle cannot kick the rocket forward.
The energy vampire is the thing that is making it possible to create the zero-energetic particles that are making the "faster-than-speed-of-light" exhaust gas possible. The idea is that the ion engine will kick those particles to the speed that is so close to the speed of light as possible. Then the temperature of those particles will decrease as low as possible. That should make them travel at extremely high speed.
But that thing is very hard to make. The system should kick those particles with very fast speed and same time pull the other energy away from the body of the spacecraft. That thing would cause that energy around the body would travel to the core of the craft.
The thing that slows the particles is the same thing that denies crossing the speed of light. That thing is the crossing quantum field. Those crossing quantum fields are making the particles impossible to cross the cosmic speed limit.
But there has been made the idea that the energy of the spacecraft body would put to zero-point or zero level and the gas or ions around it can same time anneal. That thing is meant to make the quantum field pass the craft.
There is made many attempts to create faster than the speed of light spacecraft. The most promising of them are the hypothetical Kugelblitz- and WARP drives. Hypothetical "Kugelbitz" is the black hole-based system. Or actually, it's the group of the hypothetical black hole- or ion-based systems. Are planned to accelerate the speed of exhaust gas. And make faster-than-light travel possible.
Maybe those systems cannot ever make that thing. But if they can accelerate the craft to speed that is a couple of percent of the speed of light those systems can open the road to the entire solar system. And even if the stars are too far those systems can be more powerful tools than any rocket. That has been created before.
In the most futuristic versions of the engine, the nozzle is formed the black hole. And the exhaust gas of rockets will accelerate by using that system. The most conventional models in the rocket engine will position the Wigner or time crystal. If the protons are shot to time crystal that thing can accelerate their speed.
Or some extremely electronegative particles would inject at the front of the exhaust gas. If the positive ions will launch at the front of the negative ions.
That thing can increase the speed of the negative ions. Also, those crossing ion flows can use to form the fusion reaction behind the craft. And that thing is making it possible to accelerate the ionized exhaust gas of the rocket engine to extremely high speed.