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The urban legend about traffic circles and flying saucers

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There is a very interesting legend about traffic circles. In that case, the legend becomes, that the UFO uses the electromagnetic accelerators as the engines. The engines would look like tubes, where are the opposite direction rotating ring-shaped magnets, where is the sharply pointed radio-transmitters. The purpose of those things is to create the super massive element for the motor, and that would accelerate the spacecraft, what is called as "The Bell" or "Die Glocke". There are many mysteries around this project, what is claimed based on the investigations, what Nazis have made before and during the World War II.

But there have been other explanations for this strange flying machine, and they are that this craft was coming from outer space, and bases the mysterious spacecraft, what might found near Roswell in 1947, or the other explanation is that the project was meant to explain, why Nazi scientists were allowed to move to the United States after World War II during operation "Paperclip". And the reason for that recruitment would be denying the Soviets get the technology, what is needed for intercontinental ballistic missiles, but of course, nuclear technology and nerve gasses with their resistance chemicals were interested military forces also in the West. The problem was that some of those scientists were war criminals. In fact, this electrostatic engine, what is named "the bell"  is one of the most radical solutions for aviation.

That engine could also operate by creating the electric arc, what creates the flow of the elements thru the tube. It would actually be formed to the outside of the spacecraft structure. That system would suck the air or other gasses thru the tube, and if the operator who uses this thing wants to increase the power of that system, would it also create the electromagnetic black hole and that would create very big punch for that craft.

People usually think that saucer-shaped shuttle craft would need extremely powerful nuclear reactors, but that is not actually true. If the system can be loaded with electricity from the ground,  that would make the nuclear reactor unnecessary. That thing makes the spacecraft safer, and if that thing drops from the sky, the nuclear pollution would not leak on the ground.

That would help to keep those things secret and secured, and the cargo of the nuclear materials would not uncover those operations.  In this case, the aircraft uses an outside power source, and that is the brand new thing in the aviation. Of course, the solar-powered aircraft, what is quite slow have been tested, but fast aircraft, where the electromagnetic radiation, what is given by artificial transmitters would give energy is quite a new thing.

In fact, I sometimes suspected that VRIL-V5 was actually created by Americans long after the World War II and the story of the "Nazi UFO" has been told because the recruitment of some scientists wanted to explain for the great public in the USA. The reason for that thing is that the Soviet Union wanted to not able to get those scientists, who could increase the missile technology, what the Soviet Union have developed for their intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The electricity, what this device uses could transmit by using high-power radio waves, and the system will work like the wireless mobile telephone charger and allows this aircraft to fly without an internal power source. This system is actually little problematic because it needs the locator, what helps to focus the radio transmission to that craft. So the use of this machine would be very dangerous because if the radio-ray would hit the power lines the electricity could be cut from the entire city. The urban legend tells that in some traffic circles is installed the loading system for those extreme multi functional spacecraft.


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