Positive information gives trustworthy for the economy. But when the information is shared, should the sharer remember the truth. But if the information, what is shared is too negative, would it accelerate the decrease in the economy, because the investors would now remove their money from that area. The negative information has a negative influence of the investments. If the information is negative, that would cause a problem with investments. The investors are not interested in a bad product, and that's why the information must be positive.
One of the most well-known idea to give a positive image of the company is to start to recruit people if the profit is bad. That would give an image of the company, what is a good target for investment, and what is going to expand the business. One of the most well-seen marks about this kind of game is that some companies have always open positions, but there is never even interviews. And nobody ever recruited in those companies, even if those recruiting commercials have been seen even for years.
Nobody wants to make invests in the area, what would not give profits for the investments. This is the huge problem with information, what is given in the business. That should give the real picture of the investment target, but there should not tell any lies, because the buyer would not pay anything about bad merchandise. So the merchandise must be like, what is promised to that customer. And if that would not satisfy, would it cause the delaying of the transaction. But using negative hoax information would somebody decrease the prize of the house, what allows to buy it in very cheap money.
But if the stories are told about the problems in some area, would that increase the flee of money, and if some neighborhood is well known about the violence and social problems, the vendors would close their shops, and move to another area, and that would increase the economic depression in some area. And after this, I would ask, who would want this kind of articles, where some city area is marked as the gangster's paradise?
If the shops and other honorable businessmen are leaving the area, there would be only the persons, who have social problems. And the houses would go to bad condition. If there is no service for people, they would move to another city, and leave their houses to founders, who will start to make money with those flats and buildings. That money would be used for repairments in those estates. And then those houses can sell with big profits.
The social and economic problems cause the decrease in the price of the houses and parcels. In some cases, the reason for negative articles about some city area is claimed to be that somebody wants to buy the houses with the cheap prize, and then fix them, and after that put them to sell or rent those flats with high prizes. The profits would be huge, and that would be the good investment.
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