Monday, September 24, 2018

How to make own words more influential?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

All of us want to be heard in the meetings and conferences, but how we can make our words influential? How to be sure, that other people would listen to those words, and they would support our opinions? If we are younger employees, we might have difficulties with that problem. How to make elder workers listen to our words? The most effective way to make power to our words is claimed, that the idea comes from the customers or some other actor.

That would give a picture or thought, that the idea is coming from somebody else. In this case, we must remember, that the persons, who we want to influent, might check that thing. They might ask, have somebody really said that thing, and that would be little embarrassing if that customer etc. will not remember that thing. Another way to make an influence is to claim, that some great scientist has said the things, what we are bringing in the discussion.

This is the way, what some persons are using in university. They would copy the ideas of great scientists and then put source under their texts. This shows that those persons can read the ideas, what somebody have brought in the own discussions maybe a hundred years ago.  When we are meeting that kind of person, they might be really vexatious. They always start their speech with the words "the great scientist said once", and this makes those persons look like a little bit silly because we all can lend that book from the library, and see those pearls of wisdom from there.

In this case, we have a problem. We should say something, what those persons, who have written everything about those things cannot find in books. We must bring something new to that table. And that is really difficult. The most difficult thing in the world is to show something really new, what comes from our own brains. Also, people should have to make listen to those ideas and the comments should take very seriously. When we are at meetings, we should put our mobile telephones away, and listen to the things, what other people say.

And in those meetings, we should be active, and write the ideas or some other interesting things on paper. And after the meeting, we can write those texts with the text editor. This shows that the person is active, and interesting about the things, what are under the handling. And in the meetings, we should follow, what other people say, but everybody is sometimes "sleeping", and when the boss asks something, is two ways to act.

Other is to say something, and hope that the answer would be even near the thing, what question handles. Or the other way is to say, "sorry, but can you repeat your question". Think about which one is better? And the third is to say, "I have nothing to say". But in this case, we should be careful, because if those words are involved in the thing, what we should do, there would be very embarrassing situations. So the best way is to confess, that we are not perfect, and ask, what the boss said. This would spend time and money.

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