Sunday, September 30, 2018

The new way to use biotechnology opens gates to unlimited fuel.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Genome transfer between vegetables can be made possible to make field mustard, what creates bio gasoline. That would be the very interesting project for some companies, that operates in the field of biotechnology, and the traditional oil can also produce by the biotechnological method by the very simple way.  The bacteria, what products the oil can be stored in the anaerobic canisters, and there those bacteria can create oil and gas by using the biological method.

For the oil production bacteria can manipulate that way, the metabolism in that bacteria would be extremely fast. This would create the very good production for that matter. The same bacteria, what is used in the oil catastrophes for terminating the oil, would also make oil in the anaerobic conditions. And the methane can product in the same process. Methane is the hydrocarbon, what is the main component in the natural gas, but the systems, what burns that gas is not very precise, for what they are using in the combustion process.

The vegetables are extremely good platforms to test the methodology, what is used for genome transfers between the species. The nanotechnology allows to make synthetic DNA and we know chemicals, what the DNA consumes and we can synthetically produce them. The production of the synthetic DNA would be made by using the same methodology, what is used in the nano machine production. In those processes the single place of the atom is important.

And the same technology can be used in the placing the molecules in the DNA or RNA. This technology is very dangerous to test with animals because the resistance is always so high. The ethical and moral questions about transforming the genomes of the animals are very big. If that kind of tests is done, the public opinion would always be resistant. That testing the nanotechnology what makes artificial DNA is always dangerous because the organism would get new qualities, what might make them dangerous.

There are tests, where the genome transfer would be done with the cancer genomes to the vegetable cells. The mission of those tests is to make new kind of genome-manipulated trees, what would grow incredibly fast.  This technology would allow making more logging than ever. That kind of genome transfers can be very dangerous because the extreme fast-growing trees would replace the natural trees and this thing is very dangerous because the biodiversity of the species would suffer.

Biodiversity of the species guarantees, that the epidemics like viruses cannot destroy all trees from the forest. The genome transfer can help us to create the brand new kind of corn or other food vegetables. Those species can be immune to bugs because they would be poisonous in the growing period. When those hybrid corns, what might be combined with some poisonous vegetable would get dry, that poison would be removed independently, and then the corn would be collected.

Those corns could be made by using programmed cell death in the cells, what is creating the poison. And if those cells would involve with the genome, what makes them shine,  that would tell that the poison production is over. The corn is the most breed organism on the earth. There are created very short and at the same time dense species of the corn, what helps them to fight against weed.

Those corns just deny the sunlight from the weed, and that helps them to survive with smaller chemical doses. One of the most exciting ways to make genome transfer would combine the oil palm and some fast growing vegetable like banana or field mustard. The genomes, what creates the oil in the palm, would transfer in the field mustard. And in those cases, the canola oil would be replaced with the bio gasoline. That would make many very interesting thought in the eyes of the oil industry.

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