Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The tale about KV62, Tutankhamun grave and the family life of Pharaoh Akhnaten

Akhnaten with his wife and children
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Many times I have been read the tale of the grave of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Pharaoh who died at very young age, and his grave was remaining secret until archaeologist Howard Carter and Count Carvarnor found that grave in the year 1923. That grave was staying untouchable from the era of Tutankhamun, but sometimes I suspect that thing because the door was closed with seals what are connected by using hemp rope. I believe that this rope would be eaten away by many bugs, what are living in the desert. Or would you believe that hemp rope would seem untouchable after it was hanging at that door 2000 years. Other thing what is suspicious is that Howard Carter found that grave in the last day before the financial support from Carvarnor was ended. The methods, what Carter used were quite exotic, because theodolites are not actually very suitable for the mission to find grave, what stays in underground position.

So this is the real place for one question: did Carter knew straight from beginning the place of the grave of Tutankhamun? And if he knew that, why he asked money from Carnarvon. The reason of death of both men were violence, Carvarnor died for the bite of mosquito, and some people believe that he was injected with some poison. Also, Howard Carter died in Hodgins Lymphoma in London. This made the case of KV62 very interesting, and sometimes there were rumors about the curse of Pharaoh because of those two deaths. There are many claims about this particular case, and some people believe that the treasure of the grave was transfer in it by some men, who had very strange connections to some Satanists or occultists like Aleister Crowley.

There were stories that those people tried to use the testis of Tutankhamun to make the child to him, but this is only one explanation for those strange things what happened in that case. The KV62 is quite strange grave, and I had always the feeling that this place was not meant for grave at all. It looks like some kind of flat. There is many drawings of that grave, and I sometimes have feeling that Tutankhamun died in that place, what might used as secret cabinet for discussions with Pharaoh and his personal staff. And probably in some ceremony happened the accident, and the priests wanted to hide that thing. Or he was murdered because this pharaoh was handicapped and that made him unsuitable for working as the ruler of Egypt.

The name Tutankhamun was actually the personal name of that Pharaoh, and if that was used when he was buried, that man was not crown as the king. But he was ruled two years in Egypt, and he was the son of Akhenaten, the heretic pharaoh, who wanted to reform the religion of Egypt, and the priests didn't like that thing at all, because the monotheistic religion, what was meant for replacing the many gods of Egypt by one single god, and that would make the end of priests power in that land. When we are thinking about Tutankhamun we must know that this boy was the son of Akhenaten and "younger lady", that means that he was very honored person. This might bring one question to my mind, and that is: who was the "younger lady"?

Entrance of KV62
(Picture II)

When we are looking at the sculpture, where Akhenaten sits with his wife and children under the protection of "Aton", we can notice, that there would be only one thing, what shines from this picture. That is the Akhnaten seems like fear to drop those children. The pharaoh Akhenaten is quite a strange person, because he made the figures about him and Nefertiti, and in that time women were not allowed even take part of the public life, and here is one very strange asking: why Nefertiti had so powerful position in that pharaohs court, and why Akhenaten made those sculptures of his personal life.

Was he afraid something, what he wanted to cover from the normal Egyptians? There should be anything, what this man should afraid, and in that sculpture this man seems to be very afraid. So was he afraid of Nefertiti? There is many rumors about that sculpture, and one is that those children were some kind hybrid aliens. But the most effective way to make person, who would serve as perfect translator, would be make children with somebody, who is living in another country. That child would grow as the person, who has two languages, and who can live in both cultures without problems.

And in the wildest SciFi-tales the U.S military has created the human-alien hybrids for able to communicate between humans and humanoids. If we think about those I hope fictional experiments, the idea for that story might be from the ancient Egypt. There is also many more rumors that some scientists wanted to make "wolf babies" for helping the communication with animals. In some psychological theories what are very notorious the just born human child would give to the care of animals and then the scientists would just teach that person human language. That person could communicate with animals and this would help people to investigate the language of animals. But the life of this royal family in Egyptian 18th. Dynasty was very unusual. And there were many secrets and mysteries in ancient Egypt, what are not yet opened to us.






picture I


Picture II



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