Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The story of the "bad eye"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In this text, I would handle telepathy by the visual angle that this ability would be natural or it can make possible by using technical solutions like superconductors and computer technology, what could decode thought that they are possible to transfer as the text to the computer screen. So I would also bring here the technical methodology for that fascinating thing. Of course, by using superconducting antennas and computers could somebody capture the thoughts of the human, by observing the electric field of the human nervous system, they can bring close enough by using drones and sending that data to supercomputers and decoders thru the Internet.

The same technology would be used in the robots, what are controlled by EEG. The mind-reading systems are actually only more sensitive than the systems, what are used to control those robots. This kind of technology is tested under the control of Psi-Tech Corporation, what is also Pentagon's subcontractor. Telepathy could be an awesome thing for the military- and civil intelligence services. But in the wrong hands, this technology would cause horrifying things, and give those persons ability to break other people privacy. And also that corporation is also interested in the ability to read the body language of the people. There is the strange gypsy tale, about persons who have "bad eye". The story tells that "bad eye" is the third eye in the center of the forehead of some people. There are many explanations for the story about this very strange thing.

Some psychologists believe that those persons have the skill to read the target persons body language, and also make observations about the voice level and sound of the speech of the targeted person. And maybe some person have so perfect ear for music, that this person can notice the changes in sound levels of other person speaks. Also when somebody introduces the new way to make things, we should ask that person, what is the reason for that new way. Sometimes the reforms in the system are limited one thing, and that is the "clear and visible rank to the persons who are in this system".

In that case, I would ask that reformer, what could be this person's own role in the system? Sometimes the reason for reforms would be very selfish, and when we are thinking about the situation, that the ruler of the nation would make his position heritable, we must think that how that order was put in that persons mind? Was it that inheritable monarchy the ruler can do everything that the ruler wants without consequences.  And of course, this way to rule the nations would look very good, because the majesty doesn't need to please anybody, but there is another side in this way to rule. The problem is that the children of this monarch are very exposed to compliments, and that would make them naive because they don't believe that somebody can treat them.

But when we are going back to term "bad eye", we can give another very natural explanation. In this model "bad eye" means only the ability to read the royal codes. And if there is the certain man, who would bring execution orders, would that able to predict that somebody has told something bad to the king, and then this person could flee from the court. Maybe the behavior of the persons of the court has changed, and that helps to predict that the patience of majesty is ended. But then we must think some very complicated and supernatural things, that this writing would not become too ordinary. Sometimes I have thought that some persons are very sensitive to magnetic fields.

And in this case I must ask a question, is it possible that some people can also use that magnetic sense for reading thoughts of another person. In this case, the ability to sense electric fields of another person's nervous system doesn't mean that everything that is conducted to that ability would be true. The ability to read thoughts doesn't mean that this person could take another person to control. If taking another person to control would be possible, would that mean that this would be possible only between two living organisms? The telepathy doesn't mean that this person could move stones or another dead artifact by using the mind. Telepathy could be possible if the human could sense the electric field, what surrounds every human. But there would not real evidence that is possible.

But of course military intelligence has been tested telepathy, and in the tests that were made by DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) were given negative answers to that question. Somebody claims that if some persons would have the ability to read thoughts, they might realize the thing, why military intelligence was tested them. And in that case, those persons could hide their ability to read another person mind. This part of the text bases that there are animals existed what can sense the electric fields of their quarries. And maybe some humans can have that ability, or somebody claims that in the birth every person in human race would have the ability to read thoughts.

But then other senses would cover that ability, and the ability to feel magnetic fields turns recessive sensor, what can, of course, turn back to dominating ability, if some person would stay years in some jungle alone. And that thing has been given ideas to some movies. The most remarkable movie about this case has been the movie, where the main character could read other personal thoughts by shaking their hands. In this case, the reason for that ability might be more simple than you ever thought. When somebody shakes another person's hand, would that person feel, what kind of hand the opponent has? And if that person claims to work in some heavy work, but the hand of that person is soft, would that tell about lies. But sometimes I would think, that does somebody actually have the ability to read thoughts without auxiliary equipment? If that could be possible, that person could be richest in the world.


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