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There is no text, what have no influence, and imagination is the key to making interesting text

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Many people think that there are harmless texts in the world. Some of the most harmless texts are mentioned being science fiction stories. Those texts are mentioned to be coming straight from the writer's imagination. But the persons who tell that are always forgotten, that every single invention in the world is the reason for the imagination of the inventor. We don't want to believe any secret experiments or eugenics. But when we are thinking that somebody wants to make "super humans" might this person want to destroy weak genomes from the individuals. The most suitable way to make that is use radioactive radiation for that purpose.

High level of radiation can use as the scary element, what can keep people out of that area. But there is one possibility for keeping the radiation in high level. And that is cutting the individuals, who have weak genomes from the system. But this kind of things is so-called marginal Sci-Fi what means sometimes horror-style science fiction what means that monsters are creating human experiments. Same style texts are made by some notorious human behavior experiments. The source of those stories is the case, where psychologist named Watson taught the child, that teddy-bears are the frightened creature.

He used loud voice, when this psychologist shows a teddy bear to the child, what was called as "Albert", and that test was made in 1920, and some rumors are that this child was named "Josef", and he became infamous doctor Mengele, the "Angel of Death" of Auschwitz-Birkenau. This experiment was proved that people would make do anything by using this kind of methodology. This horrifying experiment made people think that behind some of the most notorious crimes is the person, who is the victim of that kind of experiments or unqualified medical personnel. The "Case Albert" was brought to my mind one very disturbing idea: what if somebody might make this test by claiming that fear was made by some jew, and could somebody make that kind of experiment to Adolph Hitler?

This could explain his fanatic hate against Jews. The experiments like "Case Albert" were justified in many societies, but it brought the mind of the people one question: what has been done in the institutes, what was in the middle of the forests. We must ask also what those medical experiments made with children who were not met their parents? The horror stories are sometimes written by keeping some areas clean by people, who would not want to see, what was happen in those areas.

One of the most attractive Sci-Fi-horror film what I have seen is "Capricorn one", where NASA hides secret, that it's flight to Mars is happening in the studio. Then the capsule destroyed during the landing, and those persons who were working as the "film stars" become the problem for the men, who are behind this thing. Then those persons made the decision, that those persons must die. And after that, they must hide the killers of the government. The story is actually the copy of the old theory, that NASA  made some moonwalks in a studio.

The original conspiracy theory about faked moon trips was the rumor that only one or two of those moon trips were made in the studio, and another of those capsules were Apollo 13, but there is no evidence of that. The Space suits are very useful in the deep space operations, and they could use in the kilometers deep.  In the claiming of "hoax moonwalk" the site where that operation happened was in the bottom of Ocean. The reason for those "studio flights" have been explained that NASA transferred money for "black budget aircraft projects".

But somebody claims that NASA would tell more lies about the technology, what has been used in their Moon projects. One claim was that in the chamber of rocket motors were installed the electric-dynamic motor, what was series of opposite rotating magnets. That system is actually known as "Die Glocke", or maybe there was electric arc equipment inside the burning chamber. The electric rocket motors like ion rockets would not need nuclear reactors for working. They can equip with generators, what is connected to the pumping system of the rocket, and they can give enough electricity that those rockets can fly in empty space by enormous speed if that would be compiled with the speed what normal rocket can take.

But, in fact, the most childish Sci-Fi writings and cartoons give the fascinating ideas of the things, what seems like real magic. When we are thinking about the situation, that space suit would be covered by magnets, what would accelerate ions over the space suits outer layer, would that allow to make real life "superman suit". But the problem of this is, of course, the electricity, what that acceleration system needs.

When we are thinking the conditions of outer space, the travel between the stars is possible to make by using space suits. In this case, the temperature inside the suit would decrease to the absolute zero point, and in this zero Kelvin degrees, all molecular movements are stopped. In that temperature, the organism would not get older, and if the waking up process is made that the person's body temperature would rise at the speed of degrees per day, and when temperature would rise high enough, would the automatized body functions return begin, by giving that person the electric shocks to heart.

When that "package" would travel to the targeted planet, would the transfer to the surface of planet happen by parachutes. And if there is suitable bacteria could those colonialists live like on the Earth. This is of course pure fiction, because if those bacteria of that planet might be different than our own, would they infect those travelers.  In the zero kelvin degrees would the systems of that miniature spacecraft be in the superconducting shape, and there would the batteries stay forever, because there is no resistance in the electric wires. And in the space is possible to pump electricity to the spacesuit by using high power radio-waves. There is some things what makes those things very attractive for Sci-Fi writers.

In some books the refugees from Earth would go to trajectory of Pluto, and then they would wait that the situation would become restless in that "freezer". And after they are forgotten those refugees would return to the Earth. This is one way to handle writing and books what would bring many good ideas to our mind. Remember that all great inventions are came from the inventors imagination. And the yesterdays Science Fiction is nowadays practical solution.


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