Monday, May 14, 2018

Leprosy and the isolation of political prisoners

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In some countries, the political opinions are handling like the epidemic. Those epidemics are all opinions, what is different than ruling government has. And stopping that epidemic must the political prisoners isolate from the outer world because they might cause the spreading of the epidemics. Many dictators in the world are disturbed if somebody makes criticism against them. And that's why those person's who have talked against that leader of the gang must isolate, and the isolation must be covered for some other reason. If the isolation of the person were uncovered as political arrest, that would cause the very bad situation. And that's why there were made covert diagnoses for the person's who were not able to execute because of the opinions, what this person has written or spoken.

When normal people are talking about leprosy or Hansen's disease that person means disease, that is caused by bacteria. But when the royal family of Sweden talk about that disease, they meant political prisoners. When King of Sweden the Gustav II Adolph wrote open order to open the leprosy  hospital to that island, this disease was claimed to be crucial from the god. And that meant that nobody allowed to work or talk with those patients. Leprosy was very frighten disease, and the purpose of that diagnoses, was to make those patients disgusting in the eyes of other people.

The reason why those uncomfortable patients were transferred to the more suitable place than some hospital in Turku, was that the opinions of those very isolated patients went to ears of normal people. When we are thinking about the situation, that some leprosy patient have left the blood in the chamber, that meant there was found some writings, what were been very awkward of royal court and the exponents of that institutions. Why this disease were replaced by mental illness, was clear. People started to pity those people, and of course, when bacteria were found the use of the diagnose leprosy were replaced as the mental illness, because somebody claimed that some of those patients, who were isolated rest of their life were not seem like people, who have Hansen's disease.

The Ceili's island transformed to the mental hospital in 1689, when the first mental patients brought to that island, what had an excellent location near busy ship routes between Turku and Stockholm. That meant the patients could be dropped to that island that nobody seen that. When we are thinking about attitudes of mental patients, we often face the cases, what are far from normal life. In public movies and media those patients are always some kind of serial killers, or baby killers. Those patients are always the thing, what brings cameras to place. But when we are thinking about the situation, that royal highness could not kill the person because of the opinions was that the person didn't do anything wrong. The opinions what must be told were some kind of utopian dream like the normal people would sometimes take the power in their own nation.

Sometimes somebody claimed, that call to military service was because the royal court of Sweden wanted the reports of some noble families. And the military service was good place to ask questions about the things, what are spoken in some mansions in the empire of Sweden. And of course The King of Sweden ruled in the name of the god. That meant all opinions, what were not accepted by King, were some kind of madness. And the outbreak of this kind of madness must be stopped immediately, because that was very harmful for the people, who were pumped full of the ideology, that the ruler of the Sweden ruled by authority, what came straight from the heaven.


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