Sunday, May 27, 2018

The slow version of "Star Trek's" material transfer system (3D-Bioprinters)

(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

This text is still in fiction, but after a couple of years, we can probably make copies of human bodies. If the system can make copies of organs, it can copy all body. There is a very funny thing in my mind about the "material transfer system", what is used in "Star Trek". This system bases a joke, where some laboratory worker ask another one "what kind of goo, is flowing out from that test tube"? And this is so-called "slow material transfer".

The slow version of that material transfer system is actually spacecraft, or probe, what is equipped with a 3D-bioprinter, and the tissue culture, what is used in future to print organs for some patient. In this version, all tissues of the persons, who would be wanted to transfer would be planted, by taking all organ of that person a tissue sample and after that those tissues would be cultured in some dishes in laboratories.

In to those cells can transfer the genomes, what makes them multiply extremely fast, and in theory that would allow copying human body in a couple of months, and when there would be enough cells, could those genomes removed by using nanotechnology.  And then those tissues would be the load to that probe. Then that probe would be landed, and then 3D bioprinters would start to make the copy of that person, and when the body is ready, would the EEG-be transferred to the brains by using electric shock equipment.

And after that, the heart would be started with the electric shock. I got this idea from those 3D-bioprinters, what are planned to make organs by using tissue cultures, and those systems can be used to get new livers to persons, who are getting cancer in that organ. And also other organs like heart and eyes are planned to make with that system, and if that system can make copies of every organ in the human body, can it make copies of humans. And this kind of things is very fascinating but scary.

Only thing, what those systems need is to get only one cell from every organ, and then it can copy the body. Neurons can be made from other cells by using retroviruses, what transforms the cells to other. In that case, we could, in theory, take any cells, and replace their genomes by using retroviruses, what would transfer right genomes to those cells. This kind of technology is a quite scary thing, and it can be used in some dark operations to hide the loss of the operator.


Picture I

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