Sunday, May 13, 2018

Why must we have superiority for other persons every time, when something goes wrong?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about threats, the weak persons would normally treat to another people. Their purpose is to raise their weak self-esteem and inability to talk with other people about threats and violent behavior. Weak persons are unable to hear critics about themselves, and they are also unable to handle social situations. They are normal persons, who would always want to show their superiority to other people, and that means, they are unable to handle the social situation without looking the object downwards. They are always right in every case, and if they are in superior position for other person, they would show that to everybody. Weak persons are always want to talk with superiority and officials, if they are sometimes feel that they are right. 

People with bad self-esteem always call the boss, because they want only to show how important they are. And who cares about the person, who were responsible for the thing, what caused the violent situations. They want to show, how wealthy they are by using expensive jewelry and clothes. And of course those persons want to hear only things, what pleases them. And if the person, who is the target for hate is not even responsible for the thing, what caused the hate is same to those persons. The first thing, what those users of very expensive clothes make is to call the boss in the situation. 

This is the major problem in the everyday life. We all want to hear something, what we like. And if somebody doesn’t please us, we feel angry and hate. Sometimes I have thought that sometimes we are all those persons in expensive clothes. If some young person would make something wrong, we are lower tolerance level than with adult people. When some youngster yells to us, we would feel angry, and then we think that some 15 years old youngster is bad person. We cannot accept the situation, that some bicyclist would make scratches to our car, because this person just drives the cycle beside of our car. 

We want to call this persons parents and then call the police, who would give punishment to that youngster. But when some other adult makes the same thing to our car, we would accept the offer to repaint that piece of damaged painting. But why we must always be so adult, that we want to get some person in the court, because we want to show superiority for that person? Why we ever tell anything to some person self? Why we always must get authority from some official or superiority person, when we have some problems? The law says that we have not to tell anything to the underage person, but is it easier to give punishments behind the back? About need to be superior for other persons is clearly seen the situation, where some handicapped person makes some jobs. 

We want to see that the work, what this person does is somehow worse than our own work. This is the very interesting situation because the persons who are handicapped makes usually the same missions than so-called ”normal workers”, but their salary is normally extremely low. When some underage person would get punishment, would it be better than this person knows the reason for sending behind the bars? This might be the good thing that the person can change the behavior, but the most interesting way to get punishments is that the person would lock in some room, without telling the reason for that. 

And the learning of behavior needs that the person would know, why the punishment would given. This is the only thing, what makes person to understand where the target of the punishment made wrong movement? The philosophy of punishments is that they would be given for some reason. And when the punished person would know the reason, can this person fix the actions or behavior, and this is impossible if that person would not know the reason for punishment. But if the punishment would be automatically given, would that cause the situation, that this person doesn't even care about the behavior. 

If the punishment would come behaves that person good or bad way, would this person lost the care of the behavior. When I sometimes think about the situation, that the person would get punishment without the reason, would this also be the similar situation, that person would not be told about the reason for punishment. In some protective works the policy is, that if some person would not make the jobs well immediately, when this person came to work, the result would be kicking off. And in those cases the reason for kicks is almost ever mentioned to that person.

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