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Small house in Southern Finland

Kimmo Huosionmaa

I once walked over the small house in Southern Finland. I noticed that the house seems like a product of some foreigner architecture office. This text is coming from my imagination, and all connection with real persons is only coincidence. The shape of the building is not the same, because the shape of the structure has an influence for energy-economy of the building.

The half-ball shape structure gives best energy-economy, because the relation of the bulk and the outer layer is then the best, what can be done. If the size of the outer layer of the structure is small when it is compiled to the bulk of structure, the heat would not be shine to the air. In this text I must also write about the situation, that done foreign architect will draw some house.

The picture of the house would not create without work, and the local way to make houses gives influence for structures and that's why architects should visit are the a, where the house would be built. Above the text is the picture of the house, what have been planned by probably German architects. In this case, the house doesn't fit the environment, where it has been built. This house is the very good example, of the situation, that some architect makes plans for houses, but then the customer would forget to tell that the house will be made to Southern Finland.

Probably the maker of this house has been wanted to make the picture, that the house is somewhere in Lapland. And this kind of houses makes me think, that have somebody wanted to make them in some other environment? Next part of this text is pure fiction, and it comes from my imagination.  In this case, some person would want to buy the holiday-house from Germany, but then the mind would change. And this person would build the house here in Finland.

Maybe the reason for that was that this builder got the political career in some left-wing party, and in this case, the capitalist luxuries were not good for this hypothetical person career. But because our politician was shown the drawings for other persons of the party, must that politician made this German type house in Southern Finland.  Or maybe this house was ordered by Stasi, East Germany's intelligence for some operations. I'm sure that real intelligence agencies have such houses for interrogation and other purposes.

Sometimes in those safe houses were kept prisoners, who were kidnapped for some reasons. And also terrorist-prisoners have been kept in safe houses, what looks normal houses from outside. One rumor is that also the normal prisoners, who are suspected to get attacked in the prison are sitting their judgment in high covered prisons alone because they are suspected to target by unauthorized executions or treated by the revenge of prison staff in some prisons.

In this kind of cases must justice department get special arrangements for those prisoners, who are very hated because of their crimes. And one of those groups of prisoners is, of course, police-officers, who have made crimes. Those persons are of course very bad criminals, but they sometimes wanted to silent, because they have information about other "dirty cops". That kind of things is fascinated to think. This is one thought, what came to my mind when I walked over it in one shiny day.


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