Saturday, May 5, 2018

Thoughts about euthanasia and growing in hate.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Finnish parliament denied the active euthanasia, and this made me think about ethical problems with that thing, what is also called as "murder for mercy". Then the patient would suffer from pain, the ending of the life seem very human and reasonable thing. This is murder because the active killing of another human is murder. But the ethical problem with euthanasia is of course very large thing, and there are also many juridical problems with that thing. When we are thinking about the situation, that somebody would have cancer, what can't be the cure, we must ask when would be the time for taking deadly poisons? When the person is so ill, that the euthanasia would be allowed, and what is the point, when the medical cure would be stopped?

And what if the doctor lies to patch isn't, that cancer cannot be cured? This man must just give something agricultural chemical to the victim, what makes this poor person the cancer patient. Or he can just fake the samples and give the poison tablets saying, that this cancer doesn't make any pain, but when the pain starts, would it be too late. With the eyes of my soul, I can see the smiling doctor in the front of some victim, and tell that story to that person. This monster can also say, that this tumor makes the patient very dangerous for other persons.

This could be the very shocking thing, and of course, some person can think that there is a salvation for other people, and then commit suicide.  And if the doctor would tell the truth in this case, we must also think the situation, that the death for that cancer would take tens of years. And when we are thinking about active euthanasia, we would ask: who would give that poison? And what if those pills would get to wrong hands? Who says that those pills would not be used in normal murders. But when we are thinking about euthanasia, we must remember Gestapo and it's monstrous "Aktion T-4 program". This program was the covert name for "Euthanasia", but in real life that meant the murder project, what was meant for eliminating the enemies of Nazi-government.

In this case, we must ask: what if the parents would have right to give their children for euthanasia? And what if they would hide domestic violence or some hospital's medical staff would hide their mistakes by slaughtering their patients? There is one very prominent thing about those Nazi-doctors. Many of them didn't feel any remorse because of their actions and crimes. Lack of ability to remorse the crimes is usual with the members of organized crimes and also the criminals who make so-called serial crimes like serial murders and school violations.

Normally school violation is a series of actions that are meant for making mental and physical pain and injuries to the victim. The victim is systematically isolated from other people of society. And sometimes this victim have been forced to drink tube cleaning chemicals and their hands are burned with battery acid. Also, there could be hopes that their victim would die.

That really hurts, or what would you think, what some 8 to 9 years old school kid feels while hearing that kind of threats. Those actions can cause serious mental and physical injuries to the victim. They cause very bad trauma and hate in the mind of that youngster. Then someday that person might become some kind of skinhead because the young life experiences have thought that violence is the right way to handle the social situations.  And here I must say one thing, the suicide is not the solution, and every people has right to live if they are not done anything to other people.

When we are thinking about violence and other things like marginalization, the suicide is not the solution. That is what those violators really want. They have no social conscience, and there is only one person in their real life. That is only those violators them self. They ever repent their actions, and the most successful thing in their life is when somebody would start to cry.

One very good example of that kind of persons is drug dealers, who always rise prosecutions against prison guards and other people. Those criminals might keep very loud house parties, and give threats to other people. But if somebody even shows the middle finger to that person, would the police called to place and prosecutions rise immediately. And another way to show the lack of social conscience by swagging their pure criminal registers, but then the same persons could bite other people by using baseball clubs. Is it wonderful to know, that some persons have no ability to see, that they would do something wrong? This is only an opinion about murders and crimes, and euthanasia is also one version of murder. Even if we want to believe something else.

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