Thursday, May 17, 2018

The role of police in social and political life is very complicated

Kimmo Huosionmaa

By using police for disturbing political and business enemies is very usual in real life. With some discussions of official position, is sometimes have been rumored, that the person, who is as the candidate for that position has criminal registration markings. Same times the crimes, what have caused those markings are not mentioned. This means that the quality of crime must be always told because sometimes those markings come from parking tickets, what is not paid. The reason for that may be different than we think, and the owner of that vehicle would able to pay the ticket, but somebody, who walked by the car just pull the ticket off the windshield.

And this might look like the owner of the vehicle seems like doesn't care the regulations at all. This method has been used against politicians sometimes. Somebody just pulls the parking ticket out of the window, and the owner of the vehicle doesn't even know to get that ticket. And of course, that ticket would not be paid in those cases. I have heard rumors that some newspapers have had contracts, that they have prepaid some parking tickets, but that is of course crime. The rumors say that the reason for that has been, that the reporters would park their vehicles near some conference centers.

When we are talking about this kind of actions, that method could be used for setting traps to some persons. In those cases, the vehicle would be parked in some parking lot and the parking warden would not give the ticket for that vehicle because it was prepaid. When the next guy comes and makes the same action, would the result be the ticket on the windshield, and of course those bills are not very cheap. But when we are getting back to the main question about police work and it's relationship with political power, we must consider that sometimes happens the things, what are unexpected.

One of those things happened in 1960's when the FBI fought against Ku Klux Klan in the deep south. There were happened cases, where  KKK found the witnesses of the violence, by using information, what came from judges. This meant that FBI could not ask permission to eavesdrop on telephones, and that's why they began to eavesdrop the telephones of judges. Then some FBI agents realized, that those judges used payphones for informing the KKK for the location of the witnesses. And then they began operation COINTELPRO, where all public telephones were eavesdrop because they were used in criminal purposes.

The problem with that program was that FBI didn't ask permission for those actions. But at the same time, FBI and Military forces became PSY-OP operation, what was claimed to named COINTLEPRO, what was not same as COITELPRO. The idea of this program was to deliver information about crimes, what was made in the name of KKK. And of course, that was the counteraction for the counselors attempt to claim those persons only patriotic Americans. So the info-op specialists published the actions of those patriots in the free newspapers, what were delivered to trains and bus stops.

The interface of those publications was much larger than paid newspapers were, and this was causing the situation that people's eyes were opened. Of course, the separation between races made the life of the police officers very easy, because of guilty persons were always found from the black community. The problem with that was, that sometimes those policemen didn't the faces of the white boys, and they came home from the station with the black circle around their eye. Also, this ethnic profiling made police stations very scare places for everybody who was not pleased, policemen.

There were rumors that some southern side policemen had sent black people to death row for their own crimes. And because the police were very feared, the criminal organizations could act freely. If they wanted somebody to make murders for them, those gangsters must only call black men, who could not be undercover police officers, because they were not accepted in the police training. And those gangsters claimed that their method was right.

Name of that organization was "The Black Panther league", and those gunmen claimed to work for the black community. In the real world, those persons were actually worked as gunmen for Mafia, and they didn't even want the end of race separation. That gave very much money for the pockets of the leaders of the "Black Panthers", who also sold heroin to their clients. Somebody claims that behind the murder of the Martin Luther King was actually the "Black Panther league", that wanted to stop this man's non-violent resistance and attempts to change the law in the states, where race separation was legal.

And Martin Luther King made in a couple of months more good than  "Black Panther league" during all its history. Those young gunmen are the people, who are created the term "black gangsters". When we are thinking about ethnic profiling, we must say that every time, when police make that kind of things like checks the papers from the black people, because of the color of the skin, that is off the police's other work. And if some policeman has the attitude, that color of the skin makes people criminal, would that cause that even serial killers can slip off the law enforcement, what sends people to jail because they were the different color than this person self.

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