Monday, May 28, 2018

Why somebody made that text?

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is a picture of rock painting in Heinola, Finland. And we might think, that it's made by some narcotic users, who have been in camping at this area at 70's. This text has been made over ancient stone-age rock painting, and if somebody would catch by this, would the price of this text very big. Some narcotic-users make very impulsive actions when they are under the influence of drugs.  And this is the good example, why this kind of artifact must be protected.

When we are thinking this kind of ancient paintings, what has been made by some caveman, we must say that some of those paintings have been destroyed by medieval people, who have had the fanatic relationship with Christianity. And those paintings are made by some pagan, that means, that they should be destroyed. But in this case were not question of some medieval person, because those people didn't have the opportunity to buy oil colors from the shop, and this is, why I suspect that some drug-users have wanted to make their names known forever. And maybe they wanted to show the world, that they had camping site in that area.

And maybe those days what are painted in that yellow text, are the dates when those people were on this camping site. And probably the months are wrong. This kind of people is the reason, why some of the most fantastic cave paintings are kept out of the human eye in secrecy. There are always people, who want to destroy those ancient paintings, and many of those people are drug users. And maybe they don't know what this kind of graffiti costs for them if they would catch about this kind of actions. Destroying ancient artifact is the very bad thing and the bill about those actions is very high. So this kind of art would cause very big bill. But why it's done. If the local people would not talk anything about this case, there would probably not any mysteries behind it.

Of course, some woman could hide just born children in the forest and then kill them in some mental disorder. And those children are probably not born in the hospital, and this causes thoughts about the murder of two innocent children. But normally local people would know about this kind of things if those children were found in some church books. But if behind this is some drug user, there is a possibility, that those hypothetical children are born in some forest, and then some terrible thing has happened. In this scenario, some prostitute has been caught children with some person, who wanted to protect his reputation.

And after this very selfish person have been made the crime, what has no excuses. This kind of action would send that person straight to the mental hospital for the rest of the life. Here I remember some writings in the newspaper, where some reporter protected this kind of crimes and claimed that, if the victim would be just born child, there should not prosecute those brutal and cold-blooded murderers. And now I must ask, is there a connection between those writings and this rock painting? They were quite disturbing writings, where child murders were defended, by claiming that those children were not even humans.  In those cases, where the person has been made crime, what cannot be defended, would this criminal try to apologize for that kind of heartless and brutal crime, by convicting, that this sick crime was right, and other people would accept it.

This feeling of guilty sometimes causes disturbing writings in some newspapers, if someone has been killed the child on purpose or accidentally as an example impacting that young person by car. and in some person's mind comes thoughts, that this kind of victim was handicapped, because that would make the life easier. And sometimes the reason for the texts were child victims are underrated caused the crime, what is called a "hit and run", where the driver escapes from the place, where the impact happened. In those cases would this person sometimes try to convict that the victim was guilty in this thing, what was not right, but claiming that another person would accept that action makes that criminals life easier because that driver might have the very bad conscience about this hypothetical action, that caused the death of the innocent person.

Picture I
Kuva: Ismo Luukkonen. Museovirasto - Musketti Copyright: Kuva: Ismo Luukkonen. Museovirasto - Musketti. Kuva: Ismo Luukkonen.

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