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Writing about prisons and other closed societies and the "Eichmann experiment" in Finland 1918.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

I just saw the magazine, there was a story about prison camps in Finland at 1918, and there was the text about that in prison camps served some sadistic persons. And here I must say that prisons and prison camps are places, where sometimes serves some sadists, because of this places are the attractive place for sadists. Those sadists would think that those men would ever get the punishment because of their actions and in the year 1918 the sociological atmosphere in Finland was very inflammatory, and the "Red guard" was seen only as the criminal organization, what membership meant for death. When the "White Guard" won the civil war in 1918, those men wanted blood. They wanted to clean social infrastructure of Finland from "red danger", and that's why prison camps were extremely tough places, where 14000 people lost their lives.

They wanted to kill every person, who was fought in the front. By this visual angle, there were the social order for murders in those camps. There were many persons, who were not even seen anything wrong with shooting the captured "reds", who were closed in the prison camps. The society made possible to make giant living laboratory or "Milgram-" or "Eichmann Experiment" in Finland. The "Milgram Experiment" was the psychological test, where some psychologists tested how far the man can go if that person would instigate to make violence. And of course, those captured people were under the control of their guards, who had no fear to get any prosecutions if they were hit or kill somebody.

In 1918 was only one way to talk about the civil war, and it was that "Red guard" was only the rebel group. The war was ideological, and in that time were forgotten, that Germany, what helped the "White guard" in power in Finland was in the war against Russian empire. And this meant that "White guard" was also rebellious against tsar, but that was forgotten. And co-operation with the enemy is always prohibited, and that kind of actions are punished by using "hard hand". But the reason, why the executions were so traumatic, was that there were men, whoever shot any shootings in real combat. And those men who made executions served at so-called "flying units", what shot the prisoners on both sides.

Those men used horses to travel around Finland, and that's why they were named as "flying units". The use of horses was chosen because dogs couldn't track those killers. But many of those men made only executions. Of course, they wanted to hide that thing because shooting unarmed man or woman was embarrassing. When the combat was over, those "flyers" wanted to hide their actions and at the same time, executioners wanted to tie as many people as possible in their actions, that nobody ever tells the story about those "legal" executions.

And the reason, what justified those actions was the of the guideline, where was mentioned that the rebellious personnel was able to shoot, and then "White guard" identified itself as the official army of Finland. And the Russian guideline was the thing, what legislated those executions. The reason for executions in the camps was that the Finnish society wanted to clean the "thoughts of reds", as the "white leaders" told the thing.

After the 1918 war, there were many actions, what might be the shame of the people who served in those camps. In this kind of cases the line, what was taken in that time, was that "Reds" were only criminals, who should be shoot. Nobody wanted to hear anything about killings and executions in those camps, because that could make those persons very unpopular. And all investigations about the things, what in those camps happened was covered by "white lie". That meant that those investigators were stamped as the communists, and then those executions were underrated. The situation was like in giant "Milgram experiment", where guards were told to kill all opponents, and because that was "right" there 100 years, that the horrors of those camps came to the front of the public eye.

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