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If you want to be the top man, you must make sacrifices

Kimmo Huosionmaa

If somebody believe, that is easy some top man of science or philosophy, that man is wrong. In this text term "philosopher" means also other writers, who write books that are not actually anything else than the production of images. When the person writes lots of things, those texts might involve very serious claiming about the things, what are meant for hidden in some archives. There are many persons who would see those top philosophers or scientists resting in final peace.

If we are thinking pure science, we must understand that there would be many persons, who would see that some vaccines, what is planned to use against cancer as prevention purpose as prohibited. Many medical companies live to make cancer medicines, and if some vaccine would make those medicals unnecessary, would the incoming money flow to that company decrease. And some persons have not so high morale, what we hope, and that is the reason that the persons, who are investigating those vaccines are sometimes afraid of their life.

Also, people who are taken part of the research what was about the unpolluted energy are sometimes faced the diagnoses, that they are somehow mentally ill. The reason why people still want to use fossil fuel and own car is simple. Big cars bring status to some people, and nobody wants to divest their privileges. That is seen in many times in many places, where is the ranking system. In those systems, persons keep their privileges more important than making the job done. I didn't invent that thing myself. There was a program on TV, where this thing was mentioned. There are also many philosophers, who said something, what made them very unpopular in the eyes of the people, who have power in the state. Even if the philosopher wants to follow the law all the time, this person would cause very embarrassing situations for the leaders or some other persons.

When we think that some kind of Voltaire would want to make himself known as the philosopher, this person must write many articles on the Internet. And when somebody writes lots of texts, would happen that this person writes something, what is not satisfy the leaders of the nation. In that case, Mr. Voltaire would want to give his dream about university teacher or official of the state away, because something bad was said against the leaders of the state. In this case, Mr. Voltaire should look for another job than some officer in that land. And in this case, we must understand that sometimes would be better, that nobody even knows, who actually that Philosopher actually is. If the wrong persons would find the real identity of some philosopher, that would sometimes cause the violence against philosopher.

Many persons do feel that they must satisfy all other people when they say something, and in this case, we must say, that we ever can satisfy everybody. And if we want that our texts are popular, we must write something, what makes people interested about those texts. And in that case, we must say, that nobody is interested in texts, what have no critiques against some powerful people. This is the very dangerous thing because is some of those powerful men would sit next to writer in the train, and that text is read for radios, and if some of those powerful men would turn red, will that uncover that critique had the influence to that person. This is why is very difficult to be a philosopher. All texts have some kind of influence on other people.

When philosopher writes much text, would those texts have influence, and as Descartes would say if somebody gets angry because those texts, would the writer existed. But what would that person look like? That is the key question of recognition. And if some texts cause the influence that some other writer goes to the presidential office for those writings, would that cause violations against the writer. And that's the reason, why writers sometimes want to stay undercover. If their identity would uncover, the results could be very painful for that writer. That is the reason, why some writers hide their identities from the public eye.

Mental disorders are the good method to shut the mouth of some persons, and of course, that can stop even the writing process. But when we are thinking of isolation and the way to write and innovation, we must say that world is always tougher than the sword. Like Napoleon Bonaparte, the most brilliant military mind said, who owns the mind of the army, owns the men and weapons of the nation. And as we know the most brilliant minds can make the decisions, what would first seem like mistakes, but then they would become the success.

That would make legends, what is told even today. The legends are born the way, that somebody makes something, what turns the way of history. History is nor of course written as those things were actually happening. The history is written to serve nations. And one way to teach military leaders was, of course, tell them stories of the fights of the past. That's why some battles ever happened in real life, and the stories of those battles are meant for educating the military leaders of the nations. The purpose of those stories would be to make the commanders of the armies analyze the methods what would be done in those situations.

In the medieval age and long after that was the teaching of the Kings quite difficult task, because if that majesty didn't want to learn anything, or the teacher would not pleased the ruler of the state, would that cause very the situation that the teacher were executed, if the King felt that somebody was not honor that unlimited ruler enough. And that is one reason, why we are living in the republic. The reason for supporting unlimited power of the King, was because the continuance were guaranteed in the state. But sometimes the King changed, and that might cause bloody cleanings and executions, when new majesty took the power in the state.

And those cases were very dramatic because many high-rank noblemen lost the head in those prescriptions. The purpose of those political killings was to make next ruler of the state independent. Same time was the purpose to show, what happens the persons, who try to blackmail royal court. One of the most well-known cleanings is when Roman emperor Septimius Severus's son Caracalla slaughtered his father's guards and all personnel of the court because they could tell the information about weaknesses of the new ruler of the Roman empire.

The official version is that Caracalla prosecuted those staff assassination of his father. Caracalla is told to be very brutal caesar, and somebody has been claimed that the stories of the massacre in Eboracum what is now named as York was told that people would afraid him, and maybe this claimed massacre with the assassination of his brother Greta caused fear in the mind of people, and then somebody killed Caracalla. Here we must remember that Caracalla was 22 years old when he became emperor with his brother.

And because of his young age, somebody claimed that his brother killed their father. Young men are the very good target for that kind of propaganda, because they have so little experience of life, and maybe Caracalla believed the stories about the assassination of Septimius Severus. And the isolation of the Severus, and that the bodyguards would not let Caracalla in the tent of dying emperor made him believe that somebody was poisoned his father. The reason for isolation was maybe ordered for quarantine, or because emperor wanted to rest. But they seemed the conspiracy in the eyes of Caracalla. Sometimes those majesty's were unable to stand disappointments.

When we are thinking about the royal policy of many nations, the real Kings had always lightning rod who was good to prosecute, if the wars went wrong. This was the reason, why the royal marshal of Sweden, Armfelt leaped to Russian side. He was afraid that the King would execute him, and that's why this man left to Russia and served the Emperor Alexander I in the committee of things of Finland. Another high-rank Swedish officer, who went to serve Russian emperor was Spengtsporten, who served as the governor-general of Finland in early 19th. century.


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