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The security problems with keyless cars and modern computers might cause horrible situations

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Computers are everywhere, and this means that the next generation criminals might use them more often than firearms. Hacker doesn't need the license for equipment, and this is the reason, why modern criminals are using computer breaking for closing the alarming systems and transferring money to their own accounts and other computer-based methods in their actions. Hackers are modern thieves, who slip into the system and then steal money or information for their employers.

When hackers would break in some car's computer systems, they would cause the horrible situation. And the worst of all is that the driver would lock in the car, and thermostat turned in full power. If that happens out of city area and the hacker can jam the mobile telephone and locks the breaks, the situation would be like in some horror movie.  The keyless car is the very nice idea. But there is the little problem, it can accidentally turn it motor on if there would be some malfunctions in the ignition system or its control circuit. Also if the computer programs, what is controlling that system involves some critical code-errors would the motor start to run without warning in the garage.

But when we are thinking about the cars, what is very highly automatized is a possibility that some hackers can break in the ignition system of that kind of car by using electric locking system as the gate. And in this kind of cases, the hacker can turn on the motor by some kind of remote control software. But there is another way to make this trick. If the hacker would slip little computer program to the microchip, what controls the locking and alarming system,  this person might start the motor very easily without any trace.

This means that hacker just replaces the ignition control software by self-modified code, what involves the code, what would start the engine in the certain time. And after that, the car can run its motor until somebody notices that. But who would make that kind of trick? Sometimes I have thought that, if the targetted vehicle belonged to some cargo company, would the motive in this kind of action be, that the competitor would want to increase the fuel bill of that company, or maybe the competitor wants some contracts, by using unethical methods for getting those contracts. In those cases, the competitor might hire hackers to make dirty jobs for the vehicles.

And if in the cars or trucks ABS-system would be hacked, that only one wheel would be locked in the middle of the drive, would it cause slowing the services. And then clients would get new partners for logistics. But if the garage is involved in the house, where the people lives, is one risk. This is that somebody wants to kill the owners of the house by using carbon monoxide, what is created in the engine of the car. This would be the very deadly thing and the new weapon in the hands of organized crime. Computers make life easier, but they are also causing new threats, and this is the reason, why law enforcement should advantage and get new skills all the time. And criminals are clever.

They are always forward of law enforcement because the criminals must act before law enforcement can begin the operations. And the data security is the key element in the safety of modern vehicles. If some hacker takes some of the systems of the car in control,  it could make very bad things. Or what would you think the situation that somebody would lock the driver in the car and turn the thermostat in maximum level by hacking the computer of the car? Or what if somebody hacks the radio of the vehicle, and turns the stereo in full power?

Those things are the horror-scenarios in modern life. and maybe modern "voodoo men" would use those car radios for subliminal commands to give all the money to them. In this scenario in the car's stereo system would infect the program, what starts to send infra-sound messages to the driver. In some rumors, the pilots of planes what attacked to WTC-building in 2001 were targeted that kind of commands, what was given by "white noise". But those rumors are without evidence. Same way some very bad trades are sometimes believed to make under the influence of infra sound loudspeakers. And that kind of things might be used in next-generation mafia-men, who wants to make inexpensive contracts. And that kind of systems is more effective than guns. The users of those methods would not catch in the same way that the regular gangsters, what makes them more dangerous than any "Don Corleone" could ever be.


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