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Stop the rumors but keep the open and innovative atmosphere in the workplace

Kimmo Huosionmaa

This might be a good slogan in some workplaces. Working life is very difficult, even without persons who come to some meetings and tell that "There were some investigations about this thing in UCLA", and after that, this person gives us a very great smile, that this investigation was the thing, what is synonyms for our decision. When we are asking about those investigations, the results would be publishing after two weeks, but this person has heard rumors of those results have been told by some reporter, from some kind of "Rolling Stone" magazine, who have heard them in some cafeteria near the University of Helsinki.

This feels the very confessing thing, and that is the reason, why we must spend 30 minutes of our working day. Press is very good thing to get information, but if somebody wants to say, that in the press is written something, could this person bring that magazine with him or her to the meeting, that rest of us would see what is written in that article, what is written by some very popular and well-known person, who has been written to many publications, what are delivered to many top specialists of the world. Working life is the amazing thing if somebody is the very social person.

But the discussions about trends are the little bit disturbing if somebody in the same room makes the difficult code for some computer program. Also when we are talking about trends, we have the little bit difficult to find so-called trend work in the real life workplaces. Ordinary working life is far away from the "work" what is introduced in some TV-series. The picture what is given in those "soap operas" is that in the workplace is feeling like in champagne parties, and there would ever be any real jobs to do.
Then those persons would have unlimited money to spend in some restaurants, where they have always date-mates, who drive with nice sports cars. In real working life, we don't transfer to our home under one second. And in the real life, we are sometimes tired or angry. We are not social all the time, and we are sometimes making mistakes while we are talking to other persons. Sometimes the customers would come to visit in those stores, where workers normally talk together and are very social.

This world of soap operas would be very nice, but those persons live only in those TV-series. In real life, we are only humans, and we are making mistakes all the time. And we would not shine non-stop and sometimes some customer would come to disturb our shining input workplace. This is sad but true in modern life. That is far away from things, what we will see in modern media. Even in the time of digitization, the press is the very important source for information, but when somebody uses that information in the meetings and conferences, should the same information deliver to every person, who takes part of the meeting.

This helps to make conclusions about the information, what is delivering in those meetings, where is sometimes the question of millions of Euros. And in those cases should information, what is delivered in those meetings be absolute true, and the quality of the source must able to check, because if the information what is given is wrong, would the damages be very big, and the reputation of the company could be gone, if the investment would be wrong. And that is the key element for successful business. And only successful business increase the value of the corporation.

But we must understand that one part of the successful business is that business is moral and ethical action. It would be very embarrassing to catch about the use of child workers or pollution, and that would make very bad damage for the corporation, even if the action would be legal. And this would make the very strong negative influence for the production of the company. In those cases would not be the very good act to say that all working of the company is legal, because if that country has no legislation about those things, would every kind of actions in this sector be legal. And if there would be no laws about some things like corruption, those laws are very difficult to break.

With corruption, everybody should be very careful because that would bring the person near to corrupted officials, and that be very dangerous for health. Those persons who are corrupted could be very violent, because that can bring them very long period in jail, and that's why they can make even murders. In some nations is behavior, that sometimes some polices or other officials would be arrested for corruption. In those countries, the corruption is the very common problem, and that's why those governments sometimes give some officials to the lions, as we must say. That makes them seem active in the field of anti-corruption.

And of course, own citizens are satisfied in that time when a couple of sergeants of the police would send to jail because of corruption. In those nations, almost every official take profits in their position. This is the sad thing in the modern world, where everybody should live free, and people should trust their governments. But there are still countries, where people scare about law enforcement, and that makes the drug dealing and using the land area easy to use in the training of terrorism. And those problems caused bad things even in the streets of Finland or some other European country.


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