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SETI-program, and searching extraterrestrial civilizations

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

SETI-program is actually umbrella-term for many radio-astronomical programs, what are looking for strange radio signals from space. Those program's primary or secondary mission is to find the extraterrestrial radio signals, what are send by intelligent alien civilization. Some of those programs primary mission are to hunt for black holes or make maps of other planet's surface. But the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is the fascinating projects on the Earth.

With this program the computer scientists have created new kind of ways to analyze big data masses, with distributing data processing methods, where the computers would share their resources over the Internet, and this methodology makes new kind of network-based CAD and graphics programs like "Renderfarm" possible, but as we know the distributing data processing makes also possible to connect supercomputers together. Those ultra-powerful computers are able to connect together similar way as regular PC:s by using the Internet.

SETI uses those systems in the mission, where they are analyzing very large mass of information, and in the same purpose uses NSA (National Security Agency)  their computers. In the real world, there would be not much difference between radio astronomy and electronic intelligence. But when we are thinking about the purpose or benefit of SETI itself is that we must be ready to face an alien. We don't actually know if there is an alien near our solar system. We have ever been actually visited even in Alpha Centaur, and that's why some sarcastic person might ask, "have you visited there recently"?

If somebody says that there is not alien civilization. Actually, we probably don't know what do we know all planets even in our own solar system. And when we are thinking about the hypothetical humanoids and their hypothetical SETI-program, we must think that they might want to observe us without disturbing us. And that would mean, that those aliens would want real information of our planet. In this case, they might think, that we might be species, what is under control of some other species.

This hypothetical thing means that those humanoids would use "Dyson's sphere" type ball-shaped space stations for observing us. And in the worst case this "Dyson's sphere" would be the same kind of battle station as the "Death Star" in the movie Star Wars. This type of combat stations could be covered by ice, what makes them very difficult to separate from other ball-shaped objects in our solar system. This is one problem with communicating between civilizations. We don't know are those aliens really coming in peace. And another very big problem with the communication between civilizations is that we don't know are those hypothetical aliens actually only the users of their systems?

And this makes very difficult to make the diplomatic relationship with alien civilizations. If those aliens would want to colonize the earth, they might take one state under the control by giving they some war equipment, and that would make that state or nation to bluster to other nations. That way to use alien technology would make that nation addicted to humanoid technology, what they cannot produce. This is the reason, why we must be very careful with this kind of things. If we cannot produce our own systems and technology, would we be addicted to an indulgence of hypothetical humanoids?

In this very shocking scenario, the human race would be the slave by using the methodology, where aliens would give us a couple of their war machines, what are superior to our own aircraft. Then they would play gods in our planet, and this method where some civilization would be addicted by the weapons, what they could not the product is well known from the age of colonialism. In this case, the aliens would act like European colonialists, who destroyed many civilizations from Earth.

And I certainly don't hope this kind of future to mankind. We must stand on our own feet, and we can turn incoming asteroids away without help from humanoids, and we must feel our responsibility when we are going to other solar systems. In the future, we might be the visitors in some strange solar system and meet the primitive aliens. There we must follow the policy, that we don't addict those civilizations to our own technology. In that case, we are adults, and they are children.

We must teach them independence because in the worst case, would the result be the war between civilizations. That would be and at least the human colonies on that planet. When the help for those colonies would send from the Earth, the time of travel would take hundreds of years, and in that time would the opponent create the space flight, even if they were lived in the stone age in this hypothetical accounting and colonizing some primitive civilizations in distant future, when mankind would send the space probes to another solar system.


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