The research and advances in artificial intelligence are causing the need to re-estimate what things like consciousness means? When we are creating new and powerful AI. We are creating something that has not existed before. And quantum technology has increased the power of AI. So that means we might face surprising situations when we are driving AI algorithms by using quantum computers that are a minimum of 1000 times faster and more powerful than traditional binary computers.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Thoughts about the fog and forgotten things, what are wanted to keep secret
Kimmo Huosionmaa
In the island name "Runit" is a giant concrete structure, what hides very much radioactive material. In 1980's the United States authorities collected all radioactive waste from that island, and stored it under the giant concrete structure. If that material would go to hands of terrorists, the results would be horrifying. That radioactive waste is from nuclear tests what were done in 1950's and early 1960's. The island of Runit is, of course, prohibited area, but I believe, that terrorists would not actually care about that thing. Those nuclear tests lost from the mind of people, and now in those islands is only silent and peaceful air, and some debris to remember people those high-power nuclear tests that were done in that area. Also somebody afraid that polluted material would steal from places like Chernobyl, and that material would use for terror strikes against the Western world.
There were many secrets in the Cold War, and there are many rumors what consists the Nuclear Tests. One of the fascinating rumor is about nuclear test "Castle Bravo", the most powerful nuclear detonation what was made by the United States. In this rumor this very high yield nuclear test, what was 1,5 times more powerful than it was predicted, made for hiding evidence, that United States military co-operated with Japanese and German scientists, who made nerve-gas and biological weapon tests in Manchuria and Concentration camps like "Dachau". Those scientists were blood-type specialists and highly trained medical personnel, who were actually war criminals. And if co-operation with those people would be uncovered, the commanders of the military would get in trouble, and then they decided, that those criminal scientists would be better disappear by nuclear tests, what transfer them as vapor, and the same kind of Rumors are told by the Soviet nuclear program.
In those rumors the men, who knew too much about Stalin's crimes just disappeared, when some Soviet nuclear weapon detonated over their heads. And there was no mark of those men left behind them because they were vaporized immediately. We know that Joseph Stalin didn't care anything about human life, and there are stories, that same style experiments, what Nazis made in their concentration camps made by Soviets.
When we are thinking about those experiments, we must say that of course, the USA has admitted those tests, but sometimes I have felt that maybe those admitted have become in public just after the last maker of those tests have been died. So nobody got punishments for eating radioactive cornflakes to children or delivering radioactive material from the smokestack to the air for testing how radio-active cloud would spill in the air. That was the very interesting thing because the U.S military could now mark their personnel by using radioactive material.
But the radioactive material has also another effect, and that effect is cancer. Then we are thinking about the same style of military training, where the person transforms the killing machine, military or another trainer would use radioactive material to cause cancer in that person? Here I'm talking about the "Werewolf"-training, where the person would train to work as a torpedo. Those operations were highly classified, but some persons have claimed that very violent criminals were used in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam as the "torpedoes". This kind of mission was the intelligence-version of "Dirlewanger" famous and notorious SS-brigade, where also mentally ill persons were served. Those men were known for their evilness. And the persons like Dr. Oscar Dirlewanger were suitable for "one-way elimination missions" because nobody missed them.
And probably CIA had the same kind of interests, that kind of men would send to missions, where they would not want to get back. The leaders of this kind of operations might think that if some of those men have come back police could kill him right away because that person has fled from death row. But these are only rumors, and no physical evidence has been shown about this kind of military units, what have served under the flag of United States. But the files of that kind of actions is very easy to destroy in some oven. And we know that intelligence services sometimes would tell lies to the Senate or parliaments.
But that kind of "suicide mission" units was formed in South-Korea and other nations. There is a link to this text to YouTube film about those units. Cancer would make this person unable to live long after the operation. And maybe those persons, who were used in that kind of illegal operations were death row prisoners, who could uncover that CIA or military have made so-called "fake executions" and send those persons to Vietnam for secret highly violent missions. And of course nobody wants to catch this kind of operations, so it's better than those persons would die, as some tough guys want to say.
Fog is an element, what symbolizes secrecy, evilness, and mysteries. Fog consists tiny water drops, what would protect some viruses what normally doesn't seize via air because air would damage their genomes. But those water drops can protect those viruses, that they would allow infecting viruses hiding in the fog. We are all seen movies, where werewolves hunt innocent people and the horrifying laugh of Jack the Ripper will echo around us. Also, we all have seen movies, where enemy patrol comes from fog to take somebody as a prisoner. But fog is more than crimes and horror. It is the symbol of forgotten memories, and things, what is remaining as an secrecy. The fog is symbolizing also thinking and peaceful time.
What is more peaceful situation than the old man with the big hat sitting on the step in the fog at some park, and listen to the silence? In the fog, not even the wind would break the silence, until somebody screams in it. The mysteries are raising in the mind of people, and maybe somebody would find answers o the great questions. We all know that fog is good cover for people, who are making prohibited things in the cover of fog. But also that element is meant for peace. The fog of Avalon meant, that the King can finally rest, but when I think this fog, I must say, that maybe the phosgene gas is the source of the stories that are told of the Avalon fog. Phosgene is cell poison, what is forming when grass is rotten in anaerobic conditions, and in nature, the phosgene can forming spontaneously in the swamps.
But sometimes I have thought that situation, where some virus would suffuse inside the fog, and if the virus is the so-called retrovirus, that could, in theory, change the animal as another species. Also, the water drops of the fog can make possible that the viruses like AIDS would able to infect a large number of people because the water drops would protect that virus, and in that case, the virus could transfer to human noses and to lungs where those particles would transfer to human blood causing AIDS.
There are also rumors that there is tested the viruses, what can transform the species to other. And if we think large-scale Rabies-epidemics some military forces would be interested in delivering this virus against enemies, and this real-life zombie-virus can make horrifying things in the human population. Rabies makes its victim very violent, and the infected victim would bite very easily. This behavior helps this virus to infect other animals and also humans can infect by that dangerous virus.
The fog is the key element in one of the most well-known horror film in the history, and the name of that film was "The fog", what told about fog, what raised from the sea. This fog left only dead people behind it, and maybe it is one of the darkest films in history. Fog is the good element in that kind of stories, what could be somehow true. If there was sunk the ship, what was carrying chemical weapons, and then those tanks start to leak, would the horrors of the film "The fog" become in reality. I don't know how many tons of chemical weapons have been lost at sea, but if as an example the nerve-gas tanks start to leak, would the results be devastating.
The way to think is the key to creating texts
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Philosophers are sometimes very interesting persons, and of course, they meet another interesting people. In the stories and writings, philosophers travel around Europe and meet many well-known artists and spend their time in European courts. They always have very much friends and they have of course many connections with European intelligent persons. But when we are thinking about the position of René Descartes as the member of the royal court of Sweden, we must say, that his position as the "crown's official philosopher" was the little bit extravagant.
Of course, philosophers want to be that kind of persons, who spend their life in courts of Europe, but then we must say something, if those philosophers would really live in the royal courts, their life would be very short because the rulers would not always like philosophers ideas. One of the ideas, what was not very popular when it was first introduced was the hidden way to use power. This way to rule the government is very nice for the ruler. In that hidden way to use power, the king or whoever gives public orders is actually a front man. The real power is in the hands of somebody else than public leaders.
Eminence-style way to use power is very attractive because in that model the real ruler of the nation would not ever get responsible for their actions. The possibility of eminence was also the reason, why Allied didn't murder Adolph Hitler during World War II. The only person during WWII who was assassinated by British intelligence by the special operation, what was targeted straight against that person was four stars SS-general Reinhard Heydrich the chief of RSHA, who was murdered or assassinated in "Operation Anthropoid". Here we must ask: "why Adolph Hitler has not targeted that kind of operation, what was accomplished by Allied intelligence.
In that time Allied intelligence didn't actually know, who was real ruler of the Third Reich, and also the mental condition of Hitler was probably in the knowledge of some intelligence officers. The rumors or stories, why allied forces didn't assassinate Hitler goes like this: "If Hitler were assassinated, there would raise some man who was mentally wealthy raise in the power, and that would cause that the war could get longer". But those are only rumors. The reason, why S.O.E (Service Operations Executive) didn't assassinate Hitler was probably burning in some oven after the WWII when British intelligence cleaned their archives.
It is also called as an "eminences". This kind of way to use power is sometimes existed in some companies, what is established by using the name of some famous person. Sometimes we would see eminences in the student unions of Universities. What makes us suspicious is the situation, that the student's union would work against their own interest, like in the case where students want to raise the tuition fees. That is the mark of the influence of eminence. When we are thinking about the situation, that some very public person would establish the company, we must same time realize, that if that person has not trained for leading the company, there must be somebody, who pulls the wires.
Here I'm talking about the firms, what is established by some formula drivers or ice-hockey players. There must find the persons, who have the lawyer or another kind of that background, what justifies them to lead the enterprise-class company. Sometimes we would see the persons, who are the very strong reformer. They always bring their agenda to the public knowledge with the very high profile. And of course, there is always very good ideas, why their agenda is better than others. If some person comes to say, that some system would be better than the existed system, the philosopher would ask one question from that great reformer.
The question is: "what is your position in that new system"? When we are thinking about the situation, that some students wants to raise the level of the payments of some universities, we must first look at their student cards, and courses, what they are done. Then we must realize that there is always one question about payments: "do you like to pay any payments"? What those students actually want, when they want to get more payments? Are they the highly motivated students, who would get top grades from their courses?
Or are the students, who were motivated in the parties, but studies would not go forward? Sometimes I have to meet university student who wants to be the nurse or something like that. Those students agenda is always been some kind altruism, and they want to do something concrete to other persons, but when we are looking at their grades, those people would not have in the worst case a single course passed. When their student cards are full of failed courses, there would be the new idea in their head. They want to stop studies, and then move to the easier nursery school. And the reason for that new type of altruism is sometimes that this person would want to get access to narcotic medicines or easier place to study.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Writing about "the Henge" mystical structure in Poland
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The Henge (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There is a mysterious Stonehenge-style structure in Poland, what was made by Waffen SS. There are many explanations for that strange structure, and here I'm writing something about them. The purpose of that strange structure is remaining secret, but the reason for that is expected to be that this system should be the simulator for "Stonehenge". The most common explanation for the reason for making that structure might be that Nazis tested there the aircraft, what was used electric vortex for flying. The purpose of this structure was to pull the aircraft up and down like the yo-yo, and that would load the batteries of the airplane.
But as you see I don't believe simple explanations, and if we are thinking about Nazi leaders relationship with occult and shamanism, we must think that maybe the "Henge" was meant for the German version of Stonehenge, that Himmler's secret scientists could test the purpose of Stonehenge in Poland. This was, of course, the best idea, what anybody can think, but when we are thinking about the secret weapons of Germany, that structure might also mean for use as the "smokestack" what mission was to pull the ions up. In this theory that structure was meant for use with "Wardenclyffe" machine, what was actually the free rotating generator, what is not connected to the electric circuit.
That machine would cause the forming of ions, what can pull thru this structure by magnets, and then this plasma can be used as the protecting field of some cities and other targets. In this case, the builders can also be from the Soviet Union. Another and very wild theory is that in this structure were tested the time machine, what were rises up by magnets, and then the stone circle would start to rotate that capsule, and if the speed would rise high enough the time machine would travel to the future.
The name for that time machine could be "Die Glocke". In theory, that time machine would have two layers, and first, the body of that time machine would be rotating as near the speed of light as possible. And then another rotor would start rotating inside this machine. Those magnetic rotating rotors were hoped to make the situation, that the speed of light would be broken. In theory, this kind of time machine could work, but did Nazis create that is still the mystery.
This could be possible in the empty space, there is no air to make the friction. But the centripetal force would break that time machine in pieces before it can start the time travel. There are also theories that this structure could create small size black hole by targeting radio-waves at the same point, and then there could be forming the wormhole. But this text is pure speculation, and this writing is meant only for reading. And one thing is sure, that structure really exists in Poland.
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What means free mind and freedom to think? Thoughts about Druids, Julius Caesar, and Aulus Hirtius
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White Cliffs of Dover (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Somebody always asks, what actually mean term "freedom to think"? Freedom to think is the key element in the writing, what has only one purpose: to make text, what maybe has some kind of influence. The freedom of think means that person can product own thoughts about some things, and in this case, that does mean, that the text what the writer does must not have connections with science or other evidence.
The freedom to think means, that if we use the Julius Caesars book about the war of Gaul (Gallic wars) as the source, and look where the text about the "Bridge of Druids", what Julius Caesar mentioned in his book, we might give that thing three explanations. One is the normal or conventional way to explain that kind of things. By using this mode the mean for the term "Bridge of Druids" can be actually the regular boat line, what fishermen used when they traveled between British islands and European mainland in the Strait of Dover, where the people can see the British islands by standing on the coast of France. The book "Gallic wars" were written with Aulus Hirtius, who wrote military books in the Roman empire.
The second explanation might be natural, but it would also be forward its time. It means that maybe Druids made pontoon bridge from Britannia to Gaul. And maybe they turned that bridge away when they didn't need it. In this fictional case, the bridge was built over the boats, what were in line between Gaul mainland and Britannia. And the third explanation could be purely fictional. In this fictional explanation, Druids were space aliens, who used the wormholes to travel across the Universe. In this very interesting Science Fiction based explanation also explains the Stonehenge and other stone rings as the systems, what we're used to opening the wormholes thru the universe.
In this model, Stonehenge was equipped with radio system, what would allow that the energy rises so high, that there would be forming the small electromagnetic black hole in the middle of that stone ring. In this case, those Druids might have advanced maser- or laser technology in their hands. This explanation might be very far from the truth, but it is the very nice explanation of the question, who druids actually been. And that kind of thoughts is needed because that would make life more interesting than simple answers, that the Stonehenge was some kind of clock or ancient almanac.
This is freedom of thinking. People can enjoy writing, even they are in University. Every world, what the man or woman is writing must not be scientifically proven. We are not in the courtroom now, and we are not giving the speeding ticket to Martians, what might have skin, what have chlorophyll in its cells, and maybe those Martians can use their sin as photosynthesis. And in that case, the fictional Martians can be green, or maybe they use green makeup like special forces soldiers. But when we are thinking about that kind of things, we notice that there are many secrets on Earth, what is raising the body hair. Those secrets are very deep in history.
Maybe we ever get the answers, why somebody builds Stonehenge. And then we must ask, where Caesar built his navy for his operation to conquer the Britannia? Also, we must ask another thing about this ancient military operation: what Caesar was looking for in Britannia? How did he get permission to attack that island? What kind of treasure could Romans get from that island? Did some Roman see there some jewelry? The Gaul war is the very interesting book, what is probably rewritten many times after Caesar. Some parts of it are not written any master of rhetoric, and the part, what was written about the landing to Britain is quite interesting. The Strait of Dover is not ideal for cavalry operation, bur Caesar claimed that defenders of Britannia used cavalry against the Roman legions.
Then the rest of this part would look like some visit to the whorehouse, what was written in better form. But the writer uses terms, what is not suitable for strong writers. And here I must say, that if Caesar lied, why he lied? And if the original script of landing was replaced by other, why that action was made? If that part includes something information, what Caesar or writer if that was the different person didn't want to send to Rome, could it interesting to see, what was in those pages, what was replaced by other text in the situation, there was no time to get the qualified writer to make those texts?
Was this text made somebody in the command of Aulus Hirtius? And was the reason the chancing that text that Hirtius wanted to denigrate Julius Caesar in the eyes of Senate? If Caesar were the liar, Senate would execute him immediately, and then somebody else could raise the power of the Roman empire. Why was that replacement made so fast? Was it made just before senators ask the reports of the actions of Julius Caesar? This is very interesting part of history.
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Why Russian navy has only one aircraft carrier?
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Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Some people always, ask why Russian navy has only one aircraft carrier? The reason for that is simple: the war in Europe means that the prime mission of Russian navy is to cut NATO's convoy and support lines to Europe. And this means that Russians have more need for submarines, what can shoot high-speed cruise- and ballistic missiles to the targets. The mission of those submarines is also destroyed NATO surface battle units like carrier groups.
The reason why Russians have the aircraft carrier, what have effective missiles what can be used with or without aircraft, is the question, what many people always ask. The Admiral Kuznetsov, what is the name for Russian only aircraft carrier have P-700 "Granit" (SS-N-19 "Shipwreck") missiles on board, and it has about 41 for use aircraft in operations. The reason for that is, the aircraft carrier would be meant for use in anti-terrorist operations. In those operations would need to replace the aircraft of that carrier with helicopters, and in that case, must the ship have own weapons to protect itself and give it the capacity to attack against other ships and coastal targets. And if that aircraft carrier uses only helicopters, could the enemy disturb it, if that ship doesn't have own missiles for giving trustworthiness for that ship.
Russians might want to use the aircraft carrier as the supporting large-scale helicopter missions and temporary airbase for Sukhoi Su-33, what is a carrier-based version of Sukhoi Su-27. And of course, that aircraft carrier can operate Sukhoi Su-25 "Frogfoot" STOL (Short Take-Off and Land) assault planes, what allows those flight crews possibility to take a rest in safe place. In large scale helicopter operations, Russian fleet would be evacuated Russian citizens from the conflict area or try to destroy NATO's submarines.
The aircraft of aircraft carrier needed for secure that mission. Also, special forces like Naval Infantry and VDV can get tactical air support from that carrier, and in Syria, some classified weapons like satellite-guided weapons might be stored in that carrier, because they are not allowed to get to hands of enemies. That could be the reason, why Russians don't produce their own NATO-style carriers, what have only airplanes to operate. Russian aircraft carrier uses also Anti-ship missiles, and that carrier is actually capable of ground targets by using its own missiles.
Russian navy can operate very effective by using strategic bombers like TU-22M or TU-26 "Backfires" and submarines against those surface battle units, and the helicopters are needed for rescue the crews of those bombers in the case that some of them would shoot down by enemy fighters. And those helicopters would need also support from the fighters. That's why Russian navy have not the similar aircraft carriers what are used in U.S Navy.
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Who was René Descartes?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
This writing is meant for thinking about the personality of Renè Descartes who was the great philosopher and thinker. I always thought that maybe this name was meant for hiding identity of this remarkable thinker, and because I have lived in Finland long time, I have sometimes thought that maybe this person's real home language was Finnish. Maybe this helped him hiding his identity from the royal police. Philosophers are professional thinkers, who always think the things like "why my professor has always the glass of water with him when this person would start to keep lectures?
Is that because my professor wants to drink that water at the midpoint of the lecture? Or is it meant the mark, that professor is selling the answers to the examinations? Or is the reason for keeping that glass on the table meant for some kind of water clock, what mission is to show, how time is running during the lecture, given that the professor drinks that water all the time? Or is it for the secret sign that everything is all right? Maybe it is signal that professor is a member of secret Illuminati society? And then we must ask, what happens if that glass is missing? Do the bodyguards of that man run into the auditorium?
The thing what I just wrote, was meant, for example, that means the philosophical way of thinking. It is actually modeling the question about something like water glasses, and then philosopher tries to find the deeper aspect of the question "why professor keeps the glass of water on the table"? That makes their writings easier to marketing, and of course, the things like secret societies are the very good trick, when their books are put on the sale. Those things make those writings more fascinating than some "I think, I am" style phrases. And of course the jokes made those writings very easy to read, and the best joke was, that the King of Sweden was sacrificed his own troops in battles, and the reason was that the salaries did not need to pay to those dead men.
That was, of course, the conspiracy theory, and maybe somebody told another joke, that the king has been leaked the information of the military tactics of Sweden to the enemy, that they could kill enough his soldiers. Then some thinker noticed that war are the good way to get rid of the political enemies of the King of Sweden. Death on the battlefield was very much easier to explain, than executions. And if the soldier dies on the battlefield, nobody ever reads anything, what that man has written, because real soldiers ever wrote anything was the policy in that time.
If the man died in the front line, there would not leave any dangerous papers where was embarrassing information behind that man. And that speaker, of course, argued this speak that the Swedish empire was in the war in the era of every king or ruler of Sweden. And that was the reason for the suspect that the wars were used to clean the empire from the people, who had utopias that normal people would sometimes take control in their nations. Political enemies were more easy to kill with troops of the enemy. In university is the point or vision that students learn to think themselves. Also, many examinations in University is made for the people, who think the things themselves. Independent thinking is a road to freedom of thinking, and in this case, we must say that in the free-thinking process, would not need to prove anything.
Of course, the philosopher would look for some information to support the opinions, what he or she introduces in the writings. But the real key is that writer must rhetorically argue, why the text has the purpose, and why other persons should read it. And if somebody claimed that the king of Sweden goes to war for saving money was the very interesting example of the way to handle the economic problems of the state. In that time the rhetoric was very interesting and maybe other persons wanted to read those texts because that was the very good example of the ability to think self, and this kind of men are dangerous for people, who want to keep absolute power in their hands.
That's why this man wrote by using French, what was the main language of European civilized people, who were mainly males in that time when women had only one place to be. Their place was to stay at home and serve the husbands. But when we are thinking about the identity of Descartes, we must realize that maybe this man didn't even speak French. The name what he used was probably created by hiding this person's real identity. And maybe this name where is apostrophe over the second "E" letter was meant to confess other persons, that the writer of those texts is coming from France. Of course, the real identity of that man kept in secret. There is a couple of things about the philosophers and science of language, what normal people should know. Have you ever thought that maybe the great philosopher didn't even speak French? In the real-life Descartes might only write French, and that could make this man's real identity stood hidden from other people.
By the way, who told that Descartes was a man? Here we must think, was Descartes even a single person? Or was Descartes the group of writers? There might also be a woman behind that name, and of course, the writings of that man were caused little anger in the minds of Caroline officers, who took the critiques what was targeted to the King very seriously. Maybe sometimes the great philosopher didn't even know, what was his cover name. And there might happen that some students have sit in the same table with Descartes, and made the notes about what this man was spoken.
Then they would put that text to the bulletin board, and then the applause were very strong, when some Caroline officer lost the temper. And that was the mark that Descartes was really wrote something, what made him existed person to everybody in the Swedish Empire. There is many things, what is told about famous philosophers, and maybe I must sometimes spend an evening with René by reading about this man and his ideas, that I would understand about those men and women, who are written words what lives forever. And also I want to be and I try to think myself, like René Descartes sometimes wrote in the library of University or in some beer house in Sweden in 18th. century.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Free your mind, and think free, it is the key to the real philosophy
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Ancient Greek temple at Paestum (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
In the beginning, I must say that we haven't got a single hard evidence about the advanced technical civilizations, what has lived on Earth before human race has started to dominate the world. Here I must mention, that, of course, there is a story like Plato's "Atlantis", where is mentioned that there have been secret cities what were populated by people, who had squamous skin.
Sometimes I think that maybe Plato wrote pure fiction, and the story of the powerful state, known as "Atlantis" was pure science fiction. In that case, this Mr. Plato, of course, decorated the story more attractive, and he told the story about the "Egyptian priest" who told that first. In the time of Plato people were traveled so much as today, and the "Egyptian priest" was the person, who gave this story the taste of exoticism. And maybe Plato heard that story from some storyteller in some theater, and he made own version of this very popular story.
In fact, the size of Atlantis was not very big, the size of the city-area itself was about 5000 square meters, and I thought that maybe that if Atlantis existed, would Plato make it much bigger, what it was before he got that story. And of course Plato wanted to show his patriotism and the story, how Athens troops won that city were told only for decorating that story and make it more pleasant for the people, who controlled Athens in that time. But there is another kind of things, what people should think before they justify anything. It is possible to make diving suits by using the skin of Catfish or Shark. Other ways are using the greased leather, what also keeps the person dry.
Also, it is possible to dive very long time by using the bottle, where is carbon filter on it. In this case, the "long time" means longer than without that equipment, what is used in World War II submarines to escape and evasion system. But we don't know did those ancient Mediterranean civilizations knew that carbon would clean the air. When we are thinking about technically advanced civilizations, we must understand one thing. In that time about 500 years, B.C. was almost everything what was more complicated that stone-axes technically advanced.
Maybe some city-state holds the techniques like the balloon flight by using heat air balloons. Normally there is a very big mistake, what people normally make when they are talking about advanced civilizations. They think that those ancient civilizations had all technology, what we have today. People don't think simple things, like heat air balloons, what are made by using the natural material. They don't also think that big fishes like sharks tails can also use as the swimming equipment. In this case, the swimmer just pulls the sharks tail like pants and uses that thing as the swim fin.
So in those cases, the ancient Greeks just saw something, what they were not seen before. The dry suits might be very fascinated in the eyes of the Ancient Greeks. But this is only thinking about technical advantages from the long time ago. And when we are looking those stories, we must understand that they were been made better during the history. The last versions of the story of Atlantis might be made under the control of propaganda leader of Nazi-Germany Dr. Joseph Goebbels, who wanted to rewrite history, that it was supporting the propaganda of "white race".
And in that case, the Nazis saw themselves as the descendants of those "White Aryan race", what was living in the Atlantis. This is one perspective for the ancient mythology. It has been always modified to serve the purpose of governments. In the case of stories of ancient Greeks, the background of those very patriotic tales can be found from British headquarters in World War I, what wanted to rise the nationalism in Greece.
The British empire was in the war against Turkey, and in that time Greece was part of Ottoman Empire, and that's why British interest was established revolt in Greece. Of course, that nation must be proud of it's past and that's why British propaganda makers made those stories more patriotic than they ever were because in this case, Greeks must feel that Turkish were tramped the rights of a great nation of Greece. And the reason for that just made the revolt in that area, what was important for Ottomans and Austrians, because that place was the point, what was controlling sea route to the Mediterranean sea, and warships must pass that area if they wanted to leave to sea.
In that case, British commanders thought that the revolt was more easily to establish in Greece than Istanbul, what was in Turkish mainland. The British army needed also supporting area, what might use in the strike against the city of Istanbul. But that plan ever made in action, because the Ottoman Empire falls for internal reasons. This is very interesting part of history, what was rewritten for serving the national interests. And we must understand that when we are reading the texts of ancient philosophers. And at the last, I must ask one question about the ancient civilizations: "have you ever met any ancient Greek, who told that there is no hidden civilization on Earth"?
This is the very good aspect of discussions about ancient civilizations. We haven't met any ancient Greek, and even we meet some person from that era, that person can tell lies to us. But maybe those ancient wise men had created the method how to fix our DNA, or they have put their diary in the place, where it was not destroyed. But as I told you the diary can also be faked by some members of British Headquarters in 1916. Or this can be made by some antique dealer in 1992 when he tried to sell that thing to some person, who wanted to show that Ancient advanced civilizations were true.
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Spring is the time for luck for little birds like Eurasian bullfinches
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Try to find Eurasian Bullfinch from this picture |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Springtime is the time when we will see many little birds. The main reason for ruffling their plumes is of course, that the bird, what is looking for the spouse is that bird wants to seem as big as possible. The big size means that the young birds get the best genes, what is available. But that is not the only reason for those birds are puffing out their plumes. And sometimes the reason for that is cold weather. The picture above the text portraits Eurasian bullfinch, what maybe want to play an Apple.
The reason for that behavior could be in the noise, what is in the air. The behavior, when birds turn their plumes like the balls makes birds invincible for echo sounder, what some beasts use for their hunting. But this behavior is also very simple purpose, the plumes of birds are very stiff, and their mission is to make those small birds like the bullfinch of above picture ball what is very difficult to eat. And if some snake would want to eat that little bird, that ball would seize in the throat of that animal.
Plumes are sometimes covered by wax, what makes them very hard to melt, and that little bird can stick to the throat of that kind of beast. Sometimes those birds would carry very strong gastric acid, what mission is to melt any seeds or small bug, what those birds eat. And the purpose of that acid is to melt the chitin core of bugs, and that would make those birds very hard to eat.
Then we are going back to the situation that some bird would make itself as a ball, could the reason for that be also that this little bird thinks that human is the enemy, and that's why it would act like this. But as I wrote earlier, birds are very sensitive for the ultrasound, because it is usually is the mark that some Owl is hanging around. Small Owls uses ultrasound in their echo sounders because they must have the ability to fly in dark forests.
The reason for that is those Owls are food for other raptors like Hawks, what are normally hunt their prey from open swamp and meadows. In summer must also Owls hunt in light time, because here in the North would the sunshine around the clock. And in those cases, Owls must flee to the bushes, if they meet bigger Raptors like Chicken goshawk. But the behavior that bird would ruffle the plumes can be marked as an ultrasound.
The nasty tricks, what only the criminal mind can do
Kimmo Huosionmaa
When we thinking about the situation, that somebody has left bayonet in the chest of a victim, we must consider one thing. That bayonet or knife can be shot to the target by using the crossbow. Normal people would not suspect that the knife would not be the strike to the victim by using the hand. The situation that knife has been shot to the victim can murderer use to mislead the officers of the law to watch another way, and that would leave the criminal change to flee away. This is one of the ways to look at the thing, why crossbows became popular in Europe. Of course, they were very effective in the use by cavalry, and if they have feet-iron under the weapon, could the cavalryman use that weapon by single hand.
And that is the reason, why Wilhelm the Conqueror won the battle of Hastings in 1066. But when we are thinking the very nasty ways to make murders, one of the best could shoot the bayonet in the chest of the victim by using the crossbow. Do you know, why I write this text? The reason for this is I found a 9 mm Parabellum caliber blank patron on the road. And by using that kind of things, is very easy to make one bad thing for the victim. In this trick, the victimized person would make angry by violating all day long. And then the murdered just gives the victim the patrons, what are not functional.
After this, that person might set up that victim as the attacker and uses own weapon to that person. That weapon can be the knife, and then that murderer just calls to police, that he made that thing as the self-defense. The type of that blank patron is quite interesting and this type of patron can be used as the trap, or it might be used to test the pistol or sub-machine gun. When we are thinking about this kind of patrons, they have marked that somebody owns weapon what is suitable for 9 mm. Parabellum patron and all that kind of weapons are automatic- or self-loading pistols and sub-machine guns like Glock 17 or Heckler&Koch MP-5. I don't own the gun or shot this patron, but it was laying on the road and brought this thought to my mind.
The identity of "Jack the Ripper", might be uncovered
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Was this man James Maybrick "Jack the Ripper", and did his wife helped him to make his crimes? Picture I |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
The identity of "Jack the Ripper" might be uncovered, and that might be feeling the very interesting thing for some historians. His maniac and terrible laugh and letters "from hell" are made him one of the most sadistic murderers in history. Here I mean murderers who operated without government acceptance. His brutality is still as an example of pure evilness. And by the way, who said that this murderer was a man?
And sometimes investigators afraid that somebody wants to copy those actions. But if the identity of "Jack the Ripper" would uncover can this cause, that some serial killer candidates would let they attempt undone. That man, who brutally murdered seven women in London at 1888, is one of the most well known serial killer case in history, and also one of the first cases of serial murders in the modern time. This murderous mind killed prostitutes in foggy London, and he is one of the most horrifying persons in history. The character of "Jack the Ripper", who was walking across the London city in the fog, and hunted for victims have given identity in many fictional serial killers, who are characters in many horror stories.
What makes this brutal murderer very different, is that those murders ended, and as we know the serial killers ever stop without reason, what might be dead or going to jail for some other crimes. I sometimes am written, that maybe Jack the Ripper was left the London and moved to the United States because he believed that he was recognized. The man, who is suspected as this serial killer was an antique dealer James Maybrick, who was an arsenic addict.
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Tasteless painting about "Jack the Ripper" Picture II |
This person, who was known as "Jack the Ripper" can also be a woman, but the truth is that nobody saw those murders, and here comes very interesting thing, what came to my mind. Maybe Maybricks wife helped her husband with those actions. But this is the only theory, nothing more than theory. Here comes another world "maybe". Maybe the letter what was signed as "From Hell" was meant that the script was meant to be just "Freddy", but then this man just didn't know, how that name "Fredrick" should be written. But even if Maybrick were "Jack the Ripper", and the mystery might be solved, would that terrifying laugh still echoing around London, and people neck hair rises up, when they would remember that horrifying murderous person from the past.
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Friday, April 27, 2018
Simple answers to questions are sometimes forgotten from some articles
Kimmo Huosionmaa
When we are talking about UFOs and spaceships, we are forgetting simple answers to the question about the questions "why somebody saw spaceship hanging over their house"? The has could be simpler than you ever thought. If some person have tested drugs like Amphetamine or Psilocybin, that person could see many things, what other people won's see.
In some cases young people test those mushrooms, they can eat corns what are polluted with ergot from the cornfields, and then they would get very bad hallucinations. In this case, some clouds could seem like spacecraft. In that case, there is no mystery at all, when we are thinking the sign of spacecraft. Sometimes the ghosts would make the house burning, and in fact, many times the ghost has been uncovered unqualified electrician, who have made the connection for electric wires. Sometimes those connections cause the arc inside the wall, and that would feel like heat.
When we are thinking the situation, where the curtains start to burn without the reason, must we first ask was it happen in the sunny day? If the fire began in sunny day, somebody could use magnifying glass to burn those curtains. And the reason for that could be some children, who are testing the effect of that class. But also some lasers can burn material, and if somebody has made the laser pistol using too powerful laser, can this equipment cause that papers or curtains would start to burn. In fact, the blue-ray station's laser is enough to power for that, and if somebody plays with them, the result could be that all the house would burn.
Also, some chemical experiments can cause the fire, and if somebody would make Amphetamine, and the system what this person uses is leaking, can the result be the very powerful explosion. The problem of people is that they would not look for simple answers to those questions. In fact, the Psilocybine can get in the human body, if the maker of mushroom Pizza doesn't know the mushrooms, what is used in this food. Or they can spray targets face with using the spray bottle, what are used to spray the flowers. And if some teenager who doesn't think anything finds Amphetamine medicine from the yard, might this person be very unthinkable and test those drugs.
Clouds are fascinated people during all the history.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Clouds are interesting things because they can get the very strange form, and one explanation for UFO:s is strange looking cloud objects. The objects in the sky might look like the space shuttle or STEALTH-aircraft. The reason for that is not actually have been explained, but sometimes the forms of the clouds are probably caused by some strange energy field. I mean that making forms to the clouds is actually very easy, and the technology that is used is the normal radio transmitter, what has two synchronized targeted radios, what operates at the same frequency and same time.
That system can cause the electric arc in the sky, and that might cause reports of UFO-phenomenon. Those electric arcs might make for making rain because of that phenomenon would cause the forming of drops. And that electric arc can be very dangerous if some aircraft fly thru it. Use of those systems must be done by under control of authorities because they are really dangerous things.
But then we must ask one question: why would somebody want to make images to the clouds? There are rumors that in "Bermuda triangle" the clouds are forming some kind of "tunnels" when the aircraft is starting to shake. That formation of the tunnel might be caused by the high power micro- or radio waves, what are targeted to that aircraft. So maybe the United States Navy or Air Force test high power detection and electronic warfare systems in that area.
Also the weapons, what bases the electric arc can be tested in that area. There would need only two radio-systems, where is two targeted radio transmitters, what just crosses their radio wave at the certain point. That device would be more devastating, than some grenades. But it might be used also in the systems, what are made for weather modification, and also it can be used to make plasma-layer in the atmosphere, what mission is to make thermonuclear warheads detonate in the wrong altitude.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Clouds are interesting things because they can get the very strange form, and one explanation for UFO:s is strange looking cloud objects. The objects in the sky might look like the space shuttle or STEALTH-aircraft. The reason for that is not actually have been explained, but sometimes the forms of the clouds are probably caused by some strange energy field. I mean that making forms to the clouds is actually very easy, and the technology that is used is the normal radio transmitter, what has two synchronized targeted radios, what operates at the same frequency and same time.
That system can cause the electric arc in the sky, and that might cause reports of UFO-phenomenon. Those electric arcs might make for making rain because of that phenomenon would cause the forming of drops. And that electric arc can be very dangerous if some aircraft fly thru it. Use of those systems must be done by under control of authorities because they are really dangerous things.
But then we must ask one question: why would somebody want to make images to the clouds? There are rumors that in "Bermuda triangle" the clouds are forming some kind of "tunnels" when the aircraft is starting to shake. That formation of the tunnel might be caused by the high power micro- or radio waves, what are targeted to that aircraft. So maybe the United States Navy or Air Force test high power detection and electronic warfare systems in that area.
Also the weapons, what bases the electric arc can be tested in that area. There would need only two radio-systems, where is two targeted radio transmitters, what just crosses their radio wave at the certain point. That device would be more devastating, than some grenades. But it might be used also in the systems, what are made for weather modification, and also it can be used to make plasma-layer in the atmosphere, what mission is to make thermonuclear warheads detonate in the wrong altitude.
Springtime in Espoo
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Electronic warfare is the complex thing
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EC-130H "Compass Call" Picture I |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
A couple of days ago the communication between support groups and EC-130 ”Compass call” platform was cut down in Syria. It's good at the crew of that plane reported that communication cutting. This is, of course, remarkable thing, and proves that electronic warfare consists multi-layer environment, what would consist jamming impulses, malware software and Anti Radiation Missiles use against jammer platforms. Many people believe that jammer-systems are always installed in airplanes, but they can also use in mobile or fixed ground stations and warships. The fixed system's mission is to disturb incoming missiles and bombers radars and communication systems, what can make the coordinated operation of that task-force very difficult. The easiest way to block the communication is just send electronic noise, what has more power than data transmission, what this time consists also analogical communication.
If the radio-frequency of IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) systems can be disturbed, the ability to recognize own airplanes can decrease and own anti-aircraft flak can destroy own aircraft. Same way the GPS or GLONASS could be jammed, and this is the threat for modern military operations in every sector. Of course, electronic warfare consists also malware or computer virus, what can be delivered to air by using radar or other radio-transmitters. In this case, the computer virus can infect the computers by electronic sensors, what is used to take those signals. This kind of software can be installed to normal aircraft radars and when the pilot turns the attack mode on, the radar can deliver that malware.
This system might be ineffective if the targeted system is equipped with firewalls, but the software would not change the use of that radar. And there is no need for modification for physical components in that aircraft. One purpose of electronic warfare aircraft could be to keep other systems updated by loading to own troops coded systems new firewalls and antivirus software. If the electronic communication systems would infect by computer virus, the situation could be that nuclear weapon communication transforms unusable, and those weapons cannot get their operational codes.
Also the computer viruses can in theory infect the guidance systems of the missiles and computers of the combat aircraft. That would make operating those systems very difficult. Of course, the radio-based location of airplanes and radio-communication are tried to replace by laser-communication systems, what have of course their own limits. Lasers can effectively use as the communication equipment in cases, where the airplane flies above the cloud level. Also, that laser system can be locating the airplanes or ships. In this case, the photo-recon satellite would notice the laser point, and then sends the picture of that place to the aircraft.
The laser point would see in the picture, and after that aircraft can turn inertial navigation system in use. Lasers can also use to mark the location of own troops, and this system is immune to radio-based tracking systems. But there are many weaknesses in lasers, and one is that the laser-rays would not go thru the walls. The problem with communication outposts and electronic jamming equipment is that they are good targets for Anti Radiation Missiles, what can shoot from an airplane or they can be modified Air-defense missiles. Electronic warfare is the area, what has many layers. And if some of those areas are getting old, would that cause harm to own troops.
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Privacy and national security are complicated combinations
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Privacy and national security are complicated questions, and they are the very large operational area for IT-specialists and lawmakers. The major problem with connecting privacy and national security involves the question ”whose security is national security”? This means that nobody actually ever mentioned, is ”national security” only the security of national leaders, or is it serving also public security and regular people. When we are thinking about the situation, where ”national security” allows to censor all data, what is not serving the rulers of the government, we think that we are going to wrong way. When we are thinking about data collection, we must notice that nobody cares that thing before the German top politician Angela Merkel was eavesdropping by NSA, and then the newspapers were very shocking about this case.
But before that nobody actually cares, how much private data this intelligence service have been collected, and how much this data have been delivered across the Atlantic by UKUSA intelligence co-operation between GCHQ and NSA. Also, nobody ever thought that NSA global surveillance network ECHELON could be the threat, but then the top politicians eavesdropped, and then newspapers woke up. They screamed that this kind of operations are illegal, and the intelligence co-operation between NATO electronic intelligence community must stop. ”Real soldiers”don't eavesdrop their enemies, and the international trust must base that opposite part is trusted because they say something.
”In God we trust, others we monitoring” is a mark of paranoia, was mentioned in some newspapers, and in the same time, the Facebook and other social media wanted to be banned, because that kind of things can cause embarrassing situations for some people. Social media can uncover if the person doesn't have those opinions, what he or she is claimed to have. If some person is known as the ”great person”, we must say that there must be some reason for that. And if the person has good opinions, we must ask sometimes ”why it doesn't be visible on social media”? Of course, the Russian government has their own style to work in the field of national security. They just prohibit every service, what they cannot control.
This is the very dangerous thing. If we have the situation, that nobody allowed to say anything, could some terrorists hide in the system, and then they can make very much destruction. Here we must ask ”how many school shootings have been prevented because the shooters were made mistakes in social media”. Or ”how many pedophiles and drug dealers have been identified by using social media”? Social media is the very good tool for collecting information by people personal life. Technical methods are very easy, the pictures, what is downloaded to the Internet can be isolated many details. Sometimes in those pictures is seen firearms, what are illegal or marks of using drugs.
Of course, those pictures are very dangerous in the wrong hands. Also, the prisoners or drug dealers identities can be used in social media for collecting data for persons, who want to make contact with those people. But this kind of data can also be misused. Those pictures, what are in social media can be made with computers and they can be used for denigrating some person. And that's why this media can turn into the false world, where nothing is real. Also, the surveillance files can be faked by some members of security service. This is the real problematic situation on the Internet.
The posters can be set in the walls by using image manipulation programs, and then those pictures can be delivered to the social media. This is not the very nice thing. If some person has automatic weapons in the home and then takes a couple of pictures at home, the location would of assault rifles and another kind of stuff deliver to the hands of the local motorcycle club. But also if somebody forgets the GPS on, and claims that he or she is a business meeting, could this be very embarrassing, if that person is locating in some ”Red light district”. Also, the embarrassing situation can cause in the case when somebody plays cleaner but then uncovers that this person is actually the owner of some cleaning company.
Also some ”garage companies” have uncovered that the owners are sons and daughters of some top members of the business community. This is very tasteless in my mind, especially in the case, that this person gives statements, that students should pay their lectures or that this person ever got the financial support from the government. If they never mentioned that they are members of the very wealthy families, and get everything, what they want, could be embarrassing if they claim to be cleaners or something like that. So this is one opinion about social media. If you have better opinions write it on the Internet.
Was famous hijacker "D.B Cooper" CIA operative and Vietnam Veteran? And did he ever made that parachute jump?
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"D.B Cooper's" warrant (Picture I) |
Above and below the text links to the speculations about the only unsolved hijacking case in the history of United States. In this case, the hijacker claimed to jump out from the Boeing 707 passenger plane at the altitude 4000 meters. This case has been caused many speculations, that the hijacker has died or he was actually SPETSNAZ-man, whose mission was to get money, where were FBI:s security markings and send that money to Moscow, KGB headquarters, where the specialists would investigate those banknotes, and then make own fakes of those dollars.
But when we are looking about this story from the Vintage news, we must say, that those writers might be right. That kind of operation needs the man, who is trained, parachutist. When we are thinking about this hijacking, we must say that nobody actually saw the hijacker leaving the plane by parachute. And this makes me think that could this mysterious D.B Cooper ever left the plane? Or did he hired somewhere in the passenger cabin or somewhere in the electronic room, or table space in that plane?
Maybe Cooper just dressed the overalls, what flight mechanics use and then this man was the slip in the cable space. And when the airplane rolled to the gate, Mr. Cooper just walked away. But the jumping was not very difficult, and if that man dropped to the trees, might he cut himself free. There are many stories about this mysterious case, and the strange metal powder, what probably was Wolfram, caused many theories, that Mr. Cooper was the worker in the lamp factory or in the wildest theories this man was working in AREA-51.
This case is the only open hijacking in the history of United States. And the faith of Mr. Cooper stays in mystery. Nobody ever seen his body or met him. And nobody ever claimed that Mr. Cooper was her husband. So this is very complicated and interesting case in the history of crime. Someday that case could be solved, if somebody finds Cooper's body, and in that case, this man's real identity comes in public knowledge. But before that, there might be many stories about this mysterious case, what seems some days closed. Then there would always be some new evidence and the case would reopen.
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Soviet "Brain radio"
Kimmo Huosionmaa
At below of this text is a link to the video, where is introduced the man, who created an idea of “brain radio”. This man was circus worker Bernard Bernandovich Kazhinkiy, and he made experiments by this kind of things in 1922 with the circus animal trainer Vladimir Durov. This man targeted dogs by low-frequency radio signals and tried to make them do, what this man thought. But as we might know, this system didn’t work perfectly, and this program ended even if it was introduced to the Soviet military as a psychological weapon.
The problem with Kazhinskiy attempt was that he couldn't make so powerful radio waves, that they could induct the electricity to the neurons. And that’s why this system didn’t work in the hands of Soviet scientists. The Soviet military afraid that thing, because it can use to the brainwashing any person in the Soviet land. If that machine could be targeted to the Stalin's bodyguards some of them could shoot that man. As I wrote, the reason malfunction of that system was that the makers of this device would not able to make enough powerful radio wave, that the “brain radio” could not be worked.
But then somebody noticed that EEG-machines and the electric shock machine called “Elka” can give electric stimulation for brain core, what can make this brain radio real. That thing was tested in "Sonnenstein" psychiatric clinic in the Nazi-Era. Those tests claimed to make under the control of Gestapo, and the mission was to make perfect servants for Nazi-Government. In some stories inside military men helmets were put the “Elka” machine, and then the radio transmission would send to that equipment.
And there is a rumor or theory, how you want to say, that electric chairs were prohibited because if they are misused, they could collect the EEG-from those persons, and then record it. After that this EEG-would transfer to other people brains, by using modified electric shock equipment, and in some scenarios that transmission can give to the people by using modified electric batons, what would play recorded EEG-message to the victim's brains. This kind of systems might allow transferring the feelings between people. But that kind of machines is terrifying in wrong hands, and they might use in brainwashing missions, where some important person would persuade to work for some actors, who would not be moral in the eyes of the brainwash target. And this methodology can be used to make people for support the political leaders like Joseph Stalin.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
How some genomes become dominating allele?
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Charles V Habsburg (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
The genomes order our physical shape, and they are responsible for many things like color blindness and many other things are genetically heritable features. But the question is how some gene becomes dominating? The reason for this phenomenon is that there is a group of genomes, what is starting enriching. That situation can happen when some family becomes the power of the nation. In this case, this family would become the very popular group in their own society, and other families would get their spouses from this powerful family. In that case, the family, of course, gets very much children, and then happens something, what people would not actually mention. When a couple of generations would pass away, those grandchildren would become second cousins together.
And in this case is juridically legal that those persons get married. When we are talking about the royal families, the social environment where they lived is not very big, and that caused the re-marriages to that family. The population would become small enough, would it cause that genetic material would start to enriched, and this will cause the heritable symptoms like hemophilia to those persons. And of course some very salient figures in their body starting to forming. The best example of this kind of advantage, what is caused by genetic enrichment is the lower lip of Habsburgs. That caused very big jaw, and in fact, the jaw of some persons of that family has been so big, that they couldn't eat public. But also there are many more marks of the royal and important families like big nose or loss of hair.
That characteristic detail of that family faces is sometimes mentioned the example of lethal allele. Members of that family are very easy to recognize of that detail. And maybe some assassins used that thing to track those people. That investigation is very important to track the heritable syndromes or ability to get some syndrome. Some illnesses that are caused by viruses and bacteria are very dangerous for some people. But there are a people, who live in the areas, what is full of malaria and mosquito. And in those areas, natural selection would cause the mutation, that some people would become immune against malaria or another disease. The reason for resistance to malaria is that some people blood cells look like the sickle.
So the sickle-cell anemia would give immunity to malaria. If we are thinking careful there could be people who are immune against Ebola. In those cases, malaria and Ebola could cause the situation that only the people who are resistant to those diseases can make children. And because the genetic material would enrich, that can cause immunity. That meant the genomes of those people can cause to create the virus, what would transfer that genetic material to the nucleus of the cells. This genome therapy might make all people resistant to those diseases. But this last thing is only fiction. There are many juridical questions to solve before that kind of vaccines gets the permission to deliver in the population. The vaccines and genome therapies need the investigations to be accepted as the medical use of vaccine programs.
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About use of EC-130 "Compass Call" electronic warfare platform
EC-130 "Commando Solo" Picture I |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There are many variants of C-130, what are marked as "EC-130". Normally this marking means "Compass call" electronic warfare platform. Jamming enemy communications radio broadcasts and radars are the key roles of EC-130 "Compass call" platforms. And they have not very much effect against troops, who would not use electronic equipment like Walkies-talkie radios.
The main problem with those platforms is that they are good targets for Surface-To-Air missiles, what are modified to home the radio transmitters. The jamming capacity of EC-130 is meant to make enemy transmissions longer, and that would make easier to target them. Also, the mission of jamming platforms is to make the electronic shield attacking fighters and bombers. The jamming capacity is also effective against drones and data communication.
That way of jamming is targeted to enemy aircraft IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) systems, what makes difficult to separate ownership and enemy planes. The problem with jamming systems is that they must be updated, that they could be effective against enemy systems. The EC-130 "Compass call"/ "Rivet rider" platforms are highly effective part of US. military arsenal, but their missions are so different than other military aircraft. The mission of electronic warfare systems is to stay behind the attacking aircraft and support them with electronic transmissions. Some of those platforms are equipped with special communication systems, what are probably used for giving false commands to the enemy. There is claimed to be systems, what can transfer spoken English to Arabic or worlds of any other targeted group language.
The other version of EC-130 electronic battlefield support plane is "Commando Solo"/"Rivet Rider" variant. The last one planes mission is the little bit different than "Compass call". "Commando Solo" is psychological (PSY-OP) and information warfare (INFO-OP) platform, what missions are highly classified. The "Commando Solo's" major mission is to operate as a flying TV- and radio station, but there could also be a capacity to send so-called subliminal transmissions to the enemy communication network. Those transmissions include short-term "flash" pictures and infrasound messages to enemy troops. Also, EC-130 includes some command posts, what are serving SAC and Special Forces.
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