Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Writing about snow, what could be black or white

Kimmo Huosionmaa

One of the three forms of water is ice. And the most beautiful form of the water is snow. Snow is actually crystal-shaped ice, what is fascinating material. The reason, why snow crystals structure is so exciting, is that every snow crystal has the different structure. And the structure of the snow is like growing crystal. The shape of the snow crystal allows that the structure can be grown in very large scale. The show itself is very tricky material because it needs low temperature for creation. The zero celsius is absolute maximum temperature, where snow can be creating. And in this temperature, the snowflakes would be big and they seem like cotton pieces.

The flat shape of the snow crystals can get their shape at lower temperatures, where is creating lighter snow, what seems like Bulwer. The shape of snow crystals is so fascinating because the shape of water molecules looks the little bit like teddy-bear. And the ionization will make the situation possible, that the water molecules start to make growing mass.  But we can, in theory, make the material that can act like water. The carbon can use as the base of this material, what has the same poisonous classification than cyanide. In this chemical reaction, the oxygen of the water is replaced with carbon, where two hydrogen atoms will be connected. This material chemical formula is C-H2 (I don’t know how to get the upper index from my keyboard). It should act like water, but it is more poisonous. If we can produce this material enough, we could build artificial ”black snow”.

This carbon base material could grow the crystals like water. The oxygen has four electrons in the outer layer of the electron-core, and it has the same electron structure than sulfur or selenium. Also, Polonium has the same electron structure with oxygen, and we could grow the polonium chrystals in the laboratory, but this is only the theory. In real life, Polonium is very high radioactive material, and this kind of experiments are serving only theoretical research. When we are talking about using the material like Selene for growing crystals, that might be suitable for medical use. In some cases, the blood vessels to the tumor could lock by using this kind of material, what can create the shape like artificial snow crystal to the blood vessels.

If we could create non-poisonous material what can create growing crystal, we could make an ultimate cure for some cancer types. This material could base the carbon, and if we could make the situation, where this material can grow the crystals in the human body, we could make the growing structure, what will be transferred to the cells of the tumor. And then this structure will start to grow inside the tumor or its cells and fills them with this material. It could kill those cells immediately. But the problem with that carbon base material is that it is so poisonous. Another way is use selenium in the base, and maybe it would work better in this medical use.

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