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”Eldorado” and the problems of meridians

Lake Guatavita
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Eldorado or ”El Hombre Dorado” was a ritual, where the Indian chief of Muisca-Indians jumped to the Lake Parima, and his skin was covered by the golden dust. The Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh was looking for that lake, and in one case he was trying to dry Lake Guatavita. This lake is often pictured in the stories, what has been told and written about mythical ”Eldorado”, ”the golden city”, what hides somewhere in the jungles of South America. This myth has caused many deaths, because the jungle itself is the very dangerous place, with the giant spiders, poison snakes, and many beasts. Also, there are many micro-organisms, what can cause the deadly infection. The poisons like curare are very lethal if they are used in the poison arrows.

Pyramid-shaped object at Amazonas
(Picture 2)

Mythical ”Eldorado” might be the ”Lost city Z”, what caused the loss of Percy Fawcett. But as we might know, that this man lost in the jungle in 1925, when he was looking for that place. There have been sold many items, what will guide the man to the lost city, what is covered by gold. Those items are sold for evidence of this place, but we must realize, that maybe ”Eldorado” was a city what covered by gold. In this case, the golden city was a normal town, and the surface of the rocks was covered by using gold sand or gold leaf. In the real lie, those artifacts like jewelry are useless for using alone. They are meant for use with some other item like the map.

The jewelry has the positioning markings what is used when this item would set on the map, and it will guide the traveler to the treasure. But the problem of those maps is that they are drawn in very large scale. And that is the reason, why they portrait only very small area of the Earth. On those maps would have the very good pictures of some islands, but the position of the island is in some other document. And when we are talking about places that are mentioned in some discussions or documents, what the conquistadors or pirates have left behind, we must understand that those places might be coded.

Radar image of pyramids in Amazon area, what
might be done by Indians
(Picture 3)

This means that the names like ”Bougainville” or ”Lake Parima” would not mean some lake in South America. That might be the codename for some lake or hill in Great Britain. ”The Cocos island” could be some island in British coast or it can be an island in the World. Or if those pirate captains have marked some coordinates of the place, they might be defined by wrong longitudes. The pirate captain might want to hide the place of his treasure and used some other meridians than Paris or Greenwich. In those jobs, the pirate captain might use the Stockholm or St. Petersburg meridian as the ”zero” meridian. This would guide jewelry hunters in wrong places.

But when we are thinking about ”Eldorado”, we must think again, what means ”Gold”. That might mean many things like poisons, what is taken from the Curare vegetable and arrow poison frog, and if the bullets are put in this poison before use, the victims won’t have any change to survive, and they might be also used for medical use. That kind of chemicals was very interested in some espionage chiefs. And this is the modern real gold of Amazonas.


Picture 1.

Picture 2.

Picture 3.


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