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What type of data ”Universe 25” gave for scientists?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

This text continues the writing about  ”Universe 25”, and this writing handles the conclusions, what the scientists made by using this laboratory test. The reason, why the paradise was the collapse, was quite simple. The population of those rats grown too big, and this caused the situation, that the behavior of the rats changed, and they left their babies alone. The question is why this was happening? The reason why the behavior changed was the loss of beasts. In this experiment, the population of the rats grows too big, and that caused the destruction of all population.

But this was only one reason, why the paradise turned to nightmare. And it showed to scientists how important is to limit the number of individuals in the population. If the number of individuals will grow too high, the collapse would happen because of the genetic degeneration. And this was shown that in the beginning of the test the number of individuals must be high because that would make the genetics rich. And of course, those individuals must be from different parents for making the genetic basement as large and rich as possible.

Because there were no threats in the rat's environment, they lost their instincts for affairs of the hunters, and after that those rats though, that there was no need to watch their babies. This was caused the collapse of behavior, and the rats found new interest what filled their lives. This thing was eating. There were no outer threats in this paradise, and that’s why those rats were not interested in the stimulants, what were set in their living space.

Those stimulants were first interested rats, but when nothing happened, that box changed boring place, and only thing, what was interested in rats were food. The loss of changing interests is visible in some persons life, and this thing causes the situation, where the person sits in the front of the television all the day. TV-set offers great simulation for boring days, and it will give something involved in the person's life. When we are talking about stimulations, the outer beasts can offer real stimulation for those rats, and the furniture and other stuff are of course very interesting things in the beginning of the test, but then those animals lost their interests.

The situation can be demonstrated with the question ”how many times will you play the same computer game before you will become boring ?”.  The information what the ”Universe 25” gave to the scientist can be used many things like in the schools, where students must encourage for graduation. And also those observations are used in the prison and criminal investigation system, where the observations about this rat population are used to encourage the willing of giving the information for officials, and also the avoiding of rebels are the reason, why this test is very useful source the planners of that system. The idea of this test was to show, that the loss of outer enemies will in closed social systems. And this thing will be remembered when the closed societies are planned in many countries.

Because there were no threats in the rat's environment, they lost their instincts for affairs of the hunters, and after that those rats though, that there was no need to watch their babies. This was caused the collapse of behavior, and the rats found new interest what filled their lives. This thing was eating. There were no outer threats in this paradise, and that’s why those rats were not interested in the stimulants, what were set in their living space.

Those stimulants were first interested rats, but when nothing happened, that box changed boring place, and only thing, what was interested in rats were food. The loss of changing interests is visible in some persons life, and this thing causes the situation, where the person sits in the front of the television all the day. TV-set offers great simulation for boring days, and it will give something involved in the person's life. When we are talking about stimulation, the outer beasts can offer real stimulation for those rats, and the furniture and other stuff are of course very interesting things in the beginning of the test, but then those animals lost their interests.

The situation can be demonstrated with the question ”how many times will you play the same computer game before you will become boring ?”.  The information what the ”Universe 25” gave to the scientist can be used many things like in the schools, where students must encourage for graduation. And also those observations are used in the prison and criminal investigation system, where the observations about this rat population are used to encourage the willing of giving the information for officials, and also the avoiding of rebels are the reason, why this test is very useful source the planners of that system. The idea of this test was to show, that the loss of outer enemies will in closed social systems. And this thing will be remembered when the closed societies are planned in many countries.


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