Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The problem of the centering information in the same place is not always the bad thing

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are connecting out information in same databases, we will have ultimate tool to find out problems of our species. If the information, what is collected from the internet devices, governmental databases and from the marketing environment, and connect this data to our digitized DNA, we could say "goodbye" for pour privacy. In the real life the information, what is collected from different databases and compiling with the DNA will able to make the profiles of the humans.

 And this profiles would help the authorities to find if some genetic disorder will make somebody violent. In the real life, this might mean, that the data, what is compiling with the media, what convicted criminals use,  can be used to make the database, what allows to track potential serial killers from the society, and this would give the ultimate tool for authorities, to deny those persons make any crimes.

In this scenario, the DNA of the hard violent criminals will compile, and if there would be same structures, that would help to find potential killers from the society. This can also make possible to abort those persons before they even born. The same method can be used by selecting the military or police operators in training. If there will be the same structures in DNA in every person, who was noticed to unable to serve in those systems, they could deny before the training begins, and that would be the humanitarian solution because there would be no disappointments.

The collecting all information from the persons, and putting that data in the same place will give the ultimate tool also for criminals. If some person has some allergies, and this person might work as the lawyer, somebody would give this person the food, what will launch allergic reaction. This thing could give very good benefit to discussions.

Digitally stored  DNA can be used as the making new copies of the genomes by using nanotechnology. This will make possible to make twin brother or -sister to some person. In this scenario, the scientists will make identical twins, who will get to the world in different time. This thing can be used to investigate the influence of genomes for personal behavior.  The cloning technology will allow us to make the fascinating situation possible, that some scientist will make copy about self, and then grow the copy of this person. In this hypotheses, the person is a parent for the clone.


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