Sunday, February 25, 2018

"Thunder child" the beauty for civilians and military

"Thunder child"
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

"Safehaven marine" corporation's  “Thunder child” is the new era of business and military vessels, what are lightweight and very fast. This kind of vessels can be closed as air- and waterproof. This structure allows using that thing in the radioactive or chemical area. Vessels like “Thunder child” are not toys anymore, and they can be served in many situations, where the speed is important. If they are equipped with water-jet dive systems, those vessels might operate also in the shallow water. 

They might also have the diesel-electric system, what allows them to drive quietly. In this system, the user of the ship can change between batteries and diesel for the drive. And of course, the fuel cells can be used in this kind of vessel. Those fuel cells, what might be similar what is used in spacecraft would make the voiceless and it moves on the sea like a ghost. 

If that kind of vessel would be equipped with sophisticated autopilot, what has artificial intelligent based drive system, could this kind of vessel operate also independently. This is the very important point if the human pilot is unable to work because of an unconscious or another kind of situation. Vessels like the armed version of  “Thunder child” is also very capable to operate with special forces because the audience ever notices that vehicle as military equipment. 

If those vessels would be armed with anti-tank recoiless weapons like heavy bazookas, Hellfire and Stinger missiles, what can be launched from similar hatches, that is used in Ticonderoga-class cruisers and 30-40 mm. automatic cannons, what uses HEAT grenades, those vessels can be very dangerous. This weapon system bases the same technology as “ Zumwalt” (DDG-1000) class destroyers. This means that weapons can pull inside the vessels, and in this case, they don’t break the shape of STEALTH-hull. They can also lay mines from the hatches from the belly of the vessel. 


Picture 1

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