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The biggest threat to mankind is overpopulation

House at Espoo

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Overpopulation is the biggest threat to mankind. This is very commonly told the fact and the question why overpopulation is so bad problem is that human being needs space. When the population of people rises, they would need more space, and that would cause wars if some nation wants more living space like Nazis did in 1930's. If the population grows very big, there would be internal pressure for beginning the war against some neighbors. If in those conflicts are used weapons of mass destruction the results would be devastating.

But there have been rumors that in some countries like South Africa, the governments have planned to decrease the population by using biological weapons like hepatitis, and other STD for decreasing the population of their own people. In some plans, the mumps-virus would be put in the drinking water, and that would cause the lifetime sterilized for men.

When we are talking about the birth control, we must understand that talking is not enough for handling this problem, what might cause terrible war. In some talkings have mentioned, that there would be taken the DNA from unborn children, and if those genomes would be unwanted, those babies were sterilized just after the birth. Sterilization by using viruses or X-ray machines would be the most humanitarian method of decreasing the population. Then the woman has got enough children, the X-ray machines would destroy ovum,  without any pain.

And the pill-implants would be put every woman after they got their first child. And if that woman will be allowed to make more babies, those must be something special. Also, The overpopulation will cause social problems, and those problems would be both humanitarian and economical. When the space of the people would be ended, the cities would become unsafe, because they will start to live outside the houses, what means streets.

Japanese sleeping capsules
(Picture 2)

That could cause the increasing the number of criminal behavior. This causes more problems because the cities must hire more police and security officers. But when we are thinking about the solution for the problems of the space of the cities, we must think that all city would be covered by the giant bubble. Those bubbles can make all city areas very comfortable, and they allow the situation, that the people must not live in their own departments.

Sleeping in the future might happen in the plastic tubes, what will give the person only privacy, what is needed. Those tubes were created by Japanese architect, and they can be one good solution for loss of homes. In this scenario, those tubes might be even free for people, and only families with children would have right to use own rooms. This might be the very radical way of life, but we can always talk also about radical solutions. And maybe in the society of tomorrow is very much different than what we will know it is.


Picture 2.


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