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Conspiracy theories are the very popular thing when somebody wants to claim somebody else as mentally ill.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are looking at so-called conspiracy theories, they are made for some purpose. One purpose might be that they are written for uncovering criminals from the government. And the second reason is that those theories might be made for supporting stories, what has been told about political leaders. Some of those theories have been made for making some actions what government does looking like they would be right. Everybody of us has heard some conspiracy theories, where Lyndon B. Johnson have been ordered to shoot John F. Kennedy. This theory might be a hoax because Johnson was the last person, who the citizens wanted to be the President of the United States.  Some conspiracy theories have been true, like the existence of secret airbase, what is known as AREA-51. Also, the members of MAJESTIC-12 are real, so this means that this group might also be real.

This theory is very imaginational. Johnson was actually too well known for giving orders of that action, what might be clear if the body was a regular person. Also, there have been told stories about Soviet Nuclear device under the parliament house of Hungary or was this small nuclear weapon under the parliament house of Finland. There have been many theories about the politicians, who have taken South American drug cartels money to their election campaigns. And this kind of stories is very common on the Internet.

There is always been theories about secret Illuminati, humanoid bodies in the icebox and secret mind control projects. The persons who believe that shows the happenings like Nazi leader Hess flight to Great Britain in 1940 as an evidence, that this person was targetted simultaneous repeating infrasound orders. Of course, Hess was the little bit disturbed but was he targeted the subliminal loudspeaker is a mystery. We must say that this flight was somehow very hard to believe because Germany was in charge in Europe. But this was only theory.

But some conspiracy theories are made because the person, who writes or tells that story would get publicity. When we are talking about those theories, would somebody all the time say that persons, who are telling those stories are some kind of paranoid. They always finish their texts that conspiracy theorists would live in in the world of hallucinations. That might look very good thing if somebody wants to say that every conspiracy theory in the world is a hoax. Those theories would be told because somebody wants to uncover the persons, who would hide crimes what are made by organized crime. Those crimes might be hidden by putting murders as a suicide map, and then they can be forgotten.

When we are thinking about those theories they might be harmful to some dictators. If somebody gets money from intelligence service, would that person be an agent? But when we are talking about the delusions of the conspiracy theorists, we must say that what kind of evidence the persons, who claimed that the conspiracy theorists have delusions? If somebody writes hoax, that should not be a big thing.

But then I read some writings about those theories, and I then saw the claiming that the persons, who write about those theories are somehow stupid. And when I have followed the writings about John Nash, almost every writing was mentioned his schizophrenia. That was the very good thing because when this man got the Nobel Prize of economics, the only thing what mean something was the schizophrenia. Nothing was told about this man’s work on the thing called ”Game theory”.

Those decisions are of course very fascinating because they took the Nobel Prize for that man, but when we are looking at those writings about theories, where government denies knowledge, we must say, that every nation in the world has secrets. And if somebody tells the lies in this world, we can’t do anything with it. The role of conspiracy theories, where some very powerful men have been hide crimes is very interesting. Those theories maybe are meant for uncovering medical doctors, who put their patients in mental hospitals.

It’s the very nice thing that somebody has thought, that Adolph Hitler might be alive. But when we are thinking about the security of the national leaders, they might sometimes use double. That means there would be the person, who looks like this leader, and this doubles mission would be somewhere where that leader was not when this leader wanted to keep secret meetings. But conspiracy theories are living in the middle of us. We cannot do anything about them. Some of those theories are shocking, and they could be checked by Wikipedia, where reads that Mussolini took 100 pounds per week during WW I for writing press texts, what supported Italians war against Austria. So is that make his an agent? Conspiracy theories are modern folk stories. Some of them would be true some of them would be false.


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