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About the quantum computers and technical explanations for OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

New kind of quantum computer has just been discovered. But the idea of a quantum computer is not new. This kind of machines can revolutionize the computing, but the real quantum computers are only theory. There is a couple of tricks, how to increase the calculating power and speed of the computer. The major problem with the super fast computers is the heating. When the oscillation of the metal wire will rise, the computers will start to work slower.

The calculation power of the computer can rise by taking it to very low temperature, what means near -273 degrees Celsius, where that thing turns superconducting, and that would make possible to make faster computers than ever before, and nanotechnology will give us more capacity to make smaller size microprocessors than ever before. Those superconducting computers are actually same computers, what already exist. They are only equipped with a super cooler, what would decrease the temperature of that system. Another way to make faster computers is to make those components as small as possible. In this structure, the computers are made by using nanotechnology. In this process would be used the scanning tunnel microscope as the builder of the microchip.

The wires of the microchip can be the lines of carbon atoms. And transistors might be the size of three atoms, what makes the parts of this device. But the fascinating thing, what computers might do is to connect human brains together. In this scenario, human brains would be connected to the computer by using EEG-electrodes or surgically implanted WLAN equipment. Those systems allow the computer to become productive. That kind of systems can connect even all humans together, and all data, what humans face, would be stored in the database. I have seen a vision, where all humans would be implanted with EEG-chip when they are born.

That implant allows them to share information spontaneously across the Internet. In this world, nobody knows, what is the true or false vision, and this makes that thing little bit dangerous. If somebody would take this system into the wrong hands,  the results would be devastating. The principle of this thing is, that human brains can be connected straight together, what should give them more capacity, and they can also use the computer's resources without keyboard or touchscreen. This would allow persons use computers like they were invisible. Those computers could be in the bag, and then the user takes command by using their WLAN-implants.                                                                           

WLAN implants and EEG-data transmission allows that maybe in future, some persons would look outside, and if there is snow, they would take automatized robot tractors in the command, and then just clean their yard, by using remote control between the vehicle and the person's brains. This might cause the situation, where the human lost the relationship with reality. Those implants could be collect all data from the every second of human, and store in some database.

Also, they can make possible to travel to another part of the Earth in seconds. In this scenario, there would be robots or “another bodies” for people. And in the future, there might be an opportunity to rent the robot body on another side of Earth. This might be the brand new way to make the trip to far away from home. But this is one very notorious vision. The person might use those robots as the bank robbery, and that technology would allow giving person faked memories about their experiences. The standard Virtual reality set would be enough if the person consequences level would be dropped by some drugs.

In some cases, I have read the OBE (Out of Body Experiences )-experiences, where the person might suddenly feel to flow in another place. I have sometimes thought that would those experiences cause, that somebody would put the wrong tape to videos when some aliens are taking examples of that person. If we would have the machines, what would use brain core stimulation, they might be used in this kind of operations. The robot would drive out of the road and then that film would be sent to the EEG-machine, what gives brain core stimulation for that person.

If this system is wireless it might be tuned to a wrong frequency, and if there is a wireless surveillance device in the room, the person might see same things what this device would see. I know that this feels very scary, but maybe it is the explanation for some OBE-experiences. The natural explanation for those experiences would be wireless VR-machine, what operates on the wrong channel. And if I’m right, those persons must not be afraid, they must be very afraid because that kind of operation would not make for fun. But this is only thinking and writing about the modern computing.



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