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The devil himself Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner the head of RSHA

Ernst Kaltenbrunner
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is a link to the document, what have been recorded in Nürnberg trial, when the most feared man in Third Reich Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner was in charge of mass murders and slave work in the Concentration camps. I sometimes have thought that how this kind of man could execute millions of people without any mercy. He was graduated as the doctor of justice, and this man was known as the notorious leader of the Gestapo and other police units, which the main role in the Third Reich's was to get slave laborers for German military industry. Of course, those men of Waffen-SS were worked in the counter-espionage missions, but one of the main roles of those military and police units were collected the prisoners who were used in military industry. 

This work was a road to death because those prisoners food doses were dropped, and then their bodies began to eat their own muscles. When this process went far enough, those prisoners were sent to the concentration camps and gas chambers. The system what was called as the ”Himmelstrasse” or ”Road to the heaven” was created for guaranteed the security and of course, when prisoners should not be eaten, they would not make costs for the economics of the Reich. And when those prisoners were dead, the secrets remained behind the walls. When the population of occupied areas decreased, there was no need for massive police troops, what could be sent to the front to fight against the Soviet Union.  The head of this system after Heydrich’s death was Kaltenbrunner. 

(Picture II)

The one remarkable mark on this man’s faces are the scars on the left side of the head, and the second very remarkable mark is the unusual bald spot on his hair. Also, his lips seem to bend inwards, and those injuries on his faces might be from the situation, what made him the fanatic jew hater. What happened that man, because he became the madman? Was he violated for some reason? Kaltenbrunner himself claimed that those scars were caused in the car accident. 

But some of those scars at picture II  (Picture II) are looking like the cause of the fire and maybe acid, or they might be made by the knife and some of those scars in (Picture II) seem like born by high-speed projectiles.  Or were they caused by the explosion, what was caused by the homemade bomb or hand grenade? And did the makers of that thing were claimed, that they were Jews? I always have thought that there was something in those scars, what made this man so terrible. And after this, that man tuned as the psychopath, who wanted to kill all Jews from the earth. 

I always have thought that the scars on this man’s faces have some connection for the things, what he did, when he was head of the security service. This man was very dominated personality, and his methods were very tough, but here I’m just thinking the reason, why this so highly educated man became the monster. This man killed many people by giving orders to another man, but here I’m just trying to ask, why this man did those actions, what made him one of the worst slaughter in history. He was guilty, but the question is, what made him the monster? Was it one single action, or were those things just mounted on this person.


Picture I

Picture II


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