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Alessandro Volta and his investigations

Taser X26 "Stun Gun"
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about the technical revolution, we must realize that every technological advantage is revolutionary, when we face that thing the first time. The reason for the technological advantage is that something is missing in some equipment. One of the biggest area, where the research of the equipment is necessary is the military technology. Let’s think about the sword, what was one of most usual equipment in free man’s belt.

The sword was the mark of the freedom of the man, and that’s why it was the very respected thing. In 18th. Century sword tuned as the light, and the very thin sword called rapier, and that was weapon what used in duels. The problem of this kind of lethal sports was that somebody was always better than other. And the reason for the legalize that thing was that noblemen had very much time for training. And they usually won those battles, but why those traditions were prohibited.

One answer might be that one Italian man, who was known as Alessandro Volta (1745-1821) created new kind of way to make electricity. The way is known as ”Volta’s statue”, and it can give the very powerful electric shock to the target. If the sword or Florette were equipped with ”Volta’s statue” it can be very lethal. Volta’s statue is a battery, where is normally their simultaneous layers what consists gold, or copper layers, and between those layers is felt, and the thing is sinking in the sulfur- or salt acid, what makes it give electric power. If some person would touch this sculpture, the electric shock could be lethal.

The reason for that is the electricity is direct current, and it can stop the heart of the target very easily. This is why this type of electricity is used with the electric chair. If this power will be conducted to another person, it will cause death even if this man stands on the isolator. The isolator makes the electricity even more dangerous because the person who is targeted with the electricity will take the capacity and then he jumps off the level will the electric shock kill him instead of the electricity will not be conducted to the ground by using metal wire, what conducts the electricity to the ground. One way to collect and store very strong electric capacity is so-called ”Leyden-bottle” what is a glass bottle what is covered by two metal layers what are the different side of the glass or mud. This equipment can give extremely high electric burst. Maybe some ancient priests used that equipment to store the power of electricity for their electric arc shows.

The stun gun normally uses the electric shock for stunning the target, and some of them would use two saltwater jets for stunning or killing the target. The electric weapons can use two water jets, what will travel thru two electrodes. And even if I just told that normal electric batons don't kill anymore, some of those ”Taser-guns” have enough electric power for killing even the elephant and melt the steel with the electric arc, and they can replace powder weapon in some special missions. The reason why that thig can give so powerful electric shocks is that in that weapon is two very long reels or a transducer, what have very big asymmetric in the winding. If another side is only one round, and another side if the iron heart is about 7000 rounds of very thin copper wire, that equipment can tune 5-volt battery’s power to 35 000 volts electric power.


Picture 1


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