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Why are we all different?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Every human being is the little bit different than other. And do you know why we are different? The reason for that is quite exciting. This is why we can avoid the “banana syndrome”. Name of that thing was given to the situation, that we would be like bananas. If every banana in the same plantation is from the same vegetable. And if there would be some illness for those vegetables they would all terminated.

Humans are different because if something would threaten us, and that could find out how to destroy one of us, the second person might have little bit different immune system or way to fight. Here I’m not separate the threats what are caused by animals, microbes or other humans. I’m talking about the common level of difference between individuals.

The way of see and way of thinking makes difference between normal person and artist. The artists see example trees as stoned geysers. In this way to think the element, what causes this think, is the tree, what looks like shadow opposite of the sun. This means that those trees seem like fountains or geysers.

Artists must get inspiration and innovation for their work, and this is why they would hike around the natural area. Those pictures bring the thoughts in the mind of the artist and they would paint or write about the things, what they are seeing in outside.

When I’m talking about forests, I don’t mean that person should go to Lapland in the forest, what covers thousands of square kilometers. Near own home, the person could find enough nature, that the effect of that beauty can be trapped by the camera.

Many of the thoughts, what artist thinks are so weird, that nobody ever wants to hear them. And every person who wants to create something is a little bit different than other. Nothing would prohibit thinking, and if the person knows a visual way to think, that might cause the synthesis, what will transform as the texts and pictures.

The thought that tree is an actually stoned geyser, is very silly. But some people are very nasty, and they have right to be, what they are. Or do you think that Herman Gesellius or Akseli Gallen-Kallela was something normal? They have a place in the history of Finland as the national artists.

Individual ideas, what real artists have might look like very disturbed. One of the most disturbing ideas, what I ever heard was that inside the Pharaohs head under the skull would put the spider. This spider would thing off until it brains and the poison glands are left, and if the victim would resist, that spider would release the poison to the brains.

That idea came to mind when I was looking Star Trek in the long time ago. In that sequence where the alien, what looked like some kind of neuron or gigantic mosquito. and it took the man in command. In this alien were the neurons, what were transferred to the victim's body, when this organism bites. And I thought that maybe there might be that kind of species in somewhere in Universe.

Maybe I read that thing from some horror novel, but it gave me many dreamless nights, where I thought that maybe this would be tomorrow of the human race. The prisoners were implanted by the electronic components, what are connected in the pain and passion centers in the people brains. If the sensors show to the masters of the system that the victim would resist, the system would give the electric shock to center, what causes extreme pain, and if the target would be “nice boy” those operators would stimulate the passion centers. That might make people the slaves.


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