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The new kind of combination of cosmos and theology

David Hardy's vision of asteroid ark
could be seen as the intelligence cruiser
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The new era of theology allows us to think anything that we want about the God. And we can connect our own ideas to those thoughts. This doesn’t mean that everything that we say and write has theological acceptance. But we can connect our thoughts about those things to other thoughts, and present also radical theories about the religion. In some of the most radical scenarios, the early Christians began to pray together for giving the God message to incarnate into those groups.

This would give ideas for some very fascinating scenarios, what have been seen in some SciFi series. In those series, the UFO will be tempted to some area, and then the military would shoot it down. The idea of the early Christians would be same, they would call the God to the middle of themselves, and then they would set the trap for him. In this part of the text, we must think, that maybe the God is actually a humanoid, what uses ”nobody” the human-shaped robot for intelligence missions and that technology allowed him to avoid the trap. This is one very nice theory for ”who is the God”. But we might ever proof is that theory true or false.

Of course, we can someday make contact with another civilization, but even if we would ask that civilization if they would know the guy, who claimed to be the God. But even in that situation we cant be absolutely sure, is that distant civilization actually the God, what we always pray. They can also answer that they are that thing, but this civilization can tell the lies to us. And at the first, we must make contact with another civilization, what is the very problematic thing. Because if we make contact with another civilization, we must be very careful, because that civilization might be hostile.

In the SETI-program the most important thing is to make a contact with other civilizations. And this will make that project extremely dangerous. Because if some very highly technical and powerful civilization will notice that it wants our planet, we would have problems to stop them. In many TV-series, the Aliens would land to our planet and begin to fight. But those super civilizations might not want to make ourselves the slaves. They might come near to our planet with some interstellar cruiser, and then they would open the fire with antimatter cannon to the Earth. This might look like the asteroid arc, but this version is made for combat.

In this scenario, the very technical civilizations have SETI-probes, what might seem like asteroids. If this imaginational spaceship wants to make recon missions in some planets atmosphere, it could drop very much small-sized drones to the operational area, and that equipment could be covered by ice, what can be suitable for the heat shield. Melting ice would be uncovered very sophisticated automated robots, what can look for marks of intelligent life on some planets. In this scenario, those humanoids might have own SETI-program, and they have the technology for long-term spaceflight.

I Don't know why nobody ever mentioned this thing, but the aliens might have the intelligence spaceships, what seems like asteroids. Those things are not even in some movies, what are made by George Lucas. The reason why some intelligence ship might look like the asteroid is clear. The builders of this device would want that it would not disturb normal life. Its mission should be Stealth, and even if it would look like an asteroid, that imaginational cruiser might powerful weapons like antimatter cannons, what it could use in defense and offense. This is only the writing about thinking the very complex thing, what is called ”religion”.

We all know that all of us have a different think about the religion. For some persons, religion is only a way to make philosophical writings, but for some else, the God could be aliens from another solar system. And for those people who say that there are not humanoids in any star system, I will give one question. Do you often spend your holidays at some other star? We know that there are billions of stars in the Universe, and we might ever be absolutely sure if there is there some other intelligent species in some other solar system. If those humanoids would be at some other galaxy, they might be harmless, because of the long-term travel time. But of course, they can make an artificial wormhole, and come here by in one minute. This is only theory.


Picture 1.


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