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The secrets of the state are big thing even in the Soviet Union

Vostok I launch
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The secrecy feeds rumors, and this is true even in the Soviet Union. This text is not based on any trusted source. It is meant as the thinking about the secrets, and as you might know, we ever find out the truth about claimed "secret spaceflights". The documents of those flights might be destroyed by KGB, and what we must consider before we even start to read this text is, that if somebody would fail in the space program in front of the politburo, the results would be terrible for that person.

And that's the reason, why somebody claims that there were one or even three cosmonauts before Yuri Gagarin, who took honor about being the first man in space. When we are looking at the life of Gagarin in the honor and his death, we must think that maybe that cosmonaut committed suicide. Maybe he could not stand the thing, that some other man or woman was sacrificed before him. Maybe Gagarin was chosen to tell the lies for international press because he was easy to silent. Here I claim that if this rumor about cosmonaut, who fly before Gagarin were true, Gagarin would not know anything about it. And in this case, the system of the Soviet Union made the lie, and Gagarin was innocent.

Or maybe Koroljov or some other chief of the program send the cosmonaut without the permission to the orbiter, and then happened the accident. The story about lost cosmonauts is only one conspiracy theory. And there is no evidence that they even existed. This hypothetical flight might be some kind of ballistic jump, what supposed took only a couple of minutes, and then something went wrong. Maybe the heat shield was the wreck and the spacecraft would burn.

Sometimes I have thought that Koroljov might promise to that person, that this cosmonaut would make another flight in public, but then the person would be changed. That way Gagarin was easier to control. But we don't actually know are those "lost cosmonauts" true. Or is some cosmonaut disappeared in the holiday? But I believe that there were many accidents what was not able to talk. And maybe this accident happened during some normal test flight. I don't know how long this hypothetical space flight might be, but it would be a ballistic jump, and then something bad has happened.

The secrets of the Soviet Union are a big thing, and there have been rumors about lost cosmonauts, who were lost during their missions. Soviet way to hide their secrets is legendary, and there were many things, what should be explained. One of the things is the recording, where the female cosmonaut talks with ground crew and that record seems very rare, and nobody still knows what was going on in that spacecraft. The record seems like adult entertainment, and it is very untypical in that situation.

I sometimes am played with thinking, that what if some very important member of Soviet military technology or some other job would steal the space capsule and move to the United States. This theory might seem very rare, and I think this as the playing with ideas or thoughts. In this idea, some very important engineer or scientist would go in some Soviet biological research capsule and then jump to the states.

This is a very good idea for some book, but I don’t actually believe it myself. One of the mysteries of that nation hangs over despotic leader  Joseph Stalin. But when we are talking about secrets of Soviet Union, we must know little bit psychology. One of the most remarkable thoughts is that Joseph Stalin was afraid of something. I don’t know if this true, but when I wrote this thing, I asked myself “how acts person, who afraid something?”.

A person who scares something might want to be with somebody all the time. If some person scares something personal, this person probably wants to work all night. The fear is easier to handle in the daylight. Anthropologists have explained that every person in human race afraid dark somehow. Reason for this is that the animals, what are dangerous for the human would hunt in the night.

If this natural fear is connected with another fear, would that cause the situation, the person doesn’t dare to be alone in a single minute. Those persons afraid the dark, because another thing that this person afraid rises psychological pressure in the mind of that person, and it might seem like fear of the night. So if Stalin was afraid of something, would that cause the situation, where he would work all night long.

But this man had enemies because those 20 000 000 dead Soviet citizens had friends and family members who wanted to revenge the Stalin. They might be the reason, why this notorious dictator was working all night long. Or that might be the reason, that Stalin drinks too much coffee. Who knows the truth, but if the person is very hated, this might cause the fear reaction.


Picture 1


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