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”Sparrows” of the Soviet intelligence

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Everybody has heard of the stories when somebody has taken ”Russian woman” to the home, and then the film was cut. This might be done by ”sparrow”. ”The sparrows” is a term of female agents of the Soviet intelligence, who are known as ”the sex agents”. This means that that highly educated intelligence-officials purpose was to get near their target and use any methods to take the secrets of the target. One method just pushed the individual from some social meeting by offering sex for them and then use drugs like sodium pentothal to take the information, what the intelligence wants.

This is the normal methodology in that kind of operation, and it is not the very nice thing. Many of those ”sparrows” were recruited from the special forces and military police, because they have good discipline and the good way of life, what makes those women beautiful. In the training the Third main directorate teched them ballet, self-defense methods like hand-to-hand combat and use of weapons like guns and knives for self-defense if the client would turn violent. And using drugs to interrogate the target were also teched to those persons. Also, documentation and using cameras and fingerprint tapes and another kind of agent skills are teched to those women. KGB is not only intelligence service, what have been used this kind of terminology to uncover opponents secrets.

Those ”sparrows” have sometimes quite a bad reputation because in those operations the targeted person must be made receptive for ”sparrow”, and some cases, the KGB might use very bad way to make this action. There are rumors that sometimes the KGB:s legendary section ”V” has eliminated some friend or family member of the target. One of the most traumatic ways to kill somebody is just given the overdose of drugs. Then the agent would cut the wrists and set up suicide. This might be only rumors because KGB is sometimes missed with GESTAPO, what had the similar program. The ”sparrow” is not so safe program because in some cases is the rumors that NKVD or GESTAPO trained so-called ”torpedo sparrow”, who will act like ”sparrow”, but the mission would be an elimination of the targetted persons. That kind of agent could give information for many things to the KGB, and it would help that intelligence service to open bank accounts and buy flats from the west for the undercover operations.

Do you know what could happen if some intelligence director’s wife would be the member of opponent’s intelligence? This program was one version of the ”Werewolf-project”, what was Nazis attempt to slip their men and women in the community of the united states. This program’s goal was to slip the high-class Nazi-youngsters in the United States, and they would be grown like normal Americans. And after that, they would take their place in the societies. The Soviet version would be ”traveler”. The ”traveler” is an agent, who will send to west in very young age, and that would give they're the change to get the high-rank position in the opponent's intelligence or military forces. That person could deliver information on many types of equipment, and when the war will start, those agents can eliminate all other military commanders by poisoning their food with ricin, or by some other way.



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