"In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition". (Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat). But the same thing can use as model for many other thought experiments. Sooner or later, or at least in the ultimate end of the universe, the Schrödinger's cat will turn into wave movement. The information that this cat involved exists but the cat does not exist in its material form. The information doesn't ever vanish. It just turns its shape. We are all trapped in the universe and time. The universe is the space that is entirety to us. There are no confirmed other universities. But the multiverse is a logical continuum for the expanding galactic megastructures. The problem with natural things is this. They are black and white. They exist or do not exist. Could there be something, that exists and not exists at the same time? Scrödinger's cat is thinking experiment about case their cat is not dead or not alive. But in this...
The research and advances in artificial intelligence are causing the need to re-estimate what things like consciousness means? When we are creating new and powerful AI. We are creating something that has not existed before. And quantum technology has increased the power of AI. So that means we might face surprising situations when we are driving AI algorithms by using quantum computers that are a minimum of 1000 times faster and more powerful than traditional binary computers.
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