Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Conspiracy theories are the very popular thing when somebody wants to claim somebody else as mentally ill.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are looking at so-called conspiracy theories, they are made for some purpose. One purpose might be that they are written for uncovering criminals from the government. And the second reason is that those theories might be made for supporting stories, what has been told about political leaders. Some of those theories have been made for making some actions what government does looking like they would be right. Everybody of us has heard some conspiracy theories, where Lyndon B. Johnson have been ordered to shoot John F. Kennedy. This theory might be a hoax because Johnson was the last person, who the citizens wanted to be the President of the United States.  Some conspiracy theories have been true, like the existence of secret airbase, what is known as AREA-51. Also, the members of MAJESTIC-12 are real, so this means that this group might also be real.

This theory is very imaginational. Johnson was actually too well known for giving orders of that action, what might be clear if the body was a regular person. Also, there have been told stories about Soviet Nuclear device under the parliament house of Hungary or was this small nuclear weapon under the parliament house of Finland. There have been many theories about the politicians, who have taken South American drug cartels money to their election campaigns. And this kind of stories is very common on the Internet.

There is always been theories about secret Illuminati, humanoid bodies in the icebox and secret mind control projects. The persons who believe that shows the happenings like Nazi leader Hess flight to Great Britain in 1940 as an evidence, that this person was targetted simultaneous repeating infrasound orders. Of course, Hess was the little bit disturbed but was he targeted the subliminal loudspeaker is a mystery. We must say that this flight was somehow very hard to believe because Germany was in charge in Europe. But this was only theory.

But some conspiracy theories are made because the person, who writes or tells that story would get publicity. When we are talking about those theories, would somebody all the time say that persons, who are telling those stories are some kind of paranoid. They always finish their texts that conspiracy theorists would live in in the world of hallucinations. That might look very good thing if somebody wants to say that every conspiracy theory in the world is a hoax. Those theories would be told because somebody wants to uncover the persons, who would hide crimes what are made by organized crime. Those crimes might be hidden by putting murders as a suicide map, and then they can be forgotten.

When we are thinking about those theories they might be harmful to some dictators. If somebody gets money from intelligence service, would that person be an agent? But when we are talking about the delusions of the conspiracy theorists, we must say that what kind of evidence the persons, who claimed that the conspiracy theorists have delusions? If somebody writes hoax, that should not be a big thing.

But then I read some writings about those theories, and I then saw the claiming that the persons, who write about those theories are somehow stupid. And when I have followed the writings about John Nash, almost every writing was mentioned his schizophrenia. That was the very good thing because when this man got the Nobel Prize of economics, the only thing what mean something was the schizophrenia. Nothing was told about this man’s work on the thing called ”Game theory”.

Those decisions are of course very fascinating because they took the Nobel Prize for that man, but when we are looking at those writings about theories, where government denies knowledge, we must say, that every nation in the world has secrets. And if somebody tells the lies in this world, we can’t do anything with it. The role of conspiracy theories, where some very powerful men have been hide crimes is very interesting. Those theories maybe are meant for uncovering medical doctors, who put their patients in mental hospitals.

It’s the very nice thing that somebody has thought, that Adolph Hitler might be alive. But when we are thinking about the security of the national leaders, they might sometimes use double. That means there would be the person, who looks like this leader, and this doubles mission would be somewhere where that leader was not when this leader wanted to keep secret meetings. But conspiracy theories are living in the middle of us. We cannot do anything about them. Some of those theories are shocking, and they could be checked by Wikipedia, where reads that Mussolini took 100 pounds per week during WW I for writing press texts, what supported Italians war against Austria. So is that make his an agent? Conspiracy theories are modern folk stories. Some of them would be true some of them would be false.


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The use of mobile telephones as 3D scanners part II

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The technology what makes the mobile telephones 3D-scanners is actually the same, what is used to make 3D maps of Earth and other planets. In that technology satellites use radars and meters range between satellite and planet, what makes possible to make those maps, and modern computers and radars allow to make high-resolution 3D-maps, what can be zoom in very good accuracy.

By using VLF or ELF  (Very or Extra Long Frequency) radars those satellites can make 3D maps from the ocean floor from the orbital trajectory. Same way ships can make 3D maps from the ocean floor, by using sonar systems. Also, Lidar or laser radars can be used in those mapping operations. Blue-green laser radars can scan very deep areas of the oceans, and that equipment can also meter the altitude and length of the waves.

But now I missed the thing, what I suppose to write. If the mobile telephones would be connected to drone-helicopters, and they could use enough sharp GPS-system, they could be used to scan very large areas. Of course, the system must know only the distance between the target and phone, and GPS is the very good tool to check the position of the telephone. But it could also work with triangle metering. The changes between the position of the drone and perfect circle can be the addition or subtract from the perfect circle.

That equipment works like satellites, but they are much smaller. And they can scan even entire buildings or ships by using their SONARS. So this might be new role fort smart telephones, what can now use in many things. And if that telephone would cover with waterproof cores and underwater drones it can use to scan entire fish, atolls or shipwrecks. Also, intelligence services can use those things to make 3D-models of submarines. Only thing what is necessary is that SONAR signal must pass the core.


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Maybe some civilizations have two kinds of individuals, what doesn't even look like same species.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The degeneration and focusing on increase brain capacity might cause the situation, what the mankind ever thought as possible. In this scenario, the increasing of individuals brain capacity would cause the separation of the society of those things from the real community. In this scenario, the species would take two lines for evolving themselves.

The first line could be “workers”. The individual members of the community what would have normal muscles, and what makes all works in this hypothetical society. Their mission would defend the “thinkers”, the leaders of this society. Or maybe those “thinkers” would not be leaders. They might be only the “computers” what mission would generate the products for that hypothetical society.

Another line could be “thinkers” the individuals, what might have extremely large brain capacity, but those persons might be handicapped by another way. Their muscles might be extremely weak because that maximizes the nutrition transferring to brains. If those individuals would have weak muscles, they would not need to feed muscle cells, and all available food can be used in brains.

“Thinkers” would be unable to defend themselves against physical attack, and they would need the “workers” help in any actions. When we are thinking this hypothetical society as the result of brutal genetic engineering, we must say that there are many things, what could make this kind of act of sorting very attractive way to generate the species.

I had sometimes the very dangerous vision of the space station or greenhouse, where those  “thinkers” would live. The greenhouse would first come to my mind because that allows the skin to product D-vitamin. Their skin might be sterilized because that makes them impossible to escape. And here I’m thinking about the situation, that those members of the society would be handicapped because of their weak bodies.

Their heads could be extremely heavy, and the neck would not able to hold them head up, and that would be good for information security. When I’m thinking about the secrets of the government, the persons who make strategies and equipment for the government would be advantageous to be handicapped. Those “thinkers” would need the support from “workers” or they must build robots, what serves them. Even those individuals could be extremely weak, they could operate on the surfaces of planets by using remote-controlled robots.

Landing on the planets is extremely dangerous because there might be microbes, what can be put all crew in danger. The reason for that is no species would not have an immune system, what can fight against organisms, what have different amino acids in their layer. Or maybe some humanoids might have the immune system, what would be fully controlled by their brains, but we don’t yet have contact with those civilizations. But as you see we might use our imagination for creating that hypothesis in our brains.

The handicapped individual doesn’t flee away, and they are easier to control. The problem with society is always that those individuals might step at the front of the car. And that could cause the death of those individuals. If those thinkers would sit in a wheelchair, they can be kept always in control.

But if they were locked in some space station, they would need food from the planet. And their work can be controlled by other members of the community. The space without gravity would make those persons extremely weak, and they would not able to land on the planets because the gravity would kill them. This would be a very effective way to handle information security, and it could be compiled with the methods of some security police-organizations like NKVD and Gestapo.

This method would be effective but totally unethical. And remember that this writing is only the production of images. But maybe in future, we will face the situation, where human race would be separate in two lines. Another line would live on Earth and maybe on some other planets and another would live in giant space stations. The last ones could be physically weak, and they might be different than the people, who live on planets. But this would happen in distant future.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

How can the mobile telephone be used as 3D-modelling?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

How can the mobile telephone be used as 3D-modelling? The answer to that question is simple. This thing uses the same device, what would focus lens of its camera. It also connects the data from the camera of that telephone. So this makes those mobile telephones very sophisticated tools for modeling. The problem of those scanners is that the mobile telephone must be absolutely stable, or the modeling would be failed.

But this can be solved by using selfie-stick, what is installed on the table or stable platform, and if the hands of the stable enough, the scanning can make by keeping the device in hand. But the fixing of this problem could be found from GPS. If this system would be sharp enough, the telephone could fix the errors, what shaking hands causes. In this solution, the GPS would map the place where the telephone is in the sharpness of only small part of the millimeter, and the computer would calculate the errors of the metering.

The system would take the original point, when scanning is beginning, and then it would fix the error what the shaking of hands might cause. This would be done by adding or subtracting the location in the real world of the phone, from the values of the pure ring. This would make the scanning more easier. This little program can revolutionize the CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) -technology.  Now any firm can buy this kind of equipment and use it as making 3D-models for CAD programs and 3D printers.

In this system, the computer in the mobile telephone transmits the distance between the target and telephone by using sonar. Sonar is almost as effective scanning tool as a laser, but the sound travels in the air much slower than air.

The optics of the mobile telephone would focus using Sonar and the situation where the user notices it is when this person wants to take a picture what portraits horizon. In this case, the system of the camera cannot get an echo from the surface, and the optics of camera cannot focus the image.

I have read some articles that same radars what are used in traffic light as traffic calculation sensors could be mounted to RPV-helicopters. Those helicopters can be used to make 3D-models of entire building areas. They use oblique scanning, what is connected to GPS and computing platforms to make 3D models of buildings. The computers would make 3D pictures by those pictures, what this device sends to computers.


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Why are X-37B and “Global Hawk” drones built?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

X-37B represents new kind of thinking about military devices. Its mission is to fix the problems of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The main problem of those extremely powerful weapons is actually that when they would be launched, the strike cannot be delayed, even if the opponent wants to talk. This is the problem with all nuclear devices. When the strike has begun, nothing could stop those weapons.

Sometimes I have asked, why the cruise missiles would not have wheels, that they could be returned to the base if the strike would be unnecessary. Wheels under the belly of cruise missile would allow using this weapon by any road in the world. This makes those weapons extremely dangerous, because those weapons don’t need any launchers, and they could deliver from any truck in the world.

They can also store in any warehouse in the world. Cruise missiles are actually one type of drones, and that equipment can be connected together. Same drones can be used as the normal duties of strike and reconnaissance. But in the global crises, they can also equip with nuclear warheads. That kind of drones can also use DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) to shut down enemy satellites or destroying airplanes. Those microwave and laser weapons are similar, what is used in metal industry. They would get their power from the solar panels, or if the drone flies lower it can use windmill turbogenerators to create necessary electric power.  Those weapons simply cut off the satellites solar panels or wings from other aircraft or they might melt the body of the aircraft.

RQ-4 "Global Hawk"
(Picture II)

Space drones like X-37B might be also working as a cruise missile. I have sometimes earlier wrote about this thing, but that equipment can be launched to the orbital, and it can wait in there the order to begin the attack. But when we are thinking about extreme high altitude flying drones like “Global Hawk, could those drones attack any target on the world by using GPS-guided bombs. Those weapons are very sharp, even they would drop from 20 kilometers above the target. They also might carry laser weapons, what can use against the targets, what are below this vehicle. The laser itself is laying inside the drone, and the ray would be pointed to the target by using turning mirror.

This kind of drones can carry smart weapons in internal bomb bays. But they also can equip with nuclear weapons. Nuclear bombs can also use GPS-guidance for precision targeting. Modern warfare is quite different than ever before. Drones and manned bombers can operate together, and also B-52 size bombers can be hybrid. They might have the capacity to operate as UCAV- drones or manned bombers. And they can drop the more dangerous equipment, what human ever could imagine.

In those bombs might have the robots, what might look like snakes, rats or mice. The artificial mice are actually the devices, what mission is to slip in the ammunition and fuel warehouses and they might be equipped with explosives. But those mice can also have the microwave- or laser devices, what they can use for warming grenades. Those electromagnetic weapons allow for avoiding the explosive detectors.

That makes those DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) so dangerous. If somebody would slip the microwave device with battery inside some airplane,  the results could be devastating. That magnetron might warm the structure of the airplane to very high temperature. And the problem is that this device is unseen by the bomb detectors. Also, the firepower of those weapons could not be limited, what makes possible the scenario, that some operator forgets that weapon in use, and that could cause the very dangerous situation if the microwave would be targeted to civil aircraft or other infrastructure.


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Monday, February 26, 2018

Why this statue was in window of national poet of Finland, J.L Runeberg?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Here you see the picture, what is taken to the window of the home of the National poet of Finland Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1807-1877). You might see the small statue in the window, and this kind of art is the mark of belonging some kind of secret societies. Those societies mark their members with paintings or statues, and maybe also Mafia does that. Secret societies were very common in 19th. century academic community and they were places where people might talk about things that were too radical for the people who were in the control of the state.

In 19th. century censorship was very usual in Europe, and almost every state kept political prisoners, and Finland what was the autonomic area of the Russian empire was not the exception to that rule. The reason why in this land was many societies like “Saturday club”, (Lauantaiseura) where many cultural people of influences belonging, was that the Finnish language is quite difficult, and there is also the sauna tradition. So in 1880’s those persons, who were members of this cultural club, were claimed that they were in sauna symposium. And if a member of “Okhrana” the political police of Russian empire tried to slip in that society, must that agent work naked, and those meetings continued all night long.

This society was established in 1830, and I believe that Runeberg was a member of this cultural society. The statue in the window of Runeberg's home at Porvoo symbolizes purity and naturalism. The element what are represented in national romantic paintings. Those wealthy characters were also the road to genetic purity, what has driven humans the most horrifying actions in history. There is nothing wrong with national romanticism itself, but those statues that are made in the same style as ancient Greek statues also were predicted the ideology of “Aryan race”. In this ideology, only strong persons are allowed to live. And this ideology was given an idea of “over human theory”.

The memory plate  of Runeberg in Porvoo
In this theory, what was created by Friedrich Nietzsche the group of “superhumans”, what has higher moral, higher intelligent level and what is stronger than others would become the leaders for other people or nations. The reason why Finnish people started to hate Russians was censorship. Many publishers were got a trouble, when they published texts, what was against the policy of the Russian authorities. And when the Saturday club was established, the time from 1809 was in in the fresh memory. There were only 21 years from the moment when Finland was connected to Russian Empire, and there were of course people, who wanted to connect this area back to Sweden. And of course there were people whose cousins or family members died in that war, and the rumors were living in that time.

The rising power of Europe was Germany, what wanted to create protective area against the Russians, and of course, it wanted to grow its influence in the Baltic Sea. So this state started to provocate all other nations for requiring the independence. And the best way to make that was to wake up the nation proud of the nation. In 1815 German General Blücher was in the big role when Napoleon lost in Waterloo, and that rose the national spirit in that area, what was connected in the command of Prussia in 1870. But there were also willing of extending that area before this. And of course, Prussians provocate the national spirit in Finland. When we are talking about the “Saturday club” those evenings might be spiced by alcohol, and that might cause the situation, that articulation turned very patriotic.

And if somebody was talked about penalties, what was got by cheapening the Russian authorities, that might cause hate against the Russians. Those penalties were taken as the rule of the man even in that time. The penalty caused to denying the officers position in the Russian Empire, and maybe some of those students or teachers were planned themselves as an officer. This was caused hate because in that time symposiums the voices were the rise, and minds were started to heat. I don’t know what happened, but in those societies rise also the Fascism and Nazism, what was used national romanticism as the “turbine”, when they were provocating people in fanatic hate against other individuals and nations.

The secrets of the state are big thing even in the Soviet Union

Vostok I launch
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The secrecy feeds rumors, and this is true even in the Soviet Union. This text is not based on any trusted source. It is meant as the thinking about the secrets, and as you might know, we ever find out the truth about claimed "secret spaceflights". The documents of those flights might be destroyed by KGB, and what we must consider before we even start to read this text is, that if somebody would fail in the space program in front of the politburo, the results would be terrible for that person.

And that's the reason, why somebody claims that there were one or even three cosmonauts before Yuri Gagarin, who took honor about being the first man in space. When we are looking at the life of Gagarin in the honor and his death, we must think that maybe that cosmonaut committed suicide. Maybe he could not stand the thing, that some other man or woman was sacrificed before him. Maybe Gagarin was chosen to tell the lies for international press because he was easy to silent. Here I claim that if this rumor about cosmonaut, who fly before Gagarin were true, Gagarin would not know anything about it. And in this case, the system of the Soviet Union made the lie, and Gagarin was innocent.

Or maybe Koroljov or some other chief of the program send the cosmonaut without the permission to the orbiter, and then happened the accident. The story about lost cosmonauts is only one conspiracy theory. And there is no evidence that they even existed. This hypothetical flight might be some kind of ballistic jump, what supposed took only a couple of minutes, and then something went wrong. Maybe the heat shield was the wreck and the spacecraft would burn.

Sometimes I have thought that Koroljov might promise to that person, that this cosmonaut would make another flight in public, but then the person would be changed. That way Gagarin was easier to control. But we don't actually know are those "lost cosmonauts" true. Or is some cosmonaut disappeared in the holiday? But I believe that there were many accidents what was not able to talk. And maybe this accident happened during some normal test flight. I don't know how long this hypothetical space flight might be, but it would be a ballistic jump, and then something bad has happened.

The secrets of the Soviet Union are a big thing, and there have been rumors about lost cosmonauts, who were lost during their missions. Soviet way to hide their secrets is legendary, and there were many things, what should be explained. One of the things is the recording, where the female cosmonaut talks with ground crew and that record seems very rare, and nobody still knows what was going on in that spacecraft. The record seems like adult entertainment, and it is very untypical in that situation.

I sometimes am played with thinking, that what if some very important member of Soviet military technology or some other job would steal the space capsule and move to the United States. This theory might seem very rare, and I think this as the playing with ideas or thoughts. In this idea, some very important engineer or scientist would go in some Soviet biological research capsule and then jump to the states.

This is a very good idea for some book, but I don’t actually believe it myself. One of the mysteries of that nation hangs over despotic leader  Joseph Stalin. But when we are talking about secrets of Soviet Union, we must know little bit psychology. One of the most remarkable thoughts is that Joseph Stalin was afraid of something. I don’t know if this true, but when I wrote this thing, I asked myself “how acts person, who afraid something?”.

A person who scares something might want to be with somebody all the time. If some person scares something personal, this person probably wants to work all night. The fear is easier to handle in the daylight. Anthropologists have explained that every person in human race afraid dark somehow. Reason for this is that the animals, what are dangerous for the human would hunt in the night.

If this natural fear is connected with another fear, would that cause the situation, the person doesn’t dare to be alone in a single minute. Those persons afraid the dark, because another thing that this person afraid rises psychological pressure in the mind of that person, and it might seem like fear of the night. So if Stalin was afraid of something, would that cause the situation, where he would work all night long.

But this man had enemies because those 20 000 000 dead Soviet citizens had friends and family members who wanted to revenge the Stalin. They might be the reason, why this notorious dictator was working all night long. Or that might be the reason, that Stalin drinks too much coffee. Who knows the truth, but if the person is very hated, this might cause the fear reaction.


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About the quantum computers and technical explanations for OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

New kind of quantum computer has just been discovered. But the idea of a quantum computer is not new. This kind of machines can revolutionize the computing, but the real quantum computers are only theory. There is a couple of tricks, how to increase the calculating power and speed of the computer. The major problem with the super fast computers is the heating. When the oscillation of the metal wire will rise, the computers will start to work slower.

The calculation power of the computer can rise by taking it to very low temperature, what means near -273 degrees Celsius, where that thing turns superconducting, and that would make possible to make faster computers than ever before, and nanotechnology will give us more capacity to make smaller size microprocessors than ever before. Those superconducting computers are actually same computers, what already exist. They are only equipped with a super cooler, what would decrease the temperature of that system. Another way to make faster computers is to make those components as small as possible. In this structure, the computers are made by using nanotechnology. In this process would be used the scanning tunnel microscope as the builder of the microchip.

The wires of the microchip can be the lines of carbon atoms. And transistors might be the size of three atoms, what makes the parts of this device. But the fascinating thing, what computers might do is to connect human brains together. In this scenario, human brains would be connected to the computer by using EEG-electrodes or surgically implanted WLAN equipment. Those systems allow the computer to become productive. That kind of systems can connect even all humans together, and all data, what humans face, would be stored in the database. I have seen a vision, where all humans would be implanted with EEG-chip when they are born.

That implant allows them to share information spontaneously across the Internet. In this world, nobody knows, what is the true or false vision, and this makes that thing little bit dangerous. If somebody would take this system into the wrong hands,  the results would be devastating. The principle of this thing is, that human brains can be connected straight together, what should give them more capacity, and they can also use the computer's resources without keyboard or touchscreen. This would allow persons use computers like they were invisible. Those computers could be in the bag, and then the user takes command by using their WLAN-implants.                                                                           

WLAN implants and EEG-data transmission allows that maybe in future, some persons would look outside, and if there is snow, they would take automatized robot tractors in the command, and then just clean their yard, by using remote control between the vehicle and the person's brains. This might cause the situation, where the human lost the relationship with reality. Those implants could be collect all data from the every second of human, and store in some database.

Also, they can make possible to travel to another part of the Earth in seconds. In this scenario, there would be robots or “another bodies” for people. And in the future, there might be an opportunity to rent the robot body on another side of Earth. This might be the brand new way to make the trip to far away from home. But this is one very notorious vision. The person might use those robots as the bank robbery, and that technology would allow giving person faked memories about their experiences. The standard Virtual reality set would be enough if the person consequences level would be dropped by some drugs.

In some cases, I have read the OBE (Out of Body Experiences )-experiences, where the person might suddenly feel to flow in another place. I have sometimes thought that would those experiences cause, that somebody would put the wrong tape to videos when some aliens are taking examples of that person. If we would have the machines, what would use brain core stimulation, they might be used in this kind of operations. The robot would drive out of the road and then that film would be sent to the EEG-machine, what gives brain core stimulation for that person.

If this system is wireless it might be tuned to a wrong frequency, and if there is a wireless surveillance device in the room, the person might see same things what this device would see. I know that this feels very scary, but maybe it is the explanation for some OBE-experiences. The natural explanation for those experiences would be wireless VR-machine, what operates on the wrong channel. And if I’m right, those persons must not be afraid, they must be very afraid because that kind of operation would not make for fun. But this is only thinking and writing about the modern computing.


Writing about modular structure of space station

Skylab space station
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The modern way to think about spacecraft and other structure is that they might be modular, what means that they could be sent to the sky as little pieces. The Skylab space station was actually an empty stage of Saturn V rocket. One of the greatest idea to build the space station was once introduced by Wernher Von Braun. His idea was that to the skies might send rockets, what stages would equip with dock gates. In this “open wheel” structure every element can be replaced very easily in the case of damage. They would be very easy to connect together, and this process would be not more difficult than docking the spacecraft to the International Space Station. If the shape of the space station would be like “open wheel” without a ring, it can be continued and more elements can dock to it if there is needed more space. The open structure allows that next part can be docked to that body. This allows building gigantic space stations to the Universe by using rocket stages as an element of the gigantic space station.

That would allow to build a very large structure in the orbital trajectory or even more far from the Earth. This structure can be used as the space station, and if in the middle of that structure would put the ring, where is docking gates, those stages could be installed to the structure, what looks like a wheel of the chariot. There might not have a ring around this structure, and if those rocket stages would be used, that space station can be accomplished in secrecy.

If we think that this massive structure would make artificial gravity by using centripetal force, there might be very good conditions for living in that space station. But the problem of this kind of artificial gravity is that if it starts to roll too fast, the structure would be crashed. And the control of the rotating speed is the problem. The wheel-shaped space station might be equipped with electromagnetic power shield, what turns the alpha- and beta-rays away from this space station. This will cover the personnel of this manned station from cancer, what causes by the cosmic rays.

When we are thinking about this kind of colony in space, we must say that that person might be not very weak. In this text, I will write, like the problems of building this kind of structure have been solved. And if the rotating of space station makes the gravity over 1 G would those personnel have more strength than humans, who lives on the Earth. If this kind of colony would be used as spacecraft, what would travel to the other planets, would the rotating speed adjusted, that if that planet has 1,5 times powerful gravity field than Earth, the rotating speed would increase for matching with that gravity.

Or it might increase faster because that would give strength to those members of the colony, and if they face threats, they would have enough physical strength to eliminate the attackers. And this is the space version of doping. In this scenario, those rotating spaceships would travel thru the Universe. The magnetic drive could be installed to that structure, and it would give very high speed to those persons.  There have been many plans to make this kind of wheel-shaped spacecraft or station. Technical problems of those plans have been huge, and this is the reason, why this plan ever accomplished.


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Sunday, February 25, 2018

"Thunder child" the beauty for civilians and military

"Thunder child"
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

"Safehaven marine" corporation's  “Thunder child” is the new era of business and military vessels, what are lightweight and very fast. This kind of vessels can be closed as air- and waterproof. This structure allows using that thing in the radioactive or chemical area. Vessels like “Thunder child” are not toys anymore, and they can be served in many situations, where the speed is important. If they are equipped with water-jet dive systems, those vessels might operate also in the shallow water. 

They might also have the diesel-electric system, what allows them to drive quietly. In this system, the user of the ship can change between batteries and diesel for the drive. And of course, the fuel cells can be used in this kind of vessel. Those fuel cells, what might be similar what is used in spacecraft would make the voiceless and it moves on the sea like a ghost. 

If that kind of vessel would be equipped with sophisticated autopilot, what has artificial intelligent based drive system, could this kind of vessel operate also independently. This is the very important point if the human pilot is unable to work because of an unconscious or another kind of situation. Vessels like the armed version of  “Thunder child” is also very capable to operate with special forces because the audience ever notices that vehicle as military equipment. 

If those vessels would be armed with anti-tank recoiless weapons like heavy bazookas, Hellfire and Stinger missiles, what can be launched from similar hatches, that is used in Ticonderoga-class cruisers and 30-40 mm. automatic cannons, what uses HEAT grenades, those vessels can be very dangerous. This weapon system bases the same technology as “ Zumwalt” (DDG-1000) class destroyers. This means that weapons can pull inside the vessels, and in this case, they don’t break the shape of STEALTH-hull. They can also lay mines from the hatches from the belly of the vessel. 


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M-class submarine-monitors were interesting part of history

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

A major problem with submarines has always been that they could not attack against ground installations. So a couple of submarines have been equipped with very big cannons, what gave them the capacity to attack against the beach targets. The British  “M-class" submarine with monstrous 305 mm (12 inches). cannon might seem like incredible and bizarre creature, what just waits for being struck. That submarine was created to destroy warships and beach bunkers during WW I and there were only three of those vessels what were accomplished after WW I.

In those submarines were many problems, what caused two bad accidents, where all men of those submarines were killed. And this makes them very interesting creature for investigators. The idea of the submarine, what could also destroy beach bunkers would be very fascinated by the admirals of Royal Navy. But there were problems with the big gun of this submarine.

HMS M-1 fires gun
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It must be reloaded in the surface, but the submarine could launch it underwater. The mission of those submarines was to destroy coastal installations like oil- and other storage, but officially the mission if those “cannon submarines” were another warships. There were three of that type of submarines, what was accomplished, and the second last one named M-2 was modified as the diving aircraft carrier. The accidents were happened because of the handling mistakes of the equipment or by the impact of other vessels. The M-2 was scrapped after she was modified as the minelayer in 1932.

This kind of submarine could not fight against other warships because a single hole in her hull might cause destruction. Those three experimental submarines were also interested in US NAVY in 1950’s because if the cannons were equipped with nuclear grenades, they might be able to attack against enemy harbors and coastal installations. Those plans were disbanded after the cruise missiles came to the submarines.


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How might wormhole be created?

Kimmo Huosionmaa
Science is not actually knowing, how wormholes between two black holes are creating. The size of those wormholes is so small, that they would be very tricky to observe. They exist in the world of quantum, and their size is smaller than the nucleus of atoms. Only photons, electrons or quarks can pass this route.

But in the scenarios, there is needed two black holes, what will oscillate at the same frequency. This would not allow the creation of wormholes, and there would need more things for creating the Einstein-Rosen bridge thru the universe. I know what I have written, and when I’m writing about the traveling wormholes.

The thing what makes wormhole possible would be, that two black holes will turn their poles to the other black hole. The other black holes north pole turns to other black holes south pole, and when the high energy nuclides travel thru the universe and impact together, that would make possible to the creation of the wormhole, what connects those black holes together by the “tube” what will allow traveling extreme long time in seconds.

We cannot use this thing for traveling in the universe because those wormholes are extremely small. But they can transfer light and radio waves thru that channel, and that would allow making the communication between Earth and some drones, what operates in some other solar system possible. But the time what would take to send those drones in another solar system takes millions of years.

But this is only a scenario of the situation, where humans would be sent the drone to another solar system. The travel would take thousands of years, but the wormhole will allow controlling that drone like it would be in same room. If we could someday make the electromagnetic black hole, that allows us to travel thru it. The wormhole can also be a threat. If somebody like alien or chief of colonies wants, could that hostile operator send the projectile by this phenomenon, and destroy the entire planet.

This is one threat, what we must notice if we sometimes will use those wormholes as the travel machine to the universe. But we don’t have technology what we could use in this kind of theoretical projects. So this is only the thought about the question, can we ever create this thing, and maybe after hundreds of years we could travel thru it.

Nature and its relationship with art and science.

Virtual reality and its use in high-risk missions

Maybe soldier of tomorrow looks like
"Star Wars" Stormtroopers because that hides the
who is the robot
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

VR or virtual reality is an ultimate tool for fun and work. Virtual reality will make movies look like that the person is inside the happenings. And this is the reason, why VR is the very effective tool for many other things like pilot training. The ball-simulators what are used in training, have revolutionized the training of military and civil pilots. This equipment is an ultimate tool also for medical doctors, who might use virtual reality controlled robots as their "esoteric bodies". That would bring qualified medical services to areas, where have been dangerous to work before. That equipment can serve in South-Pole and spaceships, where they can work with the crew.

But Virtual reality can offer many more options, what the humans could ever imagine. If those ball-simulators would connect to drones, the pilot could make missions with remote-controlled aircraft. The same computer games, what are simulating tanks, submarines and aircraft can be transformed as the user interfaces for robots. The thing goes, that when the operator chooses some weapon from the screen, the system would automatically choose the right ammunition, put it in the tube and shoot it. That ammunition can be marked with RFID, and the system can use this equipment to choose right grenades or bullets. And this would make those things very frightening and same time fascinated thing.

The VR is basing the technology, where the small screen would be put on the person's eyes, and also headphones can be used for making those experiences real. And the virtual reality set could be connected to the robot, what operates in the remote area. The touch of those robots can transmitter to the operator by radio, and if this person uses gloves, what are equipped with small piezoelectric components, could that person feel same things, what he touches by using the remote robot.

Bur Google and many other corporations are creating the robots, what can be used by EEG. This equipment might be in the helmet, what this operator wears when the person controls the robots, what might look like humans. The helmet is chosen because that would put the electrodes in the right place. And the two-way data transmission would also stimulate brain core, what gives real "esoteric" experience for the user of those robots. Which means that this is the technical version of "OBE" (Out Of Body) experience.

 This kind of device can revolutionize everything, what have seen or what we have believed. If this machine works somewhere, it can transmit same experience to the operator than this person would be in there. And that kind of robots might be very effective in space exploring missions. They could send to the moon and other planets without the need to risk the human life.

But the same robots can work as military officers. They could be remotely controlled from thousands of kilometers from the battlefield. Also, those robots can use in many high-risk military operations, and nobody ever can catch them. Robots can equip with internal explosives, what would destroy them, and the operators would be unable to track. And this makes them useful for violent criminal activities like robberies.


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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Attack against GPS or communication-satellites is a threat to any military force

Why are we all different?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Every human being is the little bit different than other. And do you know why we are different? The reason for that is quite exciting. This is why we can avoid the “banana syndrome”. Name of that thing was given to the situation, that we would be like bananas. If every banana in the same plantation is from the same vegetable. And if there would be some illness for those vegetables they would all terminated.

Humans are different because if something would threaten us, and that could find out how to destroy one of us, the second person might have little bit different immune system or way to fight. Here I’m not separate the threats what are caused by animals, microbes or other humans. I’m talking about the common level of difference between individuals.

The way of see and way of thinking makes difference between normal person and artist. The artists see example trees as stoned geysers. In this way to think the element, what causes this think, is the tree, what looks like shadow opposite of the sun. This means that those trees seem like fountains or geysers.

Artists must get inspiration and innovation for their work, and this is why they would hike around the natural area. Those pictures bring the thoughts in the mind of the artist and they would paint or write about the things, what they are seeing in outside.

When I’m talking about forests, I don’t mean that person should go to Lapland in the forest, what covers thousands of square kilometers. Near own home, the person could find enough nature, that the effect of that beauty can be trapped by the camera.

Many of the thoughts, what artist thinks are so weird, that nobody ever wants to hear them. And every person who wants to create something is a little bit different than other. Nothing would prohibit thinking, and if the person knows a visual way to think, that might cause the synthesis, what will transform as the texts and pictures.

The thought that tree is an actually stoned geyser, is very silly. But some people are very nasty, and they have right to be, what they are. Or do you think that Herman Gesellius or Akseli Gallen-Kallela was something normal? They have a place in the history of Finland as the national artists.

Individual ideas, what real artists have might look like very disturbed. One of the most disturbing ideas, what I ever heard was that inside the Pharaohs head under the skull would put the spider. This spider would thing off until it brains and the poison glands are left, and if the victim would resist, that spider would release the poison to the brains.

That idea came to mind when I was looking Star Trek in the long time ago. In that sequence where the alien, what looked like some kind of neuron or gigantic mosquito. and it took the man in command. In this alien were the neurons, what were transferred to the victim's body, when this organism bites. And I thought that maybe there might be that kind of species in somewhere in Universe.

Maybe I read that thing from some horror novel, but it gave me many dreamless nights, where I thought that maybe this would be tomorrow of the human race. The prisoners were implanted by the electronic components, what are connected in the pain and passion centers in the people brains. If the sensors show to the masters of the system that the victim would resist, the system would give the electric shock to center, what causes extreme pain, and if the target would be “nice boy” those operators would stimulate the passion centers. That might make people the slaves.

Secret beauty of cold winter day 24.2.2018

Kimmo Huosionmaa
Life is a road to sunshine

Trees are like stoned geysers

Winter in Espoo

River in winter

Flaming Sky

Like something is burning behind clouds

Lonely tree

Like on another planet

Pure nature

Nice day for hiking

Still bright

Winter and cold weather 

Lone cloud

Shadows of evening

Nature is pure and beautiful

What is the difference between bio- and genetic manipulation?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are some differences of bio- and genetic manipulation. Biomanipulation actually means to make artificial cell-lines, and actually, there would be no touch for genomes. One version of biomanipulation is to make artificial retina and surgically implant that retina in the eye, and the retina can be made by cell base, what is filled only with cone cells. Also, two type of vegetables can be connected mechanically, and those combinations make the saplings, what are from an upper vegetable.

Biomanipulation is effective, but it takes time. The modification of the organisms will not transfer to next generations. And mass production of those organisms is very difficult. Genetic manipulation is the more effective way to compile species and give them new features. The needed thing is an artificial virus, what has wanted genome, and that little DNA-bite would be transferred to the nucleus of the cell. The problem is that those manipulated organisms are that those features would transfer to next generations of that organism.

One of the possibility of genetic manipulation for improving some species like a human is to connect genomes to the cells, what makes possible to create chlorophyll in the cells of mammals, and in some visions, those manipulated humans may have roots or threads in the skin, what can take food and water from the air. Those threads might also have harpoon cells, what protects this creature. When we are thinking about the combination of the human and other species, we might face the situation, where we are creating an alien, the species with superpowers. That creature might have a similar nervous system like bugs. It can use only electricity, what means that neurons could connect together and close the synopses.

That would make the brains more effective. Also, those manipulated organisms blood might be poisonous. And the chlorophylls in the skin makes possible to produce sugars in the creatures own body. This might be the route of controlled evolution, and maybe tomorrow we can order the features, what we will have in our next life. In this futuristic scenario the human would record their life by using WLAN-implants, and of course, the body will be cloned. This might make the person live forever. The cloning of the creature will happen by changing the DNA inside the nucleus of just when fertilized ovum. And that would allow making modifications even to human body and mind.


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Friday, February 23, 2018

The fictional Gaia organism

Giant Redwood Trees of California
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

“World tree” is a term, what means tree, where all knowledge would be stored, and if that tree dies, the world will be ended. This idea was given innovations for some cosmologists to make scenario or hypotheses about “Gaia” species, what were introduced in the SciFi-novel “Chrystal rose”. This fictional organism would be in some planet’s only intelligent life form. And it would have powerful telepathic forces, what could be explained very easily. “Gaia-tree” would be like some fern, and this “intelligent vegetable”  would take another animal in command, by using it spores for controlling the people and other organisms.

This tree makes spores, what would grow the roots to the nervous system, and that vegetable would communicate with that giant “fern” by using pheromones. That very small spore would grow the nerves to the certain point of the nervous system, and in humans, this area is called amygdala. If that nerve system in that area would be replaced by another nerve, that “another nerve” would take the species like the human in control.

That would make very frighten thoughts in my head because this area is the owner will of the mankind. If it could be destroyed, could the man under control by another person. In this scenario, the nanomachines, what have very tiny microprocessors would slip in the human body, and then those robots would look for the nerves of the amygdala. Nanotechnical little submarines are equipped with decoders, and they would go to those cells synapses. Those machines would begin to stimulate the cells of the amygdala with electric impulses.

Another place where this kind of machines can go is the connection between brains and spinal cord. After this nanomachine would take the man under control. Electric impulses for those machines would give by radio-signals, and that kind of nano-technical equipment can be used to take the persons under the control. This would be the very scary scenario, because if some criminals would take this technology in hands, can they make everybody, who they want the robot, what is totally under their control.


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The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...