Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The mystery of graviton-particle again... (Could that particle be the tensor between quark and gluon? Or is it some particle that we already know?)


The mystery of graviton-particle again... (Could that particle be the tensor between quark and gluon? Or is it some particle that we already know?)

Graviton is the hypothetical transmitting particle of gravitation. That particle would be the source of the gravitational waves. Gravitation is wave motion that behaves like other types of wave motion. And that means graviton is the particle state of gravitation. And wave-particle duality means that the gravitation can turn to wave motion. 

Otherwise, wave motion can turn into a particle. But another thing is that gravitation is also energy. This should make theoretical anti-gravitation possible. But, I will return to that topic in chapter 2B.  

So there should be a source for the gravitational waves. But is the particle that sends gravitational waves particle, a virtual particle, or something that we already know, but didn't realize connect with gravitation?  

The name of the graviton is given to the source of gravitational waves. There is introduced three possible models of what hypothetical graviton could be. 

1) Graviton is an independent particle. 

That means graviton is the particle that is waiting for its founder. If that particle exists and can be measured that thing opens new visions for many things. The wavelength of the gravitation waves would be the same as the diameter of the graviton. That means graviton could be found, by measuring the wavelength of the gravitational waves. 

2) Theoretical graviton-particle is virtual. 

Theoretical graviton could be a whirl of gravitational waves. The superstring is another name for wave motion. And those superstrings can form a whirl that acts like a tornado. If that tornado would be between quark and gluon that means gravitation is the tensor. 

If that is true, the strong nuclear force is the interaction between gluon, that gravitational tornado, and quark. So the graviton would be the virtual particle that interacts in both directions. 

The model of gravitational interaction, if graviton is the virtual particle, goes like this: Gluon(<>)Graviton(<>)quark. (<>) means that the interaction happens in both directions. 

This version of the theory of gravitation has based on the idea that the graviton is wave motion that behaves like all other wave motions.  So graviton could be the whirl between quark and gluon. That whirl could be the superstring that forms a similar effect to a tornado. 

Even if the windspeed around the tornado is very high there is low pressure in the tornado itself. That low pressure will pull objects to airborne. So if that gravitational whirl acts like a tornado. It pulls gluon and quark against each other. The size of the gluon is so small that this tornado has a very weak effect on the quarks. 

In some other versions of this theory gravitation is the wave motion that the source is in the undulating superstrings. When the existence of the particle ends it turns to wave motion or free superstrings. And if that superstring undulates those waves are sending wave motion. Or they are transmitting energy to the environment. That energy impacts other particles travel through them and then that thing pushes the object forward. 


2B) Gravitation and anti gravitation.

Every single object in the universe is a quantum system. And energy flows from the system that is at a higher energy level to a lower energy level system. That energy flow ends when those systems get the same energy level. 

There is the possibility that two extremely large particles whose energy level is so high that they almost change to black holes can create the gravitational waves that are making antigravitation possible. Antigravitation means that the upper area of the system is at a higher energy level than another system. That energy travels to another side of the object because there the energy level is lower. 

The speed of energy flow can be accelerated, by putting another side of the object to a minimum energy level. And the wave motion will continue its travel outside that object. This thing is visible when two cars are impacting. The wave motion continues its journey outside those cars. And we hear that thing as a pressure wave. 

When wave motion impacts an object it gets more power while it travels through that object. That energy is transformed from the electrons and other quantum fields inside that object. So the power of the wave motion that comes out from the object is a little bit higher than the wave motion that is impacted by the object. 

The idea of antigravitation is that gravitation works opposite direction. One of the versions of the theoretical antigravitation system is that. The gravitational waves are transmitted to the opposite side of the object. 

That thing turns another side of the object to a higher energy level. And the gravitational waves travel in the opposite direction to the normal cases when the side of Earth is at a higher energy level. 

So if we want to create the antigravitation that pushes objects upwards from the ground from the earth we must just create a wave motion that is stronger than what Earth sends to that object. And then aim that gravitational wave motion to another side of the object. That turns the symmetry of the energy flow of the object to the ground. That thing should push the objects upwards. 


3) Graviton is the particle that we already know but what we didn't realize has a connection with gravitation. 

One of the things that can be the source of the gravitational waves is gluons. The gluons behave similar way to neutrons and other particles. When an energy impulse hits to gluon it takes that impulse to its quantum field. When energy stress ends the particle attempts to get the base energy level. 

That energy level is the same as the environment of that particle. And when a particle releases its energy it sends energy quantum from its quantum field. So maybe the source of the gravitational waves is gluons. Those particles are transmitting strong nuclear force. Gluons are far smaller than quarks.

See also:


The gravitational waves 


The standard model of physics

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