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GPS is the key to next-generation military systems.

Above 1: The Vampire system

Many people think that most armored vehicles are main battle tanks (MBTs) like M-1 Abrams and "Leopard". Most of the armored vehicles are not MBTs. They are cheaper and lighter vehicles like Russian BTR-60 and "Movag Piranha", is one of the armored and weaponized cars. The thing is that things like "Javelin" and heavier "Spike" missiles are making even jeeps dangerous to at least some MBTs until there is a new invention that protects the MBT against the incoming missiles. 

Weapon development is the race between improved warheads and improved armor. If the MBT is modern it should do its mission. But if that tank is not modern and equipped with modern offensive and defensive systems it's a death trap. The thing in old-fashion technology is that is working. But if the opponents are using things like GPS-guided ammunition and recon drones with AI-based aiming and launching technologies the old-fashion systems with dummy grenades have no chance against that kind of system. 

The GPS can make any projectile and weapon system more lethal than ever before. Things like rifle grenades and even single bullets can have GPS guidance systems. The GPS can point to the person's location and when the shooter shoots the rifle grenade that GPS detonates the grenade at the perfect point above the target. 

Above 2: M982 Excalibur GPS-guided ammunition.

The smart computer-controlled sniper systems can use GPS for aiming the rifle in the right position. When a drone or something else locates the target the image in intelligent scope will position the mark at the right point and the bullet can fly precisely in the right trajectory. 

This kind of aiming- and launching system can be put in the body of that weapon. The computer will calculate the needed angle and things like sidewinding can be input to that launching system from the weather station. The same system can install into the old-fashion cannons. But also single rifle bullets can equip with control wings and a GPS. 

The VAMPIRE system can transfer any pickup to a small missile carrier. That kind of system is a good example of a new type of modular weapon kit that can install on any device. The Vampire system can be dangerous at least to lightweight infantry fighting vehicles like APC and IFV (Armored Personel Carriers/Infantry fighting vehicles) and trucks. This kind of system can also use for commando actions and they can install in manned or unmanned vehicles like robot cars. 

That kind of vehicle can operate by a remote team and it can slip near airfields and destroy the aircraft that is hanging at the airfield. But the new intelligent weapon systems are making the world more dangerous than ever. In the wrong hands, those systems are dangerous for national security. They can be used for strikes against things like fuel storage, armored cars, and electric conversation stations.

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